Theodor Mommsen is widely counted as one of the greatest classicists of the 19th century; his work regarding Roman history is still of fundamental importance for contemporary research. Cars. The country's incredibly strong enabling environment, including a good local public and health care system and expert scientific institutions, has largely . Best Answer. We don't care. And no wonder. Schth says that it simply comes down to her roots. Thousands of studies have been done to demonize the Nazis, to turn them into something to scare children at night. .chakra .wef-facbof{display:inline;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-facbof{display:block;}}You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. In other words, there are firm whys and wherefores that make Germany a hosting country of thousands international PhD students every year. Christian Science Monitor: a socially acceptable source among conservative Christians? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, For a French physicist's perspective, see, my impression is that 100 years ago physicist in german were so brilliant and famous was due to an spartan education and the fact that physics was a lot easier then (100 years ago), One contributing factor among countless others was the energy and single-minded dedication of. The regulations and need for form-filling frustrate many. In Germany, where everyone is serious 364 days of the year, throwing a big party is a massive deal. Scientists were isolated from their colleagues in the West and their system became impoverished as the DDRs economy gradually failed. She later moved to the Helmholtz Centre Munich to scale up her work. Historical figures in telecommunications. Whether the play is funny or not doesn't really matter. - Quora Let's explore some of the reasons why students prefer to study in this amazing country. It could well be the same in Germany with bread. Or at least correlated in the period from 17-th to the middle of 20-th century. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was one of the originators of the so-called Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries. script & further information: GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Pan. [16] Mathematical aerodynamics was developed in Germany, especially by Ludwig Prandtl. The high-tech strategy. The invention of the modern university - German thinkers such as Wilhelm von Humboldt pioneered the modern research university. Answer (1 of 59): Advanced? Because cutting one tonne of CO2 by switching to electric cars costs 100times more than doing so by changing agriculture practices and 10times more than by installing wind power. Why was Germany so far ahead technologically prior and . The scientists adjusted to the intellectual environment by dropping Newtonian causality from quantum mechanics, thereby opening up an entirely new and highly successful approach to physics. Low or even carbon-neutral energy could reduce emissions by 80100%. Numerous German universities offer prestigious degree programs in business, sciences, and humanities, entirely in English. Efficiency. China is a relative newcomer to the race, but is clearly the new elite. One by one, the Lnder began allowing universities to run their own affairs. It shouldn't really come as surprise that Germany has an abundance of laws controlling almost every aspect of life. It was a natural outgrowth of the progressive German university system, which was hospitable to the development of new disciplines such as linguistics and psychology. The country has more than 12,200 scenic lakes, most of which are accessible for any activity throughout the year. Why were the British and Dutch scientists of 17-th century so impressive? The disruption of reunification in 1990 forced the country to fix some systemic problems, such as a lack of collaboration across institutions. This page was last edited on 25 December 2022, at 19:59. The reasons behind Germanys success go beyond science budgets or some sort of Merkel effect, says Wolfgang Schn, a director of the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance in Munich and vice-president of the DFG, Germanys main university-research funding agency. In Brazil, where everyone's cool 364 days of the year, throwing a big party on the 365th day is no big deal. A Berlin-based group of science historians has found that the ties between the top German scientists whose research was used to justify Nazi policies and the regime itself were much closer . Get the latest BBC Science and Environment News: breaking news, analysis and debate on science and nature in the UK and around the world. He worked on the theory of the telescope and invented the refracting astronomical or Keplerian telescope, which involved a considerable improvement over the Galilean telescope.[13]. Germany has confirmed more than 200,000 cases of Covid-19 and more than 9,000 deaths in a population of more than 83 million. By 2063 this will have become so funny that the "office of order" may have to legislate against it. German publicly funded science is organized into five pillars: the universities and its four unique research organizations, each named after a scientific giant in German history. Perhaps the culture simply valued knowledge more (we all know of the brilliant German philosophers, as well)? Brandenburg, Bavaria, Saxon Switzerland and the region around Rhine and Moselle all have the right ingredients for a great walking excursion or even a proper walking vacation. The proportion of foreign academics in Germanys universities has jumped from 9.3% in 2005 to 12.9% in 2015. The first is to cut CO2 emissions by at least 80% of 1990 levels by 2050. Even with wages and benefits that are higher than those in the U.S. by 66%,. What a difference compared with the United States, where young companies such as Alphabet (the parent company of Google) are dominant. It only takes a minute to sign up. Doggedly she climbed to the top of the party and became Germanys first female chancellor in 2005. In southern Germany, celebrations known as Fasching and Fastnacht see people wearing traditional masks or dressing up as devils or wild beasts. The same government proposed a major shake up for universities, which had traditionally been considered all of equal status. Schavan herself faced accusations over her 1980 thesis. In the DDR, no one got their PhD without an accompanying certificate in the study of MarxismLeninism; Merkels dissertation for that subject, What is the socialist lifestyle?, was accepted with the lowest passing grade. With his introduction to calculating with logarithms, Kepler contributed to the spread of this type of calculation. Although the reunification of Germany exacted a heavy cost on the country, politicians have in most years maintained steady and strong support for science. Johannes Kepler discovered the laws according to which planets are moving around the sun, who were called Kepler's laws after him. Credit: Source: Spending, OECD; Publishing, Scival/Scopus; Patents, USPTO/EPO. And yes we know all that carb loading is taking its toll on our waistlines. Daring proposals and initiatives are extremely important: they can lead to the intellectual property and technologies that Germany longs for. Scientists in Germany waste too much time applying for project money, given that only a small percentage of proposals are actually granted. Because Germany contributes a lot of money to the ESC, they get to skip the semi-final and qualify automatically for the . So when Germans move they move with all their furniture -- including oven, fridge, countertops, cupboards and even the sink. The world is changing fast technically, politically, societally, environmentally and Germany is still doing well. Which German scientists had their Nobel Prizes seized during World War II? For many Edwardians, the Wilhelmine Reich had the better army, the more serious. Now well established, this encourages universities to compete for federal money to promote top-level research, graduate schools and, most importantly, clusters of excellence major collaborations with scientists in other research organizations. strongly correlate. Laugh all you like, but that's one way we achieve some of Europe's. The Swiss solar-powered plane . Even the most deserted villages got their Volksschule. Germany has been a bastion of science, scholarship, engineering, the arts, architecture, theology and much else besides since at least the early 19th century. Crossing the street as a pedestrian at a red traffic light is frowned upon and anyone caught by the police can be fined. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? But Schendel is a rare case. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. She knows what it is to be a scientist, the value of research, he says. Was their education system simply that good? When it comes to getting naked in nature, no other nationality comes close. Contemporary examples are the philosopher Jrgen Habermas, the Egyptologist Jan Assmann, the sociologist Niklas Luhmann, the historian Reinhart Koselleck and the legal historian Michael Stolleis. Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application. For one thing, the German language can be off-putting even though English is generally spoken in the countrys labs these days. Counting degrees of freedom in Lie algebra structure constants (aka why are there any nontrivial Lie algebras of dim >5?). While they did have some technological breakthroughs like the V2 rocket and some wacky prototypes that have inspired nearly a century of conspiracy theories and movie villains, Nazi technological advancement was mostly relegated to theory. Sciences Internet use as a percentage of population seems to be more strongly correlated with per capita GDPthan to tech advancement. According to the report, "Germany is the current leader in innovation - in part because of the speed it's developing new technologies like driverless cars.". Since 1899 he was the sole owner of the Carl Zeiss AG and played a decisive role of setting up the enterprise Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen (today Schott AG). Germany's engineering education system has a stellar reputation worldwide. The Nazis were not inventive, the Germans were. But it also has a weakness. Wilhelm Wundt is credited with the establishment of psychology as an independent empirical science through his construction of the first laboratory at the University of Leipzig in 1879.[28]. Leather shorts. Despite all that traffic, German trains are generally on time -- or at least within five minutes of schedule. How to tell if my LLC's registered agent has resigned? But Haeckel was also a promoter of scientific racism[27] and embraced the idea of Social Darwinism. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. With about 12 million employees in the US tech industry, you'll agree that the sector has contributed immensely to the growth of the country. He has overseen both the seismic shifts necessitated by the Excellence Initiative and the transformation of university teaching. They also had the most modern university system in the world, with natural sciences being taught from 1800 onwards. Germany is promoting hydrogen as an environmentally friendly alternative to kerosene in aviation. But while the rest of the world is drooling over our premium autos -- or in the case of Volkswagen owners, scratching heads at emission levels -- we're usually taking the train. Such vehicles could be allowed to use designated lanes or reserved parking spaces. 3. It was he, for example, who suggested that university professors should do front-line research as well as teaching. picture alliance / Sebastian Gollnow/dpa. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Wow, can never be too sure nowadays. P.S. It makes the system easier for outsiders, including politicians, to understand.. Its aim was to cover the high financial expenses of scientific research and, against the backdrop of scientific progress particularly in the United States, to establish top, modern research institutes in Germany. Germany has been the home of some of the most prominent researchers in various scientific disciplines, notably physics, mathematics, chemistry and engineering. Her zeal for physics did not extend to the required political education. Being skeptical about where to chase doctoral studies overseas, you must unquestionably consider Germany - "The land of ideas" as a unique option. At research institutions, the proportion of women in top scientific positions has risen from a dismal 4.8% in 2005 to a still-meagre 13.7% in 2016. Mixing water, barley and hops . (2018). In 1999, the federal government that preceded Merkels a coalition between the Social Democratic Party and the Greens amended a law that required Lnder ministries to make all university decisions, from allocating budgets to making academic appointments. Researchers have even proved that in our galaxy there are thousands of solar system and among . And the state of Baden-Wrttemberg has poured hundreds of millions of euros into the Cyber Valley initiative. Researchers are doing groundbreaking work. One of the main reasons is that the Japanese have a general fascination with foreign. The country is matchless in the process of developing ideas into products. Three of the five most valuable car companies worldwide are German, and the car industry there provides 800,000 high-end manufacturing and engineering jobs. [30] Heinrich Schliemann was a wealthy businessman and a devotee of the historicity of places mentioned in the works of Homer and an archaeological excavator of Hisarlik (since 1871), now presumed to be the site of Troy, along with the Mycenaean sites Mycenae and Tiryns. Although it struggles with the remnants of male-dominated hierarchies and pervasive, inflexible regulations, German research is looking as strong as ever, particularly on a global stage that seems increasingly indifferent to science. Berlin is experimenting with gathering together parts of its health-related research at the Charit teaching hospital and the Max Delbrck Centre for Molecular Medicine, a Helmholtz centre, into a translational-research structure called the Berlin Institute of Health. Established since the Middle Ages, the vocational system is a combination of classroom and business, theory and practice, learning and working. [12] He made optics to a subject of scientific investigation and confirmed the discoveries made with the telescope by his contemporary Galileo Galilei. Why were the British and Dutch scientists of 17-th century so impressive? Cuisine The best support for the best minds would be to create more professorships, with more resources perhaps even by rebalancing some funds away from early-career research. For Germany to retain its lead in climate policy and automotive technology, it must drive the switch to electric cars with coherent policies and investments in clean energy and infrastructure. Switzerland also impressed in the WIPO innovation index when it came to research links between universities and industry. Each day when not travelling, the chancellor goes home to her flat near the Humboldt University to spend what is left of the evening with her chemist husband. The Lnder have to bear the costs of increasing numbers of students who attend for free and cannot keep up with building repairs. Editor's Note This story is part of a series highlighting superlatives of countries and cities around the world. High-tech start-up firms have not made it into the list of Germanys top 100 companies for decades. We can't blame you for keeping your distance, just don't judge us. Policymakers, politicians, presidents, rectors and researchers must work together towards the high-trust culture of creativity that Germany and others are trying to achieve. The research shifted to a 'Nazi neurology', with subjects such as eugenics or euthanasia.[29]. One can probably conclude that economic development in the modern era is directly related to the progress of science. German science should invest in professorships and cut bureaucracy. This clustering really does have a lot of advantages, says neuroscientist Hannah Monyer, who has joint positions at the University of Heidelberg and the German Centre for Cancer Research, a Helmholtz centre in the same city. Wall shelves, hooks, other wall-mounted things, without drilling? Two actions are urgent: to speed up the process of digitization in every domain of education; and to provide the research base to advance the wider use of artificial intelligence. Under Merkels watch, Germany has maintained its position as a world leader in areas such as renewable energy and climate; and with the guarantee of strong support for basic research, its impact in other sectors has grown. On the other hand, it is not clear whether this trend continues: the largest economy of the late 20-th century was US, but this country is not especially famous by its education system. Positioned in the center of Europe - science, research and [] In 2020, a policy called Schuldenbremse or debt brake is set to roll out in most German states. The world is fascinated by Europe's biggest economy. Leadership on the fastest-computer league tables has been traded off many times, between U.S., Japanese and European computing centers. By studying abroad in Germany, you can pursue almost any interest as long as you have academic proficiency in the English language. Germany is at the forefront of Engineering. Strange fan/light switch wiring - what in the world am I looking at, How to give hints to fix kerning of "Two" in sffamily, How Could One Calculate the Crit Chance in 13th Age for a Monk with Ki in Anydice? It outperformed the US, the worlds most competitive economy. But why? EDIT. Thank you for visiting The follow up secondary and Gymnasium education was highly demanding, strongly selective and elitist, based on Wilhelm von Humboldts humanistic universal curriculum. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Fashion After the war, because so many scientific researchers and teachers' careers had been ended either by Nazi Germany, the denazification process, the American Operation Paperclip and Soviet Operation Osoaviakhim, as well as simply losing the war, "Germany, German science, and German as the language of science had all lost their leading position in the scientific community. With so many great car producers, you could be forgiven thinking we're all driving around in BMWs, Audis and Mercedes. Nerve agents such as Tabun and Sarin (which would fuel the development of new insecticides as well as weapons of mass destruction), the antimalarial chloroquine, methadone and methamphetamines, as. Why can German students find a job right after they finish thei. Given the historical circumstances the German education system might or might not have played a significant role in the formation of these scientists. One cannot deny that since the late 19-th century, that is since the unification of Germany, it was the fastest growing economy in the "developed world". Folklore It lost some of its leading lights during the Nazi period, but it was able to rebuild in these areas after World War II, in some areas quite quickly, in others less so. And use of human embryonic stem cells, aside from a few older cell lines, is forbidden Merkel remains unshakeable on this point. When Germans aren't obsessing about beer, they're obsessing about water. There are high-speed ICE trains linking major towns and cities at up to 300 kph. defence minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg after he was proved to have plagiarized his PhD thesis, Schavan herself faced accusations over her 1980 thesis. Germany's low case fatality rate is therefore partly caused by the fact it has tested more people and, as a result, has identified more mild instances of the disease. In 2010, Germany invested 10 billion euros into renewable energy and had an estimate of 34o,000 employees in this sector. Despite the economic crisis, Germany has grown, created more jobs, and reduced its national debt. The next government must also build on the considerable progress made in internationalizing the student and research communities. The country has been an epicentre of intellectual revolutions, home to the likes of Karl Marx and Albert Einstein and it has borne renowned inventors, like Carl von Linde, Paul Nipkow who brought us the television, Hugo Junkers and Wernher von Braun who designed the . Scientists say that all the living organism have originated because of the sun. When the world wars and political turmoil were pummelling the world, Germany was churning out new inventions, one after another. Although many scientists did not consider what she did to be plagiarism, she nevertheless had to resign in 2013. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany has shown several elements of success across the four phases of our preparedness and response framework: prevent, detect, contain, and treat. But scientists are generally confident that things will continue to improve steadily. 1. The worlds most powerful woman, they say, has not forgotten her roots as an East German physicist. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in There are medieval hilltop fortresses, moated Renaissance castles and 19th-century Romanesque revival palaces like famous, There are more than 25,000 castles in Germany today (not counting ruined ones still visitable), and most are home to museums, restaurants and even hotels. Rather than having to learn everything from scratch, she enjoyed a seamless collaboration with a local behavioural lab, which provided advice, equipment and technical support. Johannes Kepler discovered the laws according to which planets are moving around the sun, who were called Kepler's laws after him. Now, there are 22. Only 0.93% of females aged 15-19 have no education. Germany's excellent rail network is mostly still state-owned, with Deutsche Bahn, or DB, operating the majority of trains on both passenger and freight routes. The second is to maintain dominance as a producer of premium cars. Some French wine connoisseurs can tell simply from sniffing an uncorked bottle not only where the grapes were grown but which direction the vineyard slope was facing. But there are too few opportunities available to researchers after these. Ultimately, the goal of all higher-education and research management must be to open up time and space for critical as well as creative thinking, to stimulate bold ideas and to aid movement beyond incremental achievements towards radical innovations. But I feel I really might be able to build up something new here.. The second pillar were the Universities being even more demanding and selective. Administrative departments must serve academics, not the other way around. Germany was not a nation, but a culture, German identity was rooted in language, and therefore the fruits of language; education poetry, drama, history, theology, philosophy and science. On the other hand, economic development seems has more to do with the average performance, rather than the best of the elite. Paul Forman in 1971 argued the remarkable scientific achievements in quantum physics were the cross-product of the hostile intellectual atmosphere whereby many scientists rejected Weimar Germany and Jewish scientists, revolts against causality, determinism and materialism, and the creation of the revolutionary new theory of quantum mechanics. It was confidence in long-term funding that kept immunologist Dolores Schendel from returning to her native United States after what was meant to be a two-year postdoc placement at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich in the late 1970s. Meeting these challenges will require the next federal government to make a strong financial commitment to the university sector. Each entry ends with the position the person held as of 1936. Germany Key Factor Analysis Country/Region The publisher of Advanced Science is Wiley-VCH Verlag , which locates in Germany . Double-sided tape maybe? Second, the world's best universities are not located in Germany. every side chose differen fields of research to persude, but it just so happend that the one field were germany was most ahead of everybody else, namly rocket development, turned According to R&D Magazine, Germany spent about $112 billion on research and development in 2017, which represents about 5.4% of the global total. My general skeptical answer would be this: We are easily led to believe that the reasons for extraordinary achievements in a group of scientists of a certain nationality can be explained by searching for causes in their cultural/social environment. Overall, however, the numbers tell a positive story for science (seeGermany by the numbers). A European ranking published in 2013 showed that Germany has one of the highest numbers of "excellent" lakes and rivers for swimming. Participate in One of the Many International Programs. There's also a self-reinforcing cycle to these things. Second, electric vehicles must become cheaper and easier to charge. Germany now ranks above the United States for the percentage of papers it publishes among the top 10% most highly cited. Germany's refusal to send weapons to Ukraine has puzzled and angered some allies. Physicist Axel Freimuth has been rector of the University of Cologne since 2005 and says the university has changed beyond recognition. When offered for rent, German houses and apartments are never furnished. West Germanys democratic constitution, which remains in force, declared: Arts and sciences, research and teaching shall be free. To ensure that centralization and abuse of power could never happen again, it created a highly federalized country in which responsibility for culture, science and education lies with the Lnder, or states a feature that was to have negative as well as positive effects on university development. The crumbling concrete of science labs and lecture theatres that shot up when the universities expanded in the 1960s and 1970s is embarrassing, says Wilhelm Krull, general secretary of the Volkswagen Foundation in Hanover, Germanys largest private research funder: There is a contrast of Glanz und Elend splendour and misery., Few scientists in Germany see the country leaping back to the very top of the scientific world. Schavan launched several initiatives to get scientists from different pillars to work together and with industry. But the facilities were seductive, and as her research became increasingly translational and no longer lent itself to a regular flow of high-profile papers she knew she could rely on secure local funding. If it is faster, cheaper and more convenient to use an electric car, people will pay slightly more for one. Alfred Wegener (18801930), a similarly interdisciplinary scientist, was one of the first people to hypothesize the theory of continental drift which was later developed into the overarching geological theory of plate tectonics. That depends on where you are in the world, Davos 2023: What you need to know about fairer economies, Time to stem the tide of fragmentation. The raw output of scientific research from Germany consistently ranks among the world's highest. How did Germany get to be so powerful and wealthy before Related . And how can the country attract the best talent from around the world if proposals must be written in German, as several funding agencies demand? All we can say is that all three things, science, education and economic development The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. In his collection of essays entitled "Brocas Brain", Carl Sagan gives some excellent insight into Einsteins biography: (I think this an accurate reprint of the original piece). For example, Germany had a big advantage in jet technology, but had a problem getting the metals to make the fans on the jet engines. The only thing which is clearly seen, is the correlation of these periods with vigorous economic development of these countries. Unlike in any other country, in Germany you will find many worldwide ranked universities, countless courses to choose from, globally valued degrees that promise high employability to you and affordable living costs. Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717 1768) was a German art historian and archaeologist, "the prophet and founding hero of modern archaeology". These enterprises are very successful worldwide up to our time (21st century). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Germany's infantry weapons and tactics however, were fairly advanced. Germany is better at sustaining employment growth and productivity, while expanding citizens' real incomes. Read more. [17][18], Justus von Liebig (1803 1873) made major contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry, and is considered one of the principal founders of organic chemistry. Sorted by: 6. Cheap and easy charging, and ready access to low-carbon power, are the way forward. Forgiven thinking we 're all driving around in BMWs, Audis and Mercedes with the position the held. Demonize the Nazis were not inventive, the more serious Nature Briefing what... However, were fairly Advanced this story is part of a series highlighting superlatives of and! And business, theory and practice, learning and working most of are. Are dominant, who suggested that university professors should do front-line research well... Thing, the numbers tell a positive story for science ( seeGermany by the police can be even! 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