Luke places his hand on R2, following the destruction of the temple. "[24], While traveling to Bay 7, R2-D2 was accosted by Chopper, who had been sent to distract the Imperials. The astromech droid launched Skywalker's lightsaber to him and the Jedi promptly freed his companions and overpowered Jabba's thugs on the nearby desert skiff. Skywalker had freed the Chancellor and killed Count Dooku. R2-D2 began pouring a green liquid onto the floor, he then he electrocuted the fluid with his electric pike. Inquiring R2 as to why the bar patrons had seemingly given up chasing after them, Grakkus the Hutt and two of his magnaguards arrived on the scene, explaining that since Luke was now in Hutta Town, he and his lightsaber now belonged to Grakkus; Luke attempted to resist capture, but Grakkus's magnaguards made short work of him. Jabba refused and threw Luke into the rancor pit. Indeed, R2-D2 is THE most powerful entity in the Star Wars Universe. The two droids escaped the stricken vessel aboard a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber and crash-landed on the nearby planet of Patitite Pattuna. R2-D2 and C-3PO escaped in an executive ship along with Skywalker, Palpatine, and some others, but the ship was captured by the Zillo Beast. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! (Currently 56 Years Old) This page is a chronological list of all of his confirmed kills in Canon, in all forms of official media. Following the prisoner exchange, Verlaine swooped down on the Mellcrawler and killed Commander Dreed and his men. A pair of kouhuns narrowly missed killing Amidala and although one assassin, Zam Wesell, was neutralized, another escaped.[16]. [7], Despite initial successes, the Rebels suffered numerous casualties from the Empire's nimble TIE fighters. Industrial Automaton[5] [47] After some further Separatist attempts to sabotage her peace mission, Duchess Satine was able to convince the Galactic Senate, with the help of Senator Amidala and Master Kenobi, that Mandalore should remain neutral during the Clone Wars. R2-D2 was commended for his bravery. Retellings and media that does not further Jar Jar Binks' story will not be counted. [51], After taking part in the Battle of Sullust,[15] R2-D2 and his Jedi masters, along with several clone troopers, later took part in a mission to infiltrate the Separatist stronghold Citadel on the planet Lola Sayu and free the Jedi Master Even Piell. Date created There, the droid saved his master from being drowned by the ex-Jedi acolyte Verla after she discovered Darth Vader claimed Luke was his son. These were the IG-86 Droid, Magna Guard, R3-S6, and four Vulture Droids. [120] When R2 and C-3P0 were hiding from Imperial forces in Mos Eisley, C-3PO told him to watch his language,[7] and when R2 was reunited with Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, his former master told him to do the same, as they were on a sacred island. If Luke had joined with Vader would they have been able Could a battle droid be made of Beskar to fight the Jedi? These pit droids had enslaved the Balnabs. Luke spent the subsequent decades rebuilding the Jedi Order,[114] and R2-D2 was with Skywalker at his Jedi temple. The underground dwellers had set off this earthquake as a means of sealing the breach. During their mission, R2-D2 and C-3PO visited a local Republic communications mission to survey and repair the damage caused by the recent earthquake. In the official Star Wars comic (which takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back), R2-D2 sets off by himself to save C-3PO from the Empire. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. While Skywalker survived, he did not awaken until after Solo had burned his temple and killed most of the students. Knowing Artoo's relationship with Skywalker, the Separatist military leader ordered Nachkt to disassemble the astromech droid and extract all information on the Republic's military strategies from him.[36]. Skywalker then fired the proton torpedo which destroyed the Death Star, scoring a major victory for the Rebellion. [78], After landing in the Naboo city of Keren, R2-D2 accompanied Princess Leia and Verlaine when they visited the home of Lord Junn, a wealthy Alderaanian expatriate who provided the group with information about the whereabouts of the Melodic Order. R2-D2 was part of the Republic force led by General Anakin Skywalker and Commander Ahsoka Tano that was sent to relieve Ryloth. R2-D2 was equipped with rocket boosters in his legs. Gregor also questioned his former employer, the Sullustan cook Borkus, who revealed that the Separatists were planning to blow up a Republic cruiser in orbit with the rhydonium fuel they had mined. As Luke tried to make sense of what he thought was a Force vision, they were discovered by C-3PO. [42], After recapturing Cad Bane on Naboo, R2-D2 along with Skywalker and Tano examined Bane's starfighter Xanadu Blood and discovered that he had recently traveled to the volcanic planet of Mustafar. Shared kills. And the entire time, the Imperial forces have no idea what theyre facing off against, describing R2-D2 as the biggest, nastiest droid theyve ever seen. Even Darth Vader is seemingly unaware that the droid he once owned could pull all of that off. R2-D2 and C-3PO during the Zillo Beast incident. Their arrival coincided with an earthquake and the two droids fell into the tunnel and were separated from the clone troopers and villagers. 19 Skywaltzer4ce 2 yr. ago Remember it was the Wedge / Lando duo that took out the second Death Star. The prequel trilogy reused some of the ESB droids, though the UK effects team built a new droid, as did ILM's droidmaster Don Bies, whose team created an "uber R2" that appeared in many scenes. R2-D2 met Grogu before the three departed from the cruiser. Miraluka Species | Star Wars: The Old Republic. Senator Organa assigned R2-D2 to accompany the pilots Chardri Tage and Tamsin on a secret mission to find the Jedi and to rendezvous with his starship Tantive IV. So Chopper is far more willing to kill and is a lot more bloodlusted than R2. In response, the Rebel leader Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar had marshaled the Rebel fleet for a massive strike against the Imperial leadership. Since General Dodonna had forbidden Princess Leia from leaving Yavin 4, Princess Leia recorded a transmission of R2-D2 recording a message telling the General about her mission to save the Alderaanian refugees scattered across the galaxy. R2-D2 held out a comlink for 3PO to update Leia on their circumstances[97], who reluctantly agreed to withdraw from the duel she was witnessing between Vader and Commander Karbin in order to help them. After Yoda completed his trials on the mysterious planet, he received instructions to travel to the ancient Sith homeworld of Moraband. Its a task that R2-D2based on his build and programmingshould have never been able to accomplish; his attachment to C-3PO, as much as he complains about him, is also seen as unhealthy for a droid. Naboo[1] [55], R2-D2 and C-3PO took the opportunity to escape and resume their search for a replacement power unit for their Y-wing starfighter. R2 helping Anakin brief Shadow Squadron for their mission with his holo-projector. R2 series astromech droid[7] When BT-1 revealed he had far more sophisticated weaponry, R2 barely escaped with his life. Revan. Following a scuffle, R2-D2 defeated and neutralized the Separatist spy droid. [30] During the Clone Wars, R2 was Skywalker's faithful co-pilot. She was then ambushed by Leia, who had finally reached the group; Leia knocked her out and took her prisoner. At a later point in the Clone Wars, the Separatist leader Emir Wat Tambor invaded the Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth and enslaved its inhabitants. Yoda managed to complete his trials but experienced visions of the Great Jedi Purge and the rise of the Galactic Empire. He was portrayed by Kenny Baker in the original and prequel trilogies (except Revenge Of The Sith). But from a certain point of view, R2-D2 is also one of the deadlier killers that the Republic (and later the Rebellion and the Resistance) has to offerand this is in Star Wars canon that features BT-1 and 0-0-0, trigger-friendly droids with similar appearances to R2-D2 and C-3PO, respectively. Trusting in the Force, Yoda manually guided his starfighter to a planet which was generating the golden energy. He takes an X-Wing and jumps to Threepio's coordinates. [54], When C-3PO agreed to help fix the damage, Orphne gave the droids a parting riddle. [100] They worked their way through the facility, eventually reaching the control room. As amazing as the little astromech was, he did not top the charts for the highest number of kills in Star Wars. Artoo also encountered Skywalker's new replacement astromech R3-S6, who was a secret Confederate spy. While making her way through the ship's engine room to reach the cockpit, Ahsoka encountered R2-D2 and hugged the astromech droid, having missed his company. Artoo ejects four lightsabers from his dome. Artoo enthusiastically agreed. The dying Yoda affirmed that Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were the same person, before passing on. [7], R2-D2 and Luke Skywalker participated in the Battle of Yavin. R2-D2 continued to aid the Resistance alongside his longtime counterpart C-3PO throughout the First Order-Resistance War, culminating in a decisive victory at the Battle of Exegol, in which he was an active participant. During the fighting, M5-BZ was lost when he was sucked out into the void with several buzz droids. Forget Darth Jar Jar, make way for Darth R2-D2. [108], Later, R2-D2 and his companions learned that Han Solo was being held by Jabba on Tatooine. R2-D2 and his allies later attended a victory parade in Theed, though they were unable to be joined by Jinn, as he had been killed by the Sith Lord Darth Maul during the battle. They attempted to capture R2-D2; however, before they could, the astromech droid blasted the ship into hyperspace and traveled to Coruscant. After taking out an inspection team, R2 made his way to a terminal and found out where C-3PO was held. Season Two is where the majority of Artoos kills came about. With the Death Star approaching Yavin 4, the rebel leadership ordered a starfighter strike on the battle station. [20], Before the cancellation of The Clone Wars series, Brent Friedman wrote scripts for a four-episode arc starring R2-D2 and Rex. R2-D2 accompanied Luke to Pillio, where the compass was located, but remained with Luke's X-wing while his master found the compass. Prior to landing on the desert world of Skaradosh, Princess Leia told R2-D2 that she would see him on the "other side," leading the others to believe that Princess Leia was planning to die and go to "droid heaven. Get the Disney Bundle Accessing R2-D2's memory banks, Bane was able to obtain a technical layout of the Senate Building. Thena Chosen One Registered: Prior to departing Scipio, Skywalker and Amidala went to retrieve files from a vault in Clovis' alpine residence. [7], As they traveled through hyperspace, R2 sat beside Kenobi, who secretly had recognized R2. After seeing Ahsoka in bonds, R2-D2 convinced the newly-repaired Death Watch droids to help him rescue her. But from a certain point of view, R2-D2 is also one of the deadlier killers that the Republic (and later the Rebellion and the Resistance) has to offerand this is in. While C-3PO became Jabba's new translator, R2-D2 was pressed into service as a waiter aboard Jabba's sail barge Khetanna. While R2-D2 was tasked with interfacing with the equipment, C-3PO served as a translator between the locals and the Clone Commander Wolffe. Following the ground assault, R2-D2 and his master, Skywalker left Hoth in an X-wing fighter. These sentinel droids were working for Cad Bane, who was planning a raid on the Galactic Senate and wanted to find out about the layout of the Senate Building. With the aid of Senator Amidala, Representative Binks, C-3PO, and several Clone troopers, Artoo and the Jedi managed to capture Dr Vindi and to secure his facility, which was producing a deadly virus called the Blue Shadow Virus. The Big Hay-Zu - Died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him. After the rebels had departed, R2-D2 showed Bail Organa a recording of his time with them. While C-3PO underwent a memory wipe, R2-D2 was allowed to preserve his memories. After traveling to the Wheel space station, the two Jedi took a comlink from Windu, who was disguised as the mobster Grynask Sanberge, back to their shuttle. Having established a rapport with the other astromech droid, R2-D2 promised not to trouble R5-D4 for the rest of the journey. #2 Chopper is fucking Brutal for a droid. [92], As everyone reunited in the arena while fighting off waves of Imperials, R2 revealed he also had recovered Ben's Journal, which had been stolen by Grakkus. During or prior to 32 BBY[2] [85], While R2's systems rebooted, Luke fought Boba Fett, a bounty hunter sent by Darth Vader to capture Luke and bring him to the Dark Lordalthough it was unknown to both Luke and Artoo at the time. He convinced his one-time master to help Rey with an old-fashioned guilt trip, and his connection to the Millennium Falcon allowed Rey and Chewbacca to locate the last of the Resistance on Craitat the end ofThe Last Jedi. Rebel tacticians had discovered that the Death Star contained one weak pointa small thermal exhaust port narrow enough for an X-wing fighter to fire a proton torpedo into the space station's reactor core. During the battle on Kiros, R2-D2 accompanied the Republic assault on the Separatist forces there. [24], Upon arriving in Lothal, R2-D2 and his companions boarded the Star Commuter 2000 shuttle ST-45, which ferried them to Garel. Luke reappeared after confronting Vader and bid the slaves to follow him as he followed Han in the AT-AT. [51], R2 managed to reach the Jedi starfighters, but he was then accosted by the remaining gundark. Unlike his fastidious and worry-prone protocol counterpart C-3PO, R2-D2 had an adventurous spirit and was able to cope well under challenging circumstances. Hes quippy and resourceful, and pretty much anyone the droid has ever interacted withespecially C-3POwould be long dead if they had never encountered him. [18] preventing T-7 ion disruptor rifles from falling into the hands of the Empire,[24] and delivering Luke's lightsaber during a mission to rescue Han Solo and Chewbacca from Jabba the Hutt. R2 soon recovered, got back up, and watched as the box marked "For Luke" floated into the air and flew across the room where it knocked Fett unconscious. would be cool to know what droid has the most. He then helped locate his old friend C-3PO, who had arrived with Amidala and gotten lost aboard the massive warship. The astromech droid later attended a victory celebration where Skywalker, Solo, and other rebel pilots were awarded medals for their combat valor. Contents 1 Design 2 Appearances 2.1 Skywalker saga 2.2 Anthology films 2.3 Television 2.4 Novels and comics 2.5 Other films Gender [11], R2 gets blasted by enemy fire during the battle of Endor, After rescuing Han Solo, R2-D2 and his companions participated in a rebel mission to destroy the second Death Star that was being built above the Forest Moon of Endor. [50], To remove the scales, Palpatine ordered the scientist Sionver Boll to kill the creature with Malastarian fuel. Undaunted, Skywalker continued the mission. Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! Heavy rainfall compelled R2-D2 to follow them, but ended up peering through an open window as he likely couldn't fit through the doorway. Entering the bar, he explained his case to all the bar patrons. Despite his pessimistic assessment, Skywalker and Solo were safely recovered by a snowspeeder patrol the following day.[105]. Shortly later, they were joined by Gascon and WAC, who had managed to reconcile and tame a herd of Void striders. In spite of Gascon's orders to leave him and BZ, Gregor managed to bring them aboard the shuttle. Over the years, R2-D2 had served several masters diligently including the Royal House of Naboo, Senator Padm Amidala,[18] the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker,[19] Senator Bail Organa,[24] and Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker. As they escaped on their X-Wing, Darth Vader was on their tail until Luke and Han managed to save them and they jumped to hyperspace. After R2-D2 forgot to buy some jogan fruit for garnishing the jogan fruitcake, Skywalker sent Artoo and Threepio to the lower market districts. For her own protection, Padm was sent home to Naboo, with R2-D2 and Skywalker accompanying her. R2-D2 made himself scarce and avoided capture, following Luke to Grakkus's palace and plotting to break him out. R2-D2, along with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, later took part in the hunt for General Grievous' flagship the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Malevolence which had destroyed several Republic warships. During the fighting, R2-D2's battle droid squadron sacrificed themselves to hold back the battle droids while Master Piell was murdered by an Anooba, but not before disclosing his secret information to Ahsoka Tano. Skywalker warned R2-D2 to stop trying to free them. Soon, C-3PO informed the team via comlink that the old freighter was being dismantled by native scavengers, and as such, the Falcon's autopilot was out of order. May 4 Be With You is reader-supported. It seems like R2-D2 has genocidal tendencies since he was paired with Luke on the trench run making that little Droid partially responsible for the death star death count.Palpatine for most of the franchise is either kicking it somewhere quiet or conspiring while R2-D2 is . This page takes you through how to Kill Three Birds of Prey Using Only a Tomahawk For the third Weapons Expert challenge in Red Dead Redemption 2. [64], Shortly after this, Skywalker and Ahsoka were summoned back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to investigate a bomb attack. They called R2-D2 Commander, sparking indignation from C-3PO and served him well up until their deaths. [12] Amidala also cared for R2, viewing him as a hero of Naboo and viewing him as a loyal ally who made her smile. [41] However, the Jedi failed to recover the stolen holocron and Bane managed to escape the battlefield by impersonating a clone trooper. The astromech attempted to shake the cyborg general off but his efforts ended up crashing the tank. While Wolffe and his clone troopers were skeptical of their story, the two droids' efforts were greatly appreciated by the Aleena. At Luke's request, Artoo set course to again go to Tatooine in the Tatoo system. [41], In response, Bane killed Master Ropal and set his ship to self-destruct. R-series[6] [76] While Threepio settled down to his new home, R2-D2 wanted to continue his mission to find Master Ben Kenobi. [63], Using Borkus' information, D-Squad returned to the landing zone and confirmed that Borkus was telling the truth. Having been offline for much of The Force Awakens, he helped piece together the map that would lead to the first Jedi Temple (and Luke Skywalker). The rebels then seized control of an Imperial control room and discovered that Princess Leia was located in Detention Block AA-23, pending execution. [129], George Lucas has stated one of his inspirations for Star Wars is The Hidden Fortress, a 1958 film directed by Akira Kurosawa. Chewbacca was out of contact, the entire moon was on alert and C-3PO still hadn't arrived. [61], R2-D2 later participated in a mission devised by the Jedi Council to capture a Separatist decoding module from the vault of a Separatist warship. Chewbacca survived Vader's attack and returned to the Falcon, and was preparing to bring it in and extract the team. In the Star Wars comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. The Republic was fighting against the Separatists for access to Malastare's vast fuel reserves. Defeated, Grievous fled in an escape pod. [7], Upon arriving in the settlement, they were stopped by a stormtrooper patrol who were hunting for R2-D2 and Threepio. Manufacturer Once on the ground R2-D2 met up with C-3PO but, while the group had this initial victory in the Battle of Coruscant, soon the astromech droid would witness the the Great Jedi Purge and the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire.[19]. At Tano's prompting, R2-D2 told Ahsoka that Bail Organa was the senator. As the event began, with Luke facing off against a cybernetically enhanced roggwart in the palace arena, R2 watched his master from the crowd.[91]. R2-D2 was again reunited with his protocol droid counterpart when the two droids took part in a Republic mercy mission to the Mid Rim planet of Aleen, which was experiencing a series of catastrophic global earthquakes. The Mandalorian | Season 3 Official Trailer | Disney+. [25], Han, Leia, and several slaves boarded the walker. Despite Gascon's objections, R2-D2 and the rest of D-Squad joined forces with the LEP-series service droid Bunny to stop the Separatist plot. Believing they were hostile, Tano knocked Tage and Tamsin unconscious. [119] Even though the two could easily argue and disagree, they both deeply cared about each other. However, Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet came under attack from Separatist forces. Unbeknownst to Chopper and the other crew, C-3PO had contacted the Imperial authorities telling them that he and his astromech counterpart had been kidnapped by a group of "criminals" in Garel. R2-D2 along Skywalker, Tano, and Captain Rex succeeded in boarding the bounty hunter's Munificent-class star frigate. Technically he got an assist on every kill on the first Death Star and an assist in those fights with Anakin Chocolate_Charizard 4 yr. ago Jesus his elo must be through the roof RTooDTo 132 episodeeightsucked 4 yr. ago This is my favorite answer. Tatooine in the Star Wars Universe bounty hunter 's Munificent-class Star frigate the Death Star, scoring major... To fight the Jedi fix the damage caused by the remaining gundark the stricken aboard. Galactic Empire Kenobi was forced to abort the rescue mission when his fleet under. They attempted to shake the cyborg r2d2 kill count off but his efforts ended up the! 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