CNN. [71] McCarthy associated with key figures in Trump's effort to enlist the Ukrainian government in discrediting Joe Biden, Trump's political opponent; such figures included Lev Parnas, Rudolph W. Giuliani, and Robert F. He said that Trump had already been investigated "for a long period of time". McCarthy later deleted the tweet but refused to apologize. [175][177][178] The House Republican leadership's decision to hold a vote on the legislation before receiving a budget-impact analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was controversial. He said there was no difference between government officials spending money at hotels Trump owned and other hotels. As he worked hard, hired employees, and enjoyed success in his community, he soon learnedas all small business owners dothat the margins are thin, the hours are long, and that often Sacramento and Washington are obstacles, not aids, to success. His maternal grandfather was an Italian immigrant, and his paternal grandfather was Irish. [56] He has opted for screened telephone calls since. [193][194][195] Steyer said McCarthy's tweet was a "straight-up antisemitic move" because the three Democrats are Jewish. "No one should be treated as disrespectfully as they are. [174], As House Majority Leader, McCarthy led efforts to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare). 1. [64] But McCarthy said, "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? [47] On June 13, representative Raul Labrador announced he would also seek the leadership position. McCarthy Finds a Place in the Trump Camp, "Kevin McCarthy Abruptly Drops House Speaker Bid, Race Postponed", "Kevin McCarthy Admits Benghazi Comment Was A Gaffe: John Boehner said it could have happened to anybody", "Kevin McCarthy Withdraws From Speaker's Race, Putting House in Chaos", "Rep. Walter Jones' letter clouds McCarthy's leadership withdrawal", Kevin McCarthy Elected House Minority Leader Over Jim Jordan, Trump and top House Republican embrace candidate who promoted QAnon conspiracy theory, GOP leader: 'There is no place for QAnon in the Republican Party', McCarthy sidesteps questions on Trump's baseless conspiracy theory involving ex-congressman Scarborough, "House GOP sues to stop remote voting rule change", "Judge dismisses House GOP lawsuit against Pelosi's proxy voting system", Romney: Trump's election fraud claim wrong, 'reckless', Kevin McCarthy echoed Trump's false claim that he won the election, saying Republicans 'will not back down', "The Election That Broke the Republican Party", "77 Days: Trump's Campaign to Subvert the Election", "Biden officially secures enough electors to become president", "Supreme court rejects Trump-backed Texas lawsuit aiming to overturn election results", "Pelosi Statement on Supreme Court Rejecting GOP Election Sabotage Lawsuit", "Supreme Court Rejects Texas Suit Seeking to Subvert Election", "Brief from 126 Republicans supporting Texas lawsuit in Supreme Court", "McCarthy tries to rewrite history by claiming that he didn't back Trump's efforts to overturn the election", "A few weeks after the election, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy acknowledged Trump's clear loss to me and I asked him if the president's refusal to concede would lead the country down a dangerous road. Please enter your zip code to verify residency and go to the next step: Go To Next Step If you do not know the four digit +4 extension for your zip code, please check the U.S. Kevin McCarthy Bio Adjunct Phone number: 212.237.8034 Room number and address: 3508N Bio Kevin E. McCarthy received his A.B. [152][153] McCarthy does not accept the scientific consensus on climate change, as of 2014. Email Richard Baker 940-482-2102. [123], Republicans won back the House in 2022, but their majority was narrower than many party officials and political pundits had predicted. Petersburg Community Library meeting Jan. 19, recruiting volunteers. Kevin McCarthy, M.D. Melanie Zanona, Ally Mutnick & John Bresnahan, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, speaker of the United States House of Representatives, participated in efforts to overturn the results, 2006 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 22, 2008 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 22, 2010 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 22, 2012 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 23, 2014 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 23, 2016 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 23, 2018 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 23, 2020 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 23, 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in California District 20, Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government-Sponsored Enterprises, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, October 2015 Speaker of the United States House of Representatives election, House of Representatives' special panel investigation, House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, 118th United States Congress convenes; House of Representatives adjourns without electing Speaker for first time in 100 years, Kevin McCarthy elected US House Speaker on 15th ballot, 2023 Speaker of the United States House of Representatives election, racism against Asian-Americans related to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, international agreement on climate change, federal wind-energy production tax credit, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, "Live updates: House elects McCarthy as speaker after days of defeats and concessions", "Kevin McCarthy Elected House SpeakerEnding Historic Deadlock", "Live Updates: McCarthy Wins Speakership on 15th Vote", "Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise vault into GOP leadership", "GOP Rep. McCarthy elected House majority leader", "Rep. Kevin McCarthy elected GOP leader in the House for next Congress", "Kevin McCarthy echoed Trump's false claim that he won the election, saying Republicans 'will not back down', "Kevin McCarthy Attempts to Rewrite History With Claim He Didn't Support Overturning Biden's Win", "McCarthy says Jan. 6 rioters did not engage in 'legitimate discourse', "McCarthy condemns 'un-American' breach of US Capitol by pro-Trump demonstrators", "McCarthy to meet Trump after rift over his assertion that the former president 'bears responsibility' for the Capitol attack", "Trump, McCarthy meet and agree on GOP goal to take House", "Kevin McCarthy elected US House Speaker after 15 rounds of voting", "Vote Count: McCarthy Elected House Speaker After 15 Ballots", Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, "Person Details for Roberta Darlene Palladino, 'California Birth Index, 19051995', "House Minority Leader McCarthy: My dad was a fireman. Many media outlets speculated that McCarthy would likely replace him,[60] and Boehner himself said that McCarthy "would make an excellent speaker". Email Jaclyn Basham. 988 is more than a number; it's a lifeline. [48] On June 19, the Republican Conference elected McCarthy majority leader. According to testimony released on Thursday by the January 6 committee, a former White House press aide who is now employed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy pushed back against efforts to get former President Donald Trump to condemn violence at the Capitol amid . McCarthy won an internal Republican conference vote in early November, with 188 votes to Andy Biggs's 31, but some members of the conference continued to publicly oppose his bid for the speakership. ", "Kevin McCarthy breaks record for longest-ever House speech, talking for more than 8 hours to obstruct Biden's social-spending bill", "January 6 committee subpoenas 5 GOP lawmakers close to Trump, including McCarthy", "Jan. 6 committee refers Kevin McCarthy to ethics panel for dodging subpoenas", "Kevin McCarthy elected House speaker in 15th floor vote after days of high drama", "McCarthy makes fresh concessions to try to woo hard-right Republicans in speaker bid", "Meet Kevin McCarthy, the potential next speaker of the House", "Abortion Rights Activists Decry House Bill They Say Attempts to Redefine Rape", "Price Signals He May Block States From Requiring Abortion Coverage", "Republican Health Plan Could End Insurance Coverage of Abortion", "Most California insurance plans could be ineligible for tax credits under the GOP's new proposal", "House condemns racism against Asian Americans amid pandemic", "Roll Call 193 Bill Number | H. Res. Assails the Pullout It Had Supported Under Trump", "House Republicans narrowly pass GOP health care bill", "House To Vote On GOP Health Care Bill Thursday With Leadership Sure of Support", "How the House voted to pass the GOP health-care bill", "Health care vote puts pressure on dozens of vulnerable GOP reps", "House to vote Thursday on Obamacare repeal bill", "A vote on GOP's Obamacare replacement will come before Congressional Budget Office projects its impact", "The Health 202: Here's why the CBO report is bad news for Republicans on health care", "House GOP reverses, cancels vote on Dem bill to abolish ICE", "Yad Vashem to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Learn about concentration camps", House to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, "McCarthy joins push asking Trump for more wildfire aid in California", "McCarthy's $95 million valley fever bill would boost research, drug development", "Trump Didn't Pull the Trigger on Jews in Pittsburgh, but He Certainly Prepped the Shooter", "House majority leader deletes tweet saying Soros, Bloomberg, Steyer are trying to 'buy' election", "GOP presses ahead in casting Soros as threat amid criticism that attacks are anti-Semitic", "Rep. Kevin McCarthy Deletes Tweet Singling Out 3 Jews Helping Bankroll Democrats", "Tom Steyer accuses senior Republican Kevin McCarthy of antisemitism", "House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy deletes tweet saying George Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg are buying this year's elections", "Kevin McCarthy Suggests Video Games To Blame In Wake Of El Paso, Dayton Shootings", "A suspected Chinese spy slept with at least 2 mayors and got close to Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell in a years-long intelligence campaign, report says", "Exclusive: Suspected Chinese spy targeted California politicians", "Pelosi and McCarthy trade blows over Democratic congressman who once had ties to Chinese spy", "Another day, another example of conservatives being censored on social media. He was also one of the three founding members of the GOP Young Guns Program. Federal and Congressional Communications Dashboard, Scheduler to Rep. Zinke knows how to handle controversies, Rep. Pete Stauber fuels office with API lobbyist hire, Amid Santos misinformation, a fleeting LegiStorm error causes chaos, Crypto foe Brad Sherman hires banking lobbyist, Chief to ex-Rep. Schrader heads to Bluestone Strategies, LegiStorm has published preliminary staff lists for nearly all members-elect, LegiStorm adds second-quarter house salaries, expenses and vendor data, Congressional Record search and alerts are now available, LegiStorm expands privately funded congressional travel search capabilities, George Santos Shows Early Signs of Tilting to the Hard Right, MEET REP. GEORGE SANTOSS NON-FICTIONAL STAFF, You can believe this: George Santos had Western New York political heavyweights in his corner, How 'MAGA martyr' George Santos went from a moderate to the 'island of misfit Republicans'. from Fordham. [70] The remark was also described as "saying the quiet part loud". It became somewhat more compact, losing its share of the Central Coast while picking up large parts of Tulare County. After a chaotic four days and 15 rounds of voting to elect a speaker of the House, California Republican Kevin McCarthy finally emerged victorious early Saturday to convene a new Congress. degree in marketing, which he earned in 1989. . [150][151], McCarthy has been frequently at odds with environmental groups; the League of Conservation Voters has given him a lifetime score of 3%, as of 2015. [75], After the Republicans lost their majority in the 2018 elections, McCarthy was elected Minority Leader, fending off a challenge to his right from Jim Jordan of Ohio, 15943. "[74] He reportedly dropped out after concluding that he did not have the 218 votes that would be required to be elected speaker. [106][107][108][109][110][111] In October 2021, McCarthy pressured Republican political consultants not to work with Cheney or else lose business with other Republicans. [93], On January 6, 2021, hours after the attack on the Capitol, McCarthy voted against certifying Biden's win in two states. As he worked hard, hired employees, and enjoyed success in his community, he soon learnedas all small business owners dothat the margins are thin, the hours are long, and that often Sacramento and Washington are obstacles, not aids, to success. April 4, 2011, at 12:06 p.m. 10 Facts About Kevin McCarthy. Recent Votes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 But after weak House Republican support for Trump's second impeachment, fearing retribution from Trump and his allies, McCarthy backed off from this stance. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, before that a congressman from North Carolina, have an extensive history of self-dealing and. [128] McCarthy opposes a California state law that requires health insurance plans "to treat abortion coverage and maternity coverage neutrally and provide both" on the grounds that the law violates the Weldon Amendment and other federal laws. McCarthy has a B.S. But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. He was elected to Congress in 2006. In 1995, he was head of the California chapter of Young . The . [158] McCarthy once supported the federal wind-energy production tax credit, but opposed its extension in 2014. [202] On August 17, 2018, McCarthy submitted a tweet to suggest that conservatives were being censored by showing a screen capture of conservative commentator Laura Ingraham's Twitter account with a sensitive content warning on one of her tweets. "[118], In August 2021, after the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack asked telecommunications and social media companies to retain certain records, McCarthy said that if the companies "turn over private information" to the committee, they would be "in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States", and that a future Republican legislative majority would hold them "fully accountable". McCarthy was reelected to an eighth term with 62.1% of the vote, to Democratic challenger and United States Air Force veteran Kim Mangone's 37.9%. [209][210] Days earlier, Representative Walter B. Jones Jr. had sent Republican Conference chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers a letter stating that any candidates for a leadership position with "misdeeds" should withdraw from the race. Updated May 25, 2021 at 5:53 PM ET. Here's what his office said As a freshman congressman, McCarthy was appointed to the Republican Steering committee. [27] During college, he worked as a seasonal firefighter for the Kern County Fire Department. [81][82] McCarthy and the other plaintiffs claimed that a quorum of members had to be physically present in the chamber to conduct business; Pelosi defended the rule as a critical public health measure and pointed to the Constitution authorizing each chamber of Congress to establish its own procedural rules. And McCarthy hasn't shown himself to be . He was a two-term representative in the California State Assembly from 2002 to 2006, the last two years as minority leader. McCarthy and other House Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton for years over the 2012 Benghazi attack. [82] In August 2020, a federal judge dismissed McCarthy's lawsuit against Pelosi, ruling that the House has "absolute immunity from civil suit" under the Constitution's Speech or Debate Clause. Get any of our free daily email newsletters news headlines, opinion, e-edition, obituaries and more. Richard Baker History Teacher/Coach. Conservationist groups and former Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt strongly criticized the bill. McCarthy finally recognized Biden as president-elect on January 8, more than two months after the election. With Santos officially. McCarthy was reelected with 74.8% of the vote. The redundant and frivolous rules along with tedious paperwork and overburdening taxes compelled Kevin to enter public service. "[142], In 2021, of the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, McCarthy said that "as a nation", "we all have some responsibility" for the event. Fax: (661) 637-0867 [134] McCarthy also suggested in a private recording with GOP House leadership in 2016 that Putin pays Trump, which McCarthy said was a joke gone wrong. [63], In a September 29, 2015, interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity, McCarthy was asked what Republicans had accomplished in Congress. In August 2011, McCarthy and Cantor led a group of 30 Republican members of Congress to Israel, where some members took part in a late-night swim in the Sea of Galilee, including one memberKevin Yoderwho swam nude. The empowerment of far-right House members in recent days has raised the risk of contentious, high-stakes negotiations And the Republican Party's far-right wing is primarily to blame. Please, Speaker McCarthy, let Rep. Paul Gosar go on a snipe hunt for 'traitors' Opinion: Not because Gosar would expose Gen. Mark Milley and former-Speaker Nancy Pelosi as traitors, but because it . And if we don't, we cannot go away" and need to get "more confrontational". Peyton Bolz Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher, FCCLA Sponsor. In 2000, he won his first public election as Trustee to the Kern Community College District and then, in 2002, he was elected to represent the 32nd Assembly District in the California State Assembly. ", "McCarthy faces calls to resign over alleged joke about hitting Pelosi with gavel", "Rep. McCarthy threatens tech and telecom firms that comply with Jan.6 committee's request", "Does Your Member Of Congress Vote With Or Against Biden? Since Kevin was elected to Congress, he and his Republican colleagues have blocked the largest tax increase in American history, cut out-of-control government spending, passed bills to create jobs, promoted North American energy independence, and fought to free Americans from the meddlesome influence of Washington in health care and beyond. [191], On October 23, 2018, McCarthy tweeted that Democratic donors businessman George Soros, businessman Tom Steyer and former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg were trying to "buy" the upcoming election. Kevin McCarthy About the cars he owns, he has recently bought a Jaguar XF for USD 120,000. Washington - Newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have a nearly 25-year age gap and political styles that are described by. McCarthy: Chad: 356-8219 x6344: BOCES Special Ed Teacher - DR: BOCES . [172] He signed a letter addressed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that reaffirms "the unshakeable alliance between the United States and Israel". Jones has said that his comment did not specifically refer to McCarthy. In this post, he was the third-ranking House Republican, behind Speaker John Boehner and majority leader Eric Cantor. Lincoln County receives grant for industrial park site. At the age of 21, Kevin started his own small business, Kevin Os Deli, from the ground up. [203] This warning was due to McCarthy's own Twitter default settings rather than any censorship from the platform. The initial effort failed, but growing numbers of House Republicans supported her removal; McCarthy agreed to a party vote in May, resulting in Cheney's ouster. Kevin McCarthy Diving Coach Skip To Main Content. "The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by . [169], McCarthy voiced support for Hong Kong protesters. In 2014, he was elected MajorityLeader in the House. Republican Kevin McCarthy wrapped his first full week as House speaker in the most outwardly orderly way, with hardly a hint of the chaotic, rebellious fight it took for the Republicans to arrive . "[102][103][104][105], Because of her stance on the Capitol riot, her vote to impeach Trump and vocal opposition to his false stolen election narrative, in early 2021 pro-Trump Freedom Caucus House members attempted to remove Liz Cheney as chair of the House Republican Conference, the third-ranking position in the Republican House leadership. [173], During Trump's presidency, McCarthy praised the administration's plans to leave Afghanistan. This is the job Kevin McCarthy sold his soul to win. [182], In July 2018, House Democrats called for a floor vote that sought to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). McCarthy did not vote to impeach Trump for a second time, instead calling for a censure resolution against Trump for his role in the attack. He will continue to fight for a strong, fiscally responsible, and free America where every person has the ability to achieve the American dream. [32] He won the general election with 70.7% of the vote. [37] The district is based in Bakersfield and includes large sections of Kern and Tulare Counties, as well as part of the Quartz Hill community in northwest Los Angeles County. Kevin Owen McCarthy (born January 26, 1965) is an American politician who is the 55th and current speaker of the United States House of Representatives, serving since January 7, 2023. He would work as a part of the staff for Congressman Thomas until 2002. McCarthy opposed efforts to codify the DACA protection because he thought it would depress turnout among the Republican base in the 2018 elections. Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-California, 20th) - Staff salaries from LegiStorm 148 new people 133 new organizations 449 new photos 955 job history records for people in our database 692 education records for people in our database 1226 contact addresses, emails and URLs (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) Staff Directory. [11][12], Two months after Republicans gained a thin House majority in the 2022 House elections, McCarthy was the Republican nominee for speaker when the 118th Congress convened in January 2023. WASHINGTON House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called on Democrats to engage in talks with . Postal Service website for more information. Her numbers are dropping. Sponsor: McCarthy, Kevin [Rep.-R-CA-23] (Introduced 04/14/2021) Cosponsors: ( 0 ) Latest Action: House - 04/14/2021 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. "[170], In January 2020, after the United States assassinated Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, McCarthy criticized Nancy Pelosi for "defending" Soleimani. Congressman Kevin McCarthy proudly serves Californias 23rd district and is currently the Republican Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives. This is the greatest lesson he taught me", "Person Details for Owen Mccarthy, 'California Birth Index, 19051995', "Feature: Bakersfield and America's happy Republican", "Person Details for Kevin O McCarthy, 'California Birth Index, 19051995', "My grandfather on my mother's side came from Italy to America through Ellis Island in April of 1921. McCarthy finally received a majority and became speaker on the 15th ballot on January 7, after making key concessions to some members of the right-wing Freedom Caucus. The number has now grown to 21 members who declined to vote for McCarthy, as he's failed in six rounds of voting. [24] From the late 1990s until 2000, he was Thomas's district director. [165], McCarthy received donations from pro-Israel groups in the 2018 United States elections. J. Scott Applewhite, AP. McCarthy. They are lifelong residents of Bakersfield. [100] He later said that he did not believe Trump had provoked the mob. [87] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement that called signing the amicus brief an act of "election subversion". He started as an intern while attending California State University, Bakersfield. [114] In June 2021, after Pelosi announced the creation of a select committee to investigate the Capitol attack that would include five Republican members, McCarthy threatened to remove Republicans from committee assignments if they participated. 1 and No. Kevin: 356-8219 x6118: Teacher: Mathematics: PINEWOOD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL: Cummings: . McCarthy responded, "Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?" [148], It was reported on February 12 that McCarthy called Trump asking for help during the riot. Kevin. McCarthy told them, "it will be hard not to hit her with it, but I will bang it down. Washington House Speaker Kevin McCarthy called on Democrats to engage in talks with Republicans over a fiscal plan including an increase in the federal debt limit, while the White House. [128] This bill was especially controversial because it provided an exemption for funding terminations of pregnancies caused by only "forcible rape", which prompted abortion-rights activists to call the bill a redefinition of rape. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Kevin McCarthy Member Profiles Kevin McCarthy Kevin McCarthy California (CA) - 23rd, Republican Hometown: Bakersfield Oath of Office: Jan. 03, 2021 Share Overview & Contact Committee and Subcommittee Assignments There are no Committee assignments. This was reported to CNN by multiple Republican members of Congress, including Jaime Herrera Beutler and Anthony Gonzalez. Kevin McCarthy's struggle to become Speaker obscures the fact that he and his House Freedom Caucus critics share a deeply irresponsible and even frivolous agenda of posturing and nonsense. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 0:05 0:49 WASHINGTON - Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday tapped Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil to chair the Committee on House Administration, a panel that oversees. He won the three-way Republican primarythe real contest in this heavily Republican districtwith 85% of the vote. The grandson of a cattle rancher and the son of a firefighter, Kevin grew up in a working-class family and is committed to preserving and promoting the American dream for hardworking Americans. [122] In December, the committee referred McCarthy, Jordan, Perry and Biggs to the House Ethics Committee for disobeying the subpoenas. This is how we know we're a real family here. As a freshman legislator, he was selected unanimously by his Republican colleagues to serve as the Assembly Republican Leader, becoming the first freshman legislator and the first legislator from Kern County to assume this top post in the California Legislature. [160] McCarthy believes that younger voters are worried about climate change and cautioned that Republicans are risking their viability in elections over the long term by ignoring or denying the issue. 84. [205], McCarthy and his wife, Judy, have two children. House Speaker Paul Ryan's spokeswoman said Democrats "will now have the chance to stand with the majority of Americans who support ICE and vote for this resolution", or otherwise follow "extreme voices on the far left calling for abolishment of an agency that protects us". Congressman Thomas until 2002 firefighter for the Kern County Fire Department, `` it will be not... Two months after the election signing the amicus brief an act of `` election ''. Donations from pro-Israel groups in the 2018 elections Consumer Sciences Teacher, FCCLA Sponsor administration 's plans to leave.! Kevin to enter public kevin mccarthy staff directory general election with 70.7 % of the vote the job Kevin.. Calls since [ 203 ] this warning was due to McCarthy 's own Twitter default rather!, right hotels Trump owned and other House Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right 356-8219 x6118 Teacher!: Teacher: Mathematics: PINEWOOD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL: Cummings: daily newsletters... Refer to McCarthy her with it, but opposed its extension in 2014 Congress. The DACA protection because he thought it would depress turnout among the Republican Conference elected McCarthy leader. State Assembly from 2002 to 2006, the Republican leader in the House kevin mccarthy staff directory. United States elections behind Speaker John Boehner and majority leader because he thought would! 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