As . We have all seen those crazy videos of wildebeest crossing the crocodile-infested rivers in Africa. A Complete Guide to New Smyrna Beach - Just Go! After reading your article I wonder if my paddling style may attract them. When a gator does attack a person walking the dog, it seems that the gator gets the person by accident, but at this point, when a gator senses its made a connection they go into kill mode and wont let go. Well, as the title suggests, it is somewhat of a necessity but for many, it is also fun. Most alligators you come across will want nothing to do with you, and maintaining a respectful distance will minimize any chance of an encounter. The simple answer is no. I am happy I was able to help you out! I been out a few times, definitely not Sullivan, Maine. It's always best to use common sense even though it's very safe. If you wonder where to kayak in Florida without alligators, you can take a look at the following list. Alligators are considered docile and, for the most part, dont want to have anything to do with you. Lastly, we provide guided kayak tours through the. 4. @jgram2 's link covers all the other do's and don'ts. So these are the places that kayakers should avoid due to their high population of alligators. Yes, they are perceiving your kayak as an unknown, potential hazard and they're going to a different location where they feel safer. Swimming in a Florida lake is generally safe, but there definitely have been people attacked and killed by alligators in Florida. The state has many beautiful kayaking spots and the weather is generally good for kayaking year-round. Florida is home to some of the largest alligators, so it's no wonder that they are commonly spotted in the rivers. if you point right at it, he might enter the water when youre not even 30 yards away. To protect yourself from sunburns, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants and apply sunscreen regularly when paddling. The most abundant small mammal that an alligator eats in our location would be a raccoon, not a zebra. The best noise you can make is banging your paddle shaft on your kayak. Answer: Kayaking with alligators is generally a very safe activity. I hope this helps! This guide will provide you with all the information you need to find the best places to enjoy your time kayaking without worrying about running into any alligators. Throwing rocks, casting too close to a group . Well, it s because of human stupidity and lack of thinking that accidents and dangerous situations arise. A Comprehensive Guide. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. While paddling, keep an eye out for alligators or any other potential hazards that may be present in the water. These safe spots are perfect for a peaceful paddle without having to worry about safety. This is why it is so important not to ever feed an alligator! While alligators can attack your kayak, the reality is they probably won't. Alligators are extremely powerful creatures but will only attack if they feel threatened or if they see you as food. If you rent a kayak or canoe, the trip will take approximately 2.5 - 3 hours to complete. This area is a must-visit area for all the kayakers out there. Gators are now more solitary and territorial. Do Kayaks Need to Be Registered in Colorado? Avoid going into deep waters as it increases the risk of encountering alligators or other dangerous creatures. Explore the Best 10 Florida Springs Near Orlando! Besides, dangerous does not equal forbidden, as adrenaline junkies know. #1 Never Feed Alligators #2 Leave Your Dog At Home #3 Try To Avoid Alligator Territory #4 Leave Them Alone During Mating Season #5 Keep A Healthy Distance #6 Don't Make The Alligator Feel Cornered This also applies to alligator eggs. You could even hear wild pigs or a bear So much more detailed than the usual articles out there. Best places for kayaking in Florida. We are from California and obviously never had to worry about alligators. They should be stored in a sealed container to avoid attracting any attention from the alligators. Similarly, there are also some places you should avoid at all costs because of the high population of Alligators. Save. Had the gator not entered the water I probably wouldnt have noticed until we were just a few feet away from the bank he/she was sitting on, which is scary considering we kept getting caught up in trees and plants in the water. There I lived with my black lab and got off of work every day at 3 pm. Are there alligators in Florida's coastal dune lakes? Thanks again for having a helpful spirit . However, doing it on your own always poses dangers because not a lot of folk know what not do to. In June I was solo kayaking through Lil Big Econ Forest from the Canoe Launch on County Rd 419 all the way to snow hill rd. Here, you can explore the estuarine waters of Pine Island Sound, Matlacha Pass, Estero Bay, and Cayo Costa State Park. The St. Johns River is an amazing place to go kayaking in Florida. Despite the one million alligators that live in Florida, the CDC reports only one death on average due to alligator attack per year in the entire United States. If you find a lower price anytime before your trip, email us a screenshot of the price, and we will match it, GUARANTEED! However, there are some areas that see 100s of kayakers a day, like the Turner River in the Big Cypress Preserve. Also I paddle kinda loud and play my music, I thought it would make them aware of my presence before I actually saw them. As a Florida family, kayaking is one of our favorite things to do. Alligators are not the only creatures that can be a threat when kayaking in Florida. Provided that you keep your distance and behave respectfully, you can have a fun time indeed. If an alligator cant internally regulate their body temp then how do they do it? From my experiences, its more about the whole shape and size of the kayak coming at it vs. eye contact or the direction your face is pointing. Thanks for the information perhaps some day we shall paddle . If we werent, we would be kayaking in Maine. Launch Points: Pineland Monument Park. The lake in central Florida has an estimated 1.5 million to 2 million alligators. Sometimes there is so little room in a creek or waterway that we will inevitably push the gator into the water. In addition, the river is free of alligators, so you can enjoy your time kayaking without worrying about running into any. 5) if they have been fed and have become habituated to humans. But, there are instances when they can and will attack people or small animals like dogs. Alligators have shorter and broader snouts than crocodiles. Also, depending on what type of kayak youre looking for, you could look into the foldable ones or they make three-piece sea kayaks. If you experience an alligator swimming uncomfortably close to your kayak, start making noise. As to whether our inflatables can handle a gator bite that's a definite NO (sound of basketball popping). A good thing about it all is that no alligator attacks without being unprovoked. If the temperature is right on any given day, we will cross paths with three, four, or fifteen gators in the water. When is the best time to see bioluminescence in Florida, Limited Edition Florida Print JellyPressStore. The water is crystal blue, and the wildlife is stunning. If the idea of alligators in the water with you is just too much to handle, there are plenty of salt water kayaking options in Florida. Can you boat on the Tampa Bypass Canal? When you spot a gator in the distance, it will be in a lying position 90% of the time when on the ground. At one point I was in front and saw a very large gator slip off the side into the water probably 20 yards from us. Kayaking with Alligators is not 100% safe! While the odds of a gator attacking a kayaker are extremely low, paddling in places where alligators are native does come with an increased risk. Gator at Wakulla Springs, FL. Out of habit, I try not to kayak directly over the gators last location. Wild alligators that have been fed by humans, which is also illegal, are the source of many recorded alligator bites. So, you should visit this place as you dont need to worry about alligators. I would stay away from it. I love to see our wildlife, esp. Weeki Wachee Springs State Park is the perfect destination for kayakers. Hi Heather, there shouldnt be a scenario where an alligator would consider you prey except for one, and Ill get to that in a sec. kayak or take a guided tour along the river, Florida is home to around 1.5 million alligators, life jacket can help you stay afloat if you fall in the water or your kayak, safety tips can help you stay safe while kayaking. Keep exploring and dont hesitate to send me another message if you have more questions! The waters are shallow, making them suitable for beginner kayakers. Thanks for all the info! Manatees can be seen congregate in the Florida springs from late November to March. Suwannee River Wilderness. We often kayak with alligators, and sometimes we must pass them while they are sunning themselves on a beach or sandbar. Yes, newborn alligators are adorable but don't approach or try to handle them. In calm waters people might use their paddle to push off a sandbar and I have seen blades snap and in rough waters sometimes you just get separated from you paddle. Thank you! >> oh my goodness. Worst-case scenario, they'll lunge at the kayak in an attempt to bite you. Its always difficult to give answers to guests asking about specific scenarios or animals. Back to the other point, if an alligator has been fed by people, you need to pay attention, and if the gator lingers around like hes waiting on scraps, then you need to be very careful. The Santa Fe River is a great place to go kayaking, located near High Springs. This post may contain affiliate links. This area is a part of the Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail Wildlife Management Area, where you can enjoy kayaking in the mangrove swamps, salt marshes, and tidal creeks. To ensure safe paddling on the river, use appropriate clothing, such as life jackets and protective wear. Alligators normally tend to avoid humans. If you encounter an alligator while kayaking and they are perfectly still, they arent making any weird movements or noises, and they seem comfortable this is what I tell my customers. I was definitely nervous but figured it was scared to, plus it was a little cooler then so I figured its behavior was due to avoiding me. This is another potentially dangerous alligator scenario. So these are the places to explore if you are looking for a great kayaking experience in Florida without Alligators. But why do people willingly go kayaking, and for other activities, in the natural habitats of something as dangerous as gators? Whether you choose to take a manatee kayak tour in Florida, or you choose to kayak in Florida with the manatees on your own, there are some really beautiful locations to choose from. 4) Bask In Greatness At The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. We have discussed some places where you can kayak freely without fearing alligators. Trip times will vary and change on a daily basis based on wind/water conditions. The Great Calusa Blueway is a magnificent place for kayaking in Florida. So, grab your paddle, and lets hit the water! Learn how safe it is to kayak with alligators and how to respond in the event of a threat. Sure enough the park I chose to kayak with a friend this past Saturday had a gator warning sign posted next to the launch. . That dark bottom and tannic water make it very difficult to see the gators once they sink. Thank you. However, you still need to remember an Alligator does not see you as prey, but they can associate you with a meal. Alligators live throughout Florida. online10 at checkout is required for our lowest price guarantee for Florida. You clearly explained alligator behavior, what kayakers should expect and how to react to potential threatening situations. Weather can change quickly in Florida, so its important to check the forecast before heading out and ensure you have all the necessary safety equipment. When pregnant with my son, I couldnt help but get sucked into the vortexof social media articles chronicling the downward spiral of parenthood into a, From throwing pebbles in giant waterfall pools to floating on a lake of icebergs, Iceland is an amazing place to take toddlers. Pete Joyce was paddling in a swampy section of the Waccamaw . So this is all about kayaking in Florida without Alligators. I was releasing them as quickly as possible, making sure no alligators were hiding out below the surface of the water, ready to snatch my catch or my hand. Momma Gators are very protective and can be aggressive. 10,000 islands sounds like a great destination. There are certain places that you can visit that are alligator-free. Is it Read More Has An Alligator Ever Attacked A Kayak? Thank you Kyle! The Suwannee is perhaps Florida's most well-known river. Can You Kayak While Pregnant? June 16, 2022. Since alligators eat fish. If I can figure out how to post a photo of us using it in this comment I will. If you have something to add to this article, have questions or want to join us and kayak with alligators, please dont hesitate to reach out. I recently moved to Florida from the Northeast where I was an avid kayaker and Im just itching to get on the water but terrified of alligators! If you do book a tour maybe try in the off season where there would be potential to be led by the owner or at least a year rounder. Remember, he isnt trying to eat you; he is trying to fight you, almost as dangerous. What does an agitated gator look or act like? Rarely would I pose for pictures with my hands halfway in the water, and I definitely wasnt reviving them with my hands in the water. Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is a hidden central Florida secret, located north of the Kennedy Space Center. Being from South Carolina, I have kayaked all over the state and the one thing that would worry me is whether or not fisherman are cleaning their catch at that boat ramp. Kayaking in Florida is a great way to get away from the theme parks and see the true beauty of Florida. Is there anything known that I can do to protect myself, like punch a shark in the nose or poke its eye. I saw 10+ gators but I also had 2 or 3 moments where everything was quiet but then the water erupted with splashing right in front of the kayak in a quick loud burst that scared me badly each time. Going to lakes on your own is the most adventurous, but also the most dangerous. My husband and I just moved to Sneads Ferry and we are on a narrow inlet that leads to the New River. The Best Disney Springs Happy Hours in 2022 - Just Go! Kayak and my question is, does that make us more subseible to a gator attack? Yes, it is intimidating, but if you know how to react, you can stay safe. It is their natural home, and the fact that people are intruding means the waters are human-infested. Besides, you will find plenty of areas to explore and admire the places natural beauty. JOHNS COUNTY - See you later, alligator! FWC's mission is to conserve, protect, and enhance the natural and cultural resources of Florida. In our waters its crazy the different types of splashes we can get. As volunteers for Huntsville state park, I felt the need to take my kayak in this American Aligator country to clean the shoreline of Lake Raven where my trash pickers cant reach from the shore. We can paddle over manatees, schools of snook or Jacks, alligators and mullet. 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Its a great place to go kayaking, with its almost crystal clear waters and serene surroundings. Thank you so much for the info! Kayak with a friend If you buy a nice carbon fiber kayak paddle, your comfort level and performance will increase. In the mangroves we sometimes get boaters going way to fast in the tight creeks and music will inhibit my ability to hear their boat. If you are still nervous about kayaking independently through waters you aren't familiar with, there are also guided kayak tours that are very safe. Our guides have witnessed agitated alligators, and on occasion, we have surprised them. The when-to and when-not-to point your kayak at an alligator was particularly informative to me. >> the tail went on our kayak. On the other side of that, I have encountered mother gators in heavily used kayak trails like the Turner River in Big Cypress. Lets get to know some amazing things about these places, so you can plan your kayaking trip accordingly. As a rule, alligators are very shy and avoid human interaction as much as possible. Pingback: Top 5 Hotels in Orlando with a Pirate Ship Pool! Blueway is a must-visit area for all the kayakers out there 1.5 million to million. The perfect destination for kayakers Matlacha Pass, is it safe to kayak in florida with alligators Bay, and the fact that people are intruding the! Pass, Estero Bay, and for other activities, in the Big Cypress in Orlando a. Park I chose to kayak in an attempt to bite you almost crystal clear waters and serene surroundings have some... Does an agitated gator look or act like momma gators are very protective can... Amazonsupply, and lets hit the water yourself from sunburns, wear long-sleeved shirts and and... Are intruding means the waters are shallow, making them suitable for beginner.... A bear so much more detailed than the usual articles out there the Turner River in event. 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