Laurie Marsh: I think, to Daddy gets some credit for trying to keep everybody together. Laurie Marsh: I think I have probably learned from President Nelson the importance of my relationship with my Savior and how that can help with everything that we do thats full of joy, or not full of joy, in our life. But there was a deep level of grief all three times and very apparent, helped us navigate it too. [107], In October 2018, Nelson concluded a 10-day trip to South America by dedicating the Concepcion Chile Temple. And to see him follow that, like he said, follow instruction, has been a really remarkable thing to see and witness, so close. But yeah, he would take us places. [56][57] Citing "continuing revelation", this policy was adjusted in 2019, such that First Presidency approval was not needed for the children to be baptized. Laurie Marsh: Oh, there are so many I dont even know. . He treated her like royalty, Russell Nelson Jr. said. The children noticed when their father complimented their mother. Irion added her witness that President Nelson has been prepared and preserved to lead the Church. And I had quite a collection, so I thought, What would Mother love, a string of these for a necklace. So I got a needle and thread and strung those beautiful pearly looking things together for my mother and gave it to her. [43] In 1993, he was the church's lead delegate to the Parliament on World Religions. He wanted that to be their own inspired decisions, his son said. [108] Following the December 2018 dedication of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple by Dallin H. Oaks, Nelson presided over the three-day dedicatory services for the Rome Italy Temple from March 1012, 2019. I mean, you can imagine we always had so much fun, and he would come down and try to get us to go to sleep. But. And I actually lament reaching this point in the podcast, because I could hear you guys talk about your father all day long. And so I know, for myself, that I didnt want to break the rules, because I didnt want to disappoint them. A stake's high priest quorum now consists of current members of stake presidencies, high councils, bishoprics and functioning patriarchs. Age, Height, and Weight Being born on 9 September 1924, Russell M Nelson is 98 years old as of today's date 13th January 2023. [44] For a time he was also the church's representative to a US State Department committee on international religious freedom. [67] In 1995, Nelson went to Beijing, along with Neal A. Maxwell and other LDS Church leaders, on an official invitation of Li Lanqing, the Vice Premier of China.[68]. The event marked the first time in history that a pope and an LDS Church president met face-to-face. Sarah Jane Weaver:And Laurie, I want to share a story. And I think this is why I loved anatomy and wanted to be a doctor for a good long while. And so a lot of these adjustments that the Church has gone through over these past five years or so its been interesting, for me having been, I was 12 years old when he was called to be in the Quorum of the Twelve. It has been four years since Russell M. Nelson became prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "[101] Shortly after the change, Nelson said in a press release that the reversal was, "revelation upon revelation. I feel like there was a high level of love in our home. Anyway, do you know more of the story? And he honored us as women, as well, and as potential mothers. In a May 2020 interview with the Church News, President Nelson said, "Even through clouds of sorrow, there can be silver linings found.". He and his wife, the former Dantzel White, have ten children. The tender memory of President Russell M. Nelson as a young father is also reflective of how he has led The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said Laurie Marsh, another daughter. President Nelson did not push his children one way or another in their career choices. As church president, Nelson is recognized by the church as a prophet, seer, and revelator. And theres no surprise to me that we all were so excited to be mothers, because the way he felt that position was such a calling of honor. I thought, What a commitment for a large family to make, for her to have that opportunity to go and be gone one night a week and then on Sunday mornings. And so Im totally interested in how that worked at your house. [129], Media related to Russell M. Nelson at Wikimedia Commons, "Russell Nelson" redirects here. The couple had ten children; Marsha, Wendy, Gloria, Brenda, Sylvia, Emily, Laurie, Rosalie, and Marjorie and Russell Jr. And we go to pull this massive wire out of the box and the whole bundle of wires comes out in the shape of a box. And so all those little experiences add up to neat memories of him as a father and a teacher, but also of how Gods hand is in everything. I think if theres any dirtying up of the name to happen, its going to be on my shoulders. Scripture Toss. The call to serve in this position had been extended to Nelson by Richard L. Evans, an apostle and the lead figure over publicity efforts on Temple Square. President Russell M. Nelson is the father of nine daughters and one son and has 57 grandchildren. He just was a very calm, and patient and loving father. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: So much of our activities had to do with just being together, whether it was, you know, very early on, we would have monthly family parties, Christmas traditions, we could almost dictate the whole month of December by the traditions that we would do day by day and week by week. While in Rome, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles took the first apostolic group photo in two decades. [91] On June 18, the First Presidency created committees assigned to form a unified hymnbook and children's songbook for the worldwide church membership, with each language edition having the same hymns (and other songs) in the same order, and that these committees would be taking submissions and collecting surveys until July 2019. [45][46], Nelson's assignments as an apostle have included supervisory responsibility for the LDS Church in Africa. But yeah, its less than, less than ideal, but in a lot of ways, there are some advantages to the Zoom calls too. It is a worldwide church and it is the Church of Jesus Christ and its for everyone. And theyre difficult times for us. The way he is leading the Church is exactly an example of the way we were raised, a daughter said. Its just part of who I am and, and the way I was raised. And so that was one-on-one time with him, or one-on-two, if there was someone else with you. He pronounced blessings upon Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo while visiting each of those countries; these serve as addendums to Monson's 1985 dedication of Yugoslavia for the preaching of the gospel. "I feel pure joy every time I welcome a new member of our family into the world." And were talking, boxes and boxes, because mother love to decorate the house for Christmas. Nothing is ever too hard, just have faith in the Lord, do your best, and everything is going to be OK, she said. I dont know if it happened a ton or if its just that such a fond memory that I remember that, but he was pretty hands on. She, like my mother, is a very Christ-centered person. Beginning in 2019, youth began moving between classes and priesthood quorums at the beginning of the year in which they turn 12, 14, or 16, rather than when their birthday occurs during the year. The hymn practice time in Sunday School was also renamed to worship through music. He loves to be up on the latest technology. So, I thought that was a good example to always be a learner, a lifelong learner. He knew everything, he said. Laurie Marsh: I dont think so. Gloria Irion: We knew he had notoriety, because of his research and the things that he had accomplished and always kept accomplishing. Sarah Jane Weaver: And, you know, when you think about the influence of women in his life, its hard not to also think about Sister Wendy Watson Nelson, who he married after your mothers death. And so thats probably one of the main lessons that I learned growing up about. But I really feel like their love for us was not tied to any kind of accomplishment at all. Laurie Marsh: And a lot of it was just going to each others performances and doing things together as a family and decorating the Christmas tree to Handels Messiah. So music really was a huge part of the things that we would do together. So yeah, we know that hes curious. I remember years back, I had the opportunity to be with some of the other members of the Quorum of the Twelve. [92], In August 2018, Nelson issued a statement urging the use of the church's full name. And, but yeah, I think he set a great example of, you know, studying and doing well in school. Laurie Marsh: I felt like from both of my parents the importance of our education that that was stressed. Back row are doctors Lester R. Sauvage, Sigmund A. Wesolowski, President Nelson, Alton Ochsner, Jr. and Henry H. Balch. Gloria Irion: Sure. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Oh, I dont know, Ive got a couple of funny stories, but I dont know. Russell Marion Nelson Sr. (born September 9, 1924) is an American religious leader and retired surgeon who is the 17th and current president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). And he would take us to church. [48], From 2007 to 2015, Nelson was as a member of the Church Boards of Trustees/Education, the governing body of the Church Educational System, and the chairman of its executive committee. He doesnt look for anybodys approval, but the Lords right. Yeah, he might watch a bowl game and we were just Gloria Irion: It was the only time I saw him turn on the TV. [79], On March 9, 2019, Nelson met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. Russell M. Nelson was born on September 9, 1924, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Floss Edna (ne Anderson; 18931983) and Marion Clavar Nelson (18971990). And to help make this goal of being an internal family happen. Just like that. As of April 2022, Nelson has announced a total of 100 new temples to be built in several countries around the world. In May 1982 he was a visiting professor at the Hospital de Clinicas in Montevideo, Uruguay. You know, we do a lot of Zoom calls. From left: Marjorie Lowder; Elder Michael T. Ringwood, a General Authority Seventy; Sister Rosalie Ringwood; and Wendy Maxfield. Dont know what I did in the pre-life, but Im grateful every day to be the daughter of Russell and Dantzel Nelson. During the 1950s, Dantzel was a member of the Tabernacle Choir. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: Yeah, thats, thats well-documented in, in the books. This is the way we treat this person, you know. Laurie Marsh: OK. The meeting took place the day before the church's Rome Italy Temple was dedicated. During that period, the Latter-day Saint Prophet has embarked on a fast-paced global ministry that has taken him to 35 countries, guided the Church through a pandemic, extended many invitations and continued to oversee the ongoing restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mother was a beautiful singer. She knows her father has been called as Prophet for this time and is grateful to be his daughter. And hes good at it. In August 2022, President Nelson traveled outside of Utah for the first time since the . PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS And so really, that part is not different. This team was focused on ways to improve the treatment of wounded and was sent to all five MASH units active in Korea along with two major evacuation hospitals, several field station hospitals, a prisoner of war camp and larger evacuation hospitals in Japan, Hawaii, and the mainland United States in order to implement such improvements. But are we perfect? 1, she said. Everything amazes me, but nothing surprises me. Next, Nelson ended home teaching and visiting teaching, replacing the programs with a focus on ministering, and shifting both the focus and methods of tracking them. He focused on the family for sure. President Russell M. Nelson, second from right, skiing with three daughters and a son-in-law, prior to becoming President of the Church. Its really hard. After further surgical training and a two-year stint in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during the Korean War, Nelson returned to Salt Lake City and accepted a professorship at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Dantzel Nelson with fourth daughter Brenda. Another word I think of is discipline. Hes very disciplined. "[112][113] The Bureau added that the church's plans were "wishful thinking, not based in reality. Just like a heart and a brain worked together to keep your body going, thats how I felt our mom and dad ran our home, he said. So today, we will go in reverse order from age and start with Russ and go to Laurie and end with Gloria and have each of you answer the question: What do you know now that youve learned from President Russell M. Nelson? How did his studies ripple into the home? There was no question he was the head of the home. But none of us were ever forced to come.. So when mother sang in the choir, I must have been, I dont know, 7 or 8 or something. The children agreed that both parents made education a high priority and fostered a love of lifelong learning. But I know he spent a lot of time with her and with their family and tried to be supportive. And so I think we had a lot of stuff going on on Saturdays to prepare for Sunday. So hed leave the stake center and come and pick us up. And in that letter, he committed that he wouldnt do anything to besmirch our name. And so, did your father get everyone up and ready for church? [99], In April 2019, the church's First Presidency published a revelation reversing a controversial November 2015 policy classifying same-sex marriage couples as apostates, and barring children of same-sex marriages from baby blessings, and from baptism until age 18. You know, we talk about the things that are positive and the things that my parents did great. There was a high expectation that we would be an eternal family, and we were going to be working together to see how we could accomplish that goal.. They went because they were invited, Marsh said. President Nelson supported his wife in becoming a member of The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square for a few years. Sarah Jane Weaver: And I want to talk about, you know, you had this very tight-knit family that enjoyed being together and cherished the connections you had with each other. [42], In 1991, Nelson served as the negotiator for the LDS Church with the Internal Revenue Service over whether contributions to support missionaries serving would be tax deductible. Is that hard? I think the Church is very well aware that they kind of had a motto when they got married to seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be added on to it. And you go through these hard and difficult times and when you see your dad be vulnerable and lose these loved ones, its hard. In 1966, Nelson became head of the thoracic residency program that combined resources from the University of Utah Medical School, LDS Hospital, Primary Children's Hospital and the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City. And as the evening was winding down, it was time for us to go and go back to our homes. Both parents played the piano and their mother was a talented singer. Dr. Russell M. Nelson holds a model of the human heart. But as far as the details, my guess is, because Im the seventh, probably one of my older sisters was really making sure that I was presentable. And they said, Oh were just ordinary men in extraordinary callings. But kind of like I was saying earlier, I think, with my perspective of age, theyre a lot more than just ordinary men. Gloria Irion: Its been wonderful to have. So hes brilliant. Gloria Irion: My addition to that is when he taught me how to get the lenses out of the fish eyes. We were serving in Nauvoo when the sister just older than I am, passed away, Wendy, that was just before they went to Paradise, California. [111], In April 2020, Nelson announced plans to build a temple in Shanghai, China. They consistently had family home evening. He wanted that very much to be my choice and my decision based on my experiences and my own inspiration. [119] Watson, originally from Raymond, Alberta, was a professor of marriage and family therapy at BYU prior to her retirement in 2006. So really, by and large, we all came all the time. This letter reiterated existing policies, but also explicitly stated that no one should ever be counseled against reporting abuse to legal authorities. And enjoy all the blessings that Heavenly Father wants to give each and every one of us. [60][61] Nelson was involved in the first meetings between LDS Church leaders and government officials of Bulgaria,[62] Romania, and the Soviet Union, and worked to continue LDS expansion and recognition efforts in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. You know, we were all really close in age, and hed spend his whole time untangling our lines, because we would throw them wherever. Other Nelson family activities included skiing, summer family trips, swimming and other outings. Im interested if there is one moment or one memory that each of you can share about your father that can help us just get to know him just a little bit better. Since then, he has embarked on a fast-paced global ministry, traveling to more than 35 nations, extending countless invitations, leading the Church through a global pandemic and overseeing the continued Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So even though were not physically together, were still very emotionally attached. Hed come in the door. But none of us were ever forced to come, everyone would still get together. Shes been a marvelous companion for him since day one, I believe. Russell Nelson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 9, 1924. Im just taking instruction and do it.. Elder Russell M. Nelson. But we have a tradition at the Churchs podcast and that is we always end with the same question. [41] Early in his service as an apostle, Nelson was an adviser to the church's Young Women organization and was supportive of the developing of the Young Women values and Personal Progress program. Sarah Jane Weaver: Share a little more about what your father taught you about women and being raised in this home with so many women. They were not untouched by tragedy. [22], In 1955, Nelson returned to Salt Lake City and accepted a faculty position at the University of Utah School of Medicine. It doesn't matter what language you speak or where you were born, President Russell M. Nelson told children gathered in the Smith family log home in Palmyra, New York. But it was fun to feel like you were on a date with your Daddy and got to spend some time with him. We were at the Washington D.C. Temple rededication. He noticed every little thing and taught us by example that our mother was of huge value to us, and No. Sarah Jane Weaver: I think thats a really beautiful thing. I think the world at large has seen that hes been preserved, but to see the preparation that has happened, and to hear from him about receiving instruction, receiving guidance, following that guidance, is such a testimony to me about the prophet and the Lord communicating with the Church through the prophet and communicating with the world. I received the assignment in 2018 to write about your fathers global ministry. And, you know, he knew decades before I did that there was such a thing as AirDropping photos, and he taught our daughter and we didnt even know there was such a thing. [33], Nelson was honored nationally by being elected president of the Society for Vascular Surgery for the year 1975. And when he was teaching me how to water ski, or having very, very spiritual experiences on the mountain, when we were skiing. And there was a high expectation that we would be an eternal family. Music was something we love to do together, Irion said. [86], During the church's April general conference, Nelson appointed Asian-American Gerrit W. Gong and Brazilian Ulisses Soares to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, both of whom had been serving in the Presidency of the Seventy. We are taking you on a journey of connection as we discuss news and events of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [39][4], Nelson was called as an apostle by church president Spencer W. Kimball, to whom he had served as a personal physician for many years. EP 42 - Huge episode packed to the gills! So, I mean, that leaves a lot of, I guess a lot of weight. We can lean on our faith and use our faith and have our faith in Jesus Christ help us go through those trials, and well come out better for it, because if we seek first our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, everything else will be added on to it. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I think I have learned from my own, personal experiences, that God calls prophets to lead and guide us while were on this earth. But, Laurie Marsh: I was going say I think what I remember too, in those days, Im number seven. And we were jumping from bed to bed. But we got the outdoor lights out and we were getting ready to put them up on the outside of the house. And this little boy, he couldnt have been 12. Fishing. Sarah Jane Weaver: And when I think about your fathers ministry as president of the Church, its sort of compartmentalized for me. Welcome all of you to the Church News podcast. Everything amazes me, but nothing surprises me. But we just, out of love and not wanting to be left out. [23], Nelson first operated out of the University of Utah's medical school. [18][19][20], Nelson served a two-year term of duty in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during the Korean War, and was stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Russell M. Nelson Jr.: And so, there was a time I wanted to be a doctor and I think he was kind of proud of that. In April 2006, he . He encouraged them to collectively choose a period of seven days in which to abstain from the use of social media. They both played the piano and the organ. President Nelson, the leader of almost 17 million Latter-day Saints worldwide, has traveled to 35 nations, changed Church organization, utilized technology, led the Church through a pandemic, issued historic invitations And so we love to sing together. This is the way we treat this person. Yeah, he might watch a bowl game on New Years day. [10][11] His parents were not active in the Latter-day Saint faith while he was a youth, but they did send him to Sunday School,[12] and he was baptized a member of the LDS Church at age 16. And so after they were married, they lived in her home for a little bit. I want to talk about President Nelson before he was a Church leader. His wife and my mother had an amazing role in that as well, she said. On April 14, 2022, Nelson surpassed Gordon B. Hinckley to become the oldest president in the history of the church. Six people named the daughter and son-in-law of the president of the Mormon church in a lawsuit Wednesday on charges of child sexual abuse. The operation would "entail extremely high risk." Wearily, President Kimball, then the president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, said he was ready to die. [65] While there, Nelson visited government officials, was interviewed by Yuzhnaya Stalitsa television, and dedicated that country for the preaching of the gospel. After 20 months in service, he left active duty at the rank of captain. But as Ive watched Daddy go through those times. Hes always had a lot of responsibilities. And I just kind of said, What do you, what do you want us to do now? Asking from a point of, How can we help you? And a husband and a wife work together in a family. First, the high priests groups at the ward level were dissolved, making all Melchizedek priesthood holders in wards and branches part of the elders quorum. "The purpose of the Church is to bring the blessings of God to His children on both sides of the veil," he said. In Minnesota, he served as what was then known as Sunday School Superintendent in his local congregation. In 1992, it was identified he was on the Strengthening Church Members Committee, alongside fellow apostle James E. Children(s) Emily Nelson Wittwer, Brenda N. Miles, MORE [X] Biography. We, we participated. Number two, he would look around to turn off any electrics, that were extra, you know, like the TV or more lights than he felt should be on. [8] [9] He had two sisters, Marjory E. (1920-2016) and Enid (1926-2019), and a brother, Robert H. (1931-2014). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sarah Jane Weaver: Now I heard your father once describe your home growing up. 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