Cast members and press alike have often fawned over the years that she could learn those iconic monologues the morning of shooting and never flub a line once during taping. But then well, Ill let her speak for herself: Thank you, guys. I'm definitely going to watch compilations of her snark and monologues on YouTube. And were lesbians. There was a famous fanfiction well known for Brittana fans called Influence. Santana, Kurt, and Rachel, Guilty Pleasures. No! Santana: And you know what, Brit? Thank you, Naya, for all of the knockout moments you gave us. FAIR USE DISCLAIMERCopyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comm. Standing ovation for Miss Naya Rivera By that point I had felt that way for years. That pause in the beginning Glee never pauses. How could my running mate win and I didnt? Mr. Schue: Wait, what? I've been dry heaving all weekend. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into getting an eye de-slanting. Ive tried so hard to push this feeling away and keep it locked inside, but every day just feels like a war. Santana: Please stick a sock in it or ship yourself back to Scotland. You know, we always were two ends of the same bitch-goddess spectrum. Theyre so familiar with each other, the same interests and the same enemies. And don't tell me it's 'cause the cafeteria food binds you up. Okay! I have to just be me.. A profound loss. It shot right into my heart like a lightning bolt. Im also incredibly appreciative of the care Naya expressed for her fans in interviews. Brittany, that sex tape was private. I understand. I'm like a lizard. Santana: Yep. I'm Hispanic. Guppy face, trouty mouth. Enjoy it while you can, Weezy. I remember exactly where I was, exactly how it felt that night. I look hot and smart. Here is an example monologue one can utilize in Dr. Ganisin's class when present Olivier - Copy - An analysis of Confessions of an Actor, Secret Life of Walter MItty acting classess, ACT - Acting terminology along with some history - Beginning Acting at Georgia State. A bunch of monologues from movies that you can try! Santana: Al Roker is disgusting by the way. Scratch that, we can be the Boss Bitch. Monologue - Glee Written by Ryan Murphy Santana: Maybe Brittany and I are too young to get married. Santana: Okay, New York may be disgusting, especially when it's covered in gray, nasty snow, and the people may be horrible and rude, and some smelly homeless man in pee stained tighty whities might have groped me on the subway and then asked me for a dollar. People dont always evolve, sometimes they just change. But nothing is as eternally hilarious to me maybe on TV ever as Santanas Yeast-I-Stat commercial. Glee Monologues - Opening Monologue Puck (Mark Salling) ostensibly sings "I'm the Only One" for Santana, but delivers most of the song to an embarrassed Shelby (Idina Menzel) . This whole episode is legit queer culture. Thank you for your bravery, your fire, your swag, your humor, and your craft. Carl: You all have a hole to fill and I'm just trying to help fill it. (Listen! I came out to my mother about a month after Santana came out to her abuela. Santana: I've kissed Finn, and can I just say not worth a buck. It was such an impactful moment in my life, despite not being particularly relevant to the plot of the show. I mean sure, she was blackmailing Karofsky at the time, but hey coming out and the self-loathing that often comes with it is messy business. Santana to Noah Puckerman, Silly Love Songs. [puts a napkin over her and Brittany's hands]. And there is only one type of person that carries cash and a pager. The cast of Glee reunites during the virtual ceremony for the 32nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards for a special tribute to the legacy of the late Naya Rivera's ch. They were never about the kind of love she feels for Brittany, or even how she felt about Dani. Santana as Mrs. Claus to the Kids, Previously Unaired Christmas. Santana: Sexy texting, seriously what era are you from? Santana: You can drill me any time. The way she shoves that bagel in her mouth! When Santana finally confesses her feelings to Brittany, right there in front of their lockers, and Brittany chooses Artie over her and Santana, her heart in her hands, where its never been before, exclaims, Hes just a stupid boy! I felt that. At a time when I mostly only felt dread when I thought about going through life as a lesbian, that performance made me feel hopeful that I would someday be able to openly love someone who openly loved me back. Hands down my favourite and the best ever scene on Glee. Finn: Look, I appreciate the offer, but I have feelings for someone else and I'm trying to work it out with them. I dont think people dont like it as much as they never think about it or talk about it, but it was one of my favorite covers they did. Not to mention that the whole setup for the number is Santana defending Blaine. I mean, you know what happened to Kurt at this school. Did the writers think she was being bitchy when really she was just speaking the truth? Santana: You should be our nations president. Her quiet almost embarrassed because its so vulnerable and what will it all mean glances to Brittany from behind Hollys shoulders are all I see. She's a mother! Santana: Hey Andrew McCarthy, dont know if you heard but Blaine may lose an eye, the same Blaine who was just besties with you not four months ago. in the Locker Room: On Fighting for Trans* Youth with Words as Weapons, The Fosters Episode 317 Recap: Trust No One, Art Attack! A way to stir shit up, often with Brittany by her side. Trent: Wait, are you serious, is he gonna be okay? ". Oh yeah. Naya, Im sorry the world took you for granted. Finn: Do you ever get tired tearing other people down? His hair's already starting to grow back. So many of these scenes still eviscerate me and remain among my favorite pieces of lesbian content. To win the election. Holly: I want to ask both of you if either one of you thinks that you might be a lesbian. Santana: This food was unsatisfactory. (bumps into him) Finn: Hey Santana! favorite Santana quote. Santana to Sam, about Quinn, Blame It on the Alcohol, Santana to Blaine or Rachel during "Don't You Want Me" (it was unclear), Blame It on the Alcohol. Usual estimated time is between three to eight minutes. 'Cause it made me do a lot of thinking. I refused to go because Ive always been a big soccer gay. Hamburglar Finn is fine. I want ideas for Senior Ditch Day, go! Okay, maybe Brittany and I are too young to get married. I have known you both for years and I don't like either of you 90% of the time, in fact, your wide-eyed, Keane-painting approach to life makes my teeth hurt and my breasts ache with rage. We saw that throughout Kurt and Santanas extended coming outs and we couldve seen it more if Santana was given space to date and be her own character in the backhalf of the show. Santana was my favorite long before the jokes about her and Brittany sleeping together turned into the best friends in love storyline of my dreams. Why is everyone staring at me like Im Finn and I just won a butter-eating competition? Oh, come on. I mean, really, I'm sorry that the New Directions are gonna get crushed by the Troubletones. Rachel and Santana, The Power of Madonna. Santana defending Blaine and Kurt from Dave, A Night of Neglect. You look a little Jewish, right Rachel? I miss this place so much. Like that whole top row. obsession with old people that causes you to skulk around nursing homes You know, and the only thing that can keep you from freezing to death is to have good friends around you to keep you warm. Rachel: No. Santana: Do you think this voodoo doll looks enough like Rachel Berry to actually work? Kurt and Blaine start by singing a cloying duet of Pnks Perfect. Everybody is smiling and clapping and even Santana has a grin on her face. Nah na na let me tell you how its gon be if I may..when I look at someone, I don't see someone who looks a certain way or has this or that amount of chromosomes. Thats right Yentl: your sweethearts been lying to you because he and I totally got it on last year. Look, my dad's a doctor, and not a tooth doctor, a real one. We wont. Santana: Yeah, I do. For the LGBTQ+ community, Santana's storyline of coming to terms with her. Santana: Maybe if you made me some space, I'd care a little bit more. Santana: Well, that's why I brought you here, to cheer you up. If everyone just put out, we would have a winning football team. I dont have anything smart to say. Santana about Rachel and Kurt, Girls (and Boys) on Film. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? Santana to Rachel and New Directions, Yes/No, Admit it, Wonder Twins. Naya as Santana as a happy lady with a yeast infection, inside a commercial, inside a phone shes holding to proudly share her triumph with Rachel. looks like they just removed their top row of dentures every time they smile, Santana: Okay, this is ridiculous. Santana: You may look, like the villain out of a cheesy 80s high school movie, but you should know that Im fully prepared to go all Danny LaRusso on your ass. You wont be forgotten. I'm sick of being backup to Rachel Berry. Is that an aspect of why this moment feels so awful because this is the first time were learning how to mourn this particular sort of loss? Santana: It's a nice break from all that scissoring. This was so beautiful that Im at a loss for words. Kurts coming out was a wish fulfillment fantasy for cis white gay men everywhere, but Santana is forced to suffer. Santana: Oh yeah? She looked like Pippi Longstocking, but like, Israeli. Everything you needed to know, every emotion you needed to feel, was emanating from Santana with crystal clearness. No matter how rich, or famous or successful I become, when it comes to you, I'm always going to be that moon-eyed girl who freaked you out at a first glee rehearsal. Santana to Sue and New Directions, Extraordinary Merry Christmas. Bummer, about Blaine, he was pretty, he shouldnt have gotten in the way though that slushie was meant for Kurt. If I did, would you join me? I was that kid at school for better or worse. Brittany: Sweet lady kisses. Let me break it down for you, from one bitch to another. Stream Another Quinn Fabray Monologue. Dave: I think I can take a couple of queers and a girl. Thank you for giving me this space to remember Naya and Santana. Santana: Come on, screw her. Santana: You're addicted to vests. But theres a deeper level too: Santana singing and dancing like a person whos just been told something terrible is about to happen but shes not sure what that something will be and for now the show must go on. Mr. Schuester: First, the a capella choir from the all-boys private school in Westerville, the Dalton Academy Warblers. Rachel: Brody is in the shower. Shes able to admit something embarrassing like her desire to just fit in, and, maybe more significantly, her knowledge that even with her cheerleader beauty she really does not. Santana: Because you're a crazy evil bitch! I accept that about you. Did you know she tried to sell me once? Brittany: God, I'm so sad. This is my least favorite episode of Glee. Whatever. You're my family and I haven't lied to you in months. Its pure joy and when I think of Naya Rivera as Santana Lopez what I feel is joy. If Santana Lopez, this small mouthy teenager could be brave enough to stop the war inside her then maybe, just maybe, then I could be brave enough, too. Sebastian: Red dye number 6. #teens. Sebastian: Everyone else clear out, I dont want you to see me make a girl cry. Whoa, stop right there. That's how my abuela puts me to sleep at night, and she was not a nice lady. Actively pursuing and seducing a series of strapping young men throughout high school is not incongruous with eventually realizing youre gay! Is a drug dealer! As it is, I love 2 Cellos covers, but Nayas voice paired with Grant Gustins, the sharp outfits, the simple choreography. But what makes it iconic for me are the story choices that Naya Rivera makes. Naya was captivating and talented and impossible to ignore, even before her character had a name. Every day just feels like a war. Thank you Naya. Im just too tired. You know? Brittany: He's really not. So be warned: if you are not giving this everything you've got, I WILL go all Lima Heights on your sorry asses. The pleading of her posture when she sings I love you, I love you, I love you. I just wanna go back in time man. And thats a true story, too. In the original, the unicorn was riding you. Its not behind the scenes drama to simply state that there are less opportunities for Black Latina girls in Hollywood, those are the facts of structural racism. Rachel, Tina and Santana, Special Education. Finn: What are you talking ab- But I'm afraid of the talks and the looks. Is that how peoples lips look where you come from in the South? She always seemed like she took the work she was doing for lesbian representation so seriously (even when the writers didnt), and she embraced how beloved she was by the community. It learned me two things. Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? They were something to do. I mean, that special place where she lives? Gay marriage had only recently become legalized in New York State, and DOMA had yet to be struck down nationwide. Maybe he got tired of watching Well I dont give a hot wet monkeys ass what you care for. I am so over this, and it hasn't even started yet. It's more of my speed. But not this. And I don't like Green Eggs and Ham. You know what happens in Lima Heights Adjacent? Quinn is all excited about another guy defining her life. NOTE: The following is a transcription of the extended director's cut from the S1 DVD, which includes several scenes not seen in the original aired version. I mean, after I'm thinking about joining Shelby's new show choir. ), I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me). Puck: We all know why we're here. Its just so fucking manic, this show. Rachel: Everybody knew about this but me? Me and the color pink, have been in an argument for seventeen years, I can't believe I have to make nice with it now, Santana, Bridesmaids Scene, cut from On My Way. Love, Santana. I have been chosen, probably because I'm numb to other people's feelings, to come here and ask what you would like to do, Mr. Schueabout the reception. We will be the undisputed top bitches in this school! Santana: That sounds like torture. Landslide is still my favorite Glee performance. They may have love, but you know what we are that they are not? Please. Kurt: She can't find out until after her Funny Girl audition, alright? An item which, unless Lady Hummel's actually been a lady all these years, could have only been yours. Of course they drink and dance and whisper secrets into each others ears and fall into bed with each other. And you know what? It was that damn Trouty Mouth. I'm smarter about other people than the both of you, you have to trust me. Oh ok. Of Santana. One of my favourite Santana moments that isnt mentioned here is the whole The Spanish Teacher episode. This is our SONG. I think she was a holiday hoarder. And that includes your little hand jive, that to me looked more like a hand j, Santana to Quinn about Kitty, Thanksgiving. Santana: Are we dating or what? I like yeast in my bagel, but not in my muffin!. I want you to know me, who I really am. Have fun riding on Rachel's coattails for the rest of your life, although, you know what, I would just watch out for her come holiday time if I were him, because if I were her, I'd stick a stent in one of those boobs and let the Finn blubber light the Hanukkah lamp for eight magical nights. Ooh la la, Rachel Berry in a towel. Maybe I need someone who knows more than three dance moves:' the finger wag, the shoulder shimmy, and the one where you pretend to twirl to invisible rainbow-colored ribbons attached to your hips, so you know what, maybe that's why it didn't work out, maybe it has nothing to do with me and Brittany, maybe it's just that you are utterly, utterly, intolerable. One, leprechauns like fixing shoe buckles because theyre gay. And also sorry that you have no talent. I was accepting myself and coming out along with Santanas storyline. Santana: Well sure, if he doesnt care about seeing in three dimension. And we'd like more please. That Santana contained multitudes, and that not all of those multitudes were nice, changed everything about what positive representation really meant on TV. And he meant it. Santana, Quinn and Brittany, The Purple Piano Project. I always go to the yelling place. ". The writers probably just wanted an excuse to create a three way parallel of hurt feelings between Kurt, Quinn, and Santana, but Nayas performance justifies and deepens every word. I have hated you ever since the day I met you. No, kiss me! Instead these two are going to go move to New York City or . The second could be anything. Your bizarre, psychosexual obsession with that Glee Club was disturbing from the first moment you stalked a nude student in the showers. Sometimes you hear it on the loudspeakers at Home Goods and feel like complaining to the manager for inappropriate context, but when its on in your car or at a party or a club its exhilarating and obviously very topical. In honor of learning even more. Wed love to read your favorite memories in the comments. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Brittany: Well, I told you last year that if I was single and you were single, we would mingle. She seems to be condoning this in the face of all logic. On Shameless, when Fiona told Monica about how she has raised all of her siblings. Santana: Thanks. Thank you, Finn, especially. Kurt: One: Rachel is beautiful. Well, Id like to think that we now carry your heart in our hearts, Naya. I think I need an agent. You know what? Santana and Sue Sylvester, The Spanish Teacher, You went from La Cucaracha to a bullfighting mariachi. The writers largely failed Santana in the later seasons, but her brief romance with Demi Lovatos Dani was the exception. 'M smarter about other people down queers and a girl how it felt that for... Wed love to read your favorite memories in the original, the Purple Piano Project of queers a. On Shameless, when Fiona told Monica about how she felt about.... On her face love you, Naya, for all of her snark monologues... The original, the Dalton Academy Warblers heart like a war emotion you needed to feel, was from... 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