She is a great example of having faith, trust and obedience to the LORD. Because of the great iniquity of the people, the Lord caused that there would be . She prepared food for Elijah with the last of her food, and trusted his words that her barrel would not be empty. The Widow of Zarephath lessons that we will explore in this post might challenge you. And for those of us who struggle in our faith, He always meets us where we are in our imperfect faith and helps us grow. (Philippians 4:19). It is common for us all to blame ourselves and our sins for things that happen to us. This womans husband was one of those students. Holstein, Joanne (2015) The Widow of Zarephath:. Becker Bible Studies Library (April),, (accessed). A Phoenician town 'belonging to' or apparently dependent upon Sidon in Elijah's day. God bless. These days she stood with shoulders hunched as though to hide her breasts. Right now, feel free to press pause, and get on your knees and pour out your heart to the Lord Jesus. FACT #3 - Elijah knew she was a widow because of what she was wearing. Rizpah was a woman of a different kind. These mazzah cakes miraculously sufficed for the Israelites for thirty days, until the manna began to descend (Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael, Masekhta de-Pisha, Bo 14). So inspiring and, encouraging and hope-giving. Jezebel, King Ahabs wife, tried to kill all of Gods prophets. Jewish Women's Archive. The Prophet Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath illustrates the biblical story of the encounter between prophet Elijah and a widow and her son gathering sticks when he arrives at the town of Zarephath. It was almost gone. He will not allow the enemy to snatch you up without a fight. (Psalm 23:3). It was ironic since generally, Israelites were not supposed to be mixing with the surrounding nations. In verse 8, the Lord commanded Elijah to go to Zarephath, a town outside of Israel, where a widow would provide food for him. The important thing is to go back to Him in remembrance of Him. First, she seemed to be unaware of this command. Kadari, Tamar. Yes, "the large jar of flour did not run out, and the small jar of oil did not run dry . To help you get started in organizing your time, here are some sample Sunday School schedules for preschool through grade 6 for varying classroom lengths: If you have a 30-minute class, consider taking two weeks per lesson or following a schedule such as this: "Come on in" games: 5 minutes.. 9 images found in 1 Kings 17. If you want to continue learning from the Widow of Zarephath story, I encourage you to check out someother Bible studies. As she decided to care for Gods spokesperson, God provided miraculously for her household. Let us know. Holstein, Joanne (2015, April) The Widow of Zarephath:. Becker Bible Studies Library. New International Version (NIV). Terms of Use: The contents of this blog post are restricted to your personal use only. Can you imagine just a little attitude in her response to him? Am much encouraged at the same time I was looking for further understanding about the story of Elijah and the widow since for the first time I will be giving the word of God where I fellowship.i thank God for leading me and giving me what I was looking for through this page.for sure fear and anxiety has been killing me but this word has ministered to me God. She did not refer to Jehovah as my God. She lived in Zarephath, a town that belonged to the Phoenician city of Sidon. Our lives are intertwined for mutual provision and blessing. Hopefully we can see it as God positioning us for blessing. Although the poor widow of Zarephath lived in an area where many people worshipped idols, she showed faith in Jehovah. Tune in next week when we talk about the Shunammite woman, a wealthy woman who experienced a life and death miracle from God. I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijahs time, when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land. But what a wise decision she made! It was ironic since generally, Israelites were not supposed to be mixing with the surrounding nations. At Zarephath the prophet was shown hospitality by a poor widow, whose flour and oil were miraculously sustained during a great famine and whose son Elijah, in God's power, subsequently raised from death. God did not abandon that poor widow. For him to take up a love offering? Losing a spouse is hard enough, but now, while this woman is still dealing with the grief of her loved one, she discovers that he took out a loan and shes required to pay it off. He will be a Provider, a Protector, and a Friend in order to help you endure.Exodus 3:13-15. The widow had shown faith and had cared for Elijahs needs. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. After we have eaten, we will die. (1Kings 17:12) What can we learn from this conversation? Its blessing for me to be Gods instrument of inspiration at this time in your Christian walk . Read about other women who rocked in the Bible: Deboraha Faithful Focus on What You Can Do, Want more? What about you? STOP delaying to get to know the Bible better! We can assume she is the only widow in her city. Although they may be surrounded by members of false religion, they may want something better. Elijah was feed by ravens for many days. Elijahs stay in the house of the widow was meant to bring him closer to the suffering prevalent in the world, and to acquaint him with the hunger and want from which the women and children suffered. God heard Elijah and the boy lived once again. We can assume she is the only widow in her city. She began to prepare for a final supper for herself and her child. Elijah took the boy and laid him upon his own bed and cried unto the LORD. FACT #3 Elijah knew she was a widow because of what she was wearing. Second, she was in no position to feed anybody. Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house (where Elijah was staying) became ill. What relationships does He want you to cultivate? She looked to Elijah for answers. After we eat it, well die (1 Kings 17:12 MSG). In fact, our biggest following is in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. The story has three main characters: Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. Elijah turns up and two things are obvious. ( 1Ki 17:8-24; Lu 4:25, 26) It later marked an . Lieberman], Ekev, p. 74). The widow went to Elisha and pleaded her case. (Luke 4:25,26) Her story teaches us that God blesses those doing good to his servants. Because he paid the ultimate sacrifice for you with His life. Like the woman with the issue of blood and Naaman, Elijah was no different. The Bible does not tell us, but we know this: The widow did not accuse God of doing anything wrong. The Widow of Zarephath, the mother of the dying boy was afraid it was her fault because her sins were remembered and they were so bad that the LORD God slayed her son. The midrash thus draws a parallel between the death of the widows son, on the one hand, and the drought and the resulting famine on the other. Her body shook as she stood over the fire, greedily sipping and sucking the steam from the pan, as though the smell of frying bread could fill her belly and soothe her fears. He knew the current reality did not measure up with Gods promise. Why? APA Style Citation: Elijah is commanded to go to Sidon, where he will be fed by a widow (17:9). Concubine of a Levite: Midrash and Aggadah, Daughters of Zelophehad: Midrash and Aggadah, The Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, Copyright 19982023, Jewish Women's Archive. The curse of the teacher is not fulfilled, but that of his disciple is? Umma, the widow of Zarephath lived in a prime real estate location but did not have two sticks to rub together and make a fire. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord gives rain on the land.' } God spoke to Elijah again and told him to go to Zarephath. And the mother? This exposition, based on the juxtaposition of the resurrection of the widows son (end of chap. You can follow me on social media, follow my blog, or contact me directly via email or my contact form. So many people are prevented from reaching their goals, accessing their blessings, and living an abundant life because of fear. It will be said that two keys are held by the disciple and one by the Master! They further state that when Elijah revived the widows son, he could have resurrected his dead relatives as well. What a time in my Christian walk to learn this? If you are going through a rough patch, you will find encouragement. if( checkboxFields.length ) { Watch over and protect those who are vulnerable. Thank you so much J. Did the woman remember a past sin that bothered her conscience? Completely. Bible Gateway Plus makes it simple. For the rest of their lives, those boys would always remember that time when they were facing being sold into slavery but God interviewed by multiplying a pot of oil. They went door to door collecting. The widow's faith in Elijah's God, Jehovah, preserved her and her son alive. Jezebel had commanded all the prophets in the land to be killed. This was trying times in her life and there was no guarantee there was going to be more meal or oil enough to sustain Elijah, her dying son and herself. Somehow, God pulled her to himself and transformed her heart from false worship to faith-filled. You give freely to those in need. She needs a miracle. She did exactly what he instructed to the letter. 1 Kings 17: 9- 24. The Word of the LORD is in reality truth and reliable. // check if at least one field is required He doesn't pat them on the back and say he's sorry life is so tough. Features thousands of biographic and thematic essays on Jewish women around the world. The widow did exactly as he instructed. The LORD God told His prophet Elijah that because of the wickedness of the people He would cause there not to be rain in the land for three and a half years. Oh Desmond, I hear you and I definitely understand the fear. So he made the request for food on faith, knowing that God would no doubt watch over his word and make it come to pass. She lashes out in her pain at the man she trusted, the man who God used to perform a miracle. They are sure. The worship of the true God was at an all time low. While in the widows house, Elijah performs the miracle of the jar of flour and the jug of oil, to which, according to the Rabbis, Prov. Soon after, her son dies, and Elijah pleads to God for the power to resurrect him. God loves you. This can be learned from Elijah, for whom God provided, as it is said (I Kings 17:9): I have designated a widow there to feed you (Tanhuma, Mikez 6). The Rabbis applied to this the verse (Ps. The article went on to say that it is the same for us. Did she think that her sons death was punishment from God and that Elijah was Gods messenger of death? Rabbah 27:4). Elijah took him and delivered him unto his mother. God is in the business of protecting his reputation. Are you looking for God to answer you through the divine connection of relationship Hes placed in your life? God mercifully preserved her and her son, even though they were not of His chosen people. 17). Try it FREE right now! So many wonderful points. Give back the key of rain, and take the key of the resurrection of the dead. Accordingly, after Elijah revived the widows son, the Biblical text states (I Kings 18:1): Go, appear before Ahab; then I will send rain, because he had to return the key of rain and stop the drought (BT Sanhedrin 113a). I look forward to hearing from you in the days ahead. Elijah arose and went to Wadi Cherith, where the ravens brought him bread and meat (v. 2). Elijah struggled with wobbly faith, loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Just as you saw the prophets widow through difficult times, may you work in a miraculous to take care of Edith. The Rabbis also learned from this episode that giving food to someone else is a great virtue that results in the resurrection of the dead before its time: because the widow from Zarephath gave food to Elijah, she merited the reviving of her son (Cant. The Widow of Zarephath Was Rewarded for Her Faith, Publication download options She had every right to refuse. jQuery('.mc4wp-form').find('form').on('submit', function(evt) { So Elijah begged: OJehovah my God, please, let this childs life come back into him.1Kings 17:20,21. The Rabbis derive from this that if someone opens his house to you, you are responsible for that persons well-being. Yet for some reason she believed Elijah and acted accordingly, giving him everything she had. The Widow of Zarephaths story begins while she is at the gate gathering a few sticks so she can go home and prepare the last little bit of food for herself and her son. She had a home; she was the "mistress" of the house in 1 Kings 17:17, yet she was "house poor," possessing little to nothing beyond her home. The Rabbis relate that this son was Jonah son of Amittai, who was completely righteous, and would eventually enter the Garden of Eden while still alive (Midrash Tehilim 26:7). The woman, only referred to as the widow of Zarephath, demonstrates a powerful faith through her obedience in 1 Kings. But anyone who is willing to open their hearts, God is ready to walk in. And when he came to the gate of the city, indeed a widow was there gathering sticks. Yes, they are Bible characters from a long time ago but their faith in God has reached across time to uplift our hearts. But he wants us to trust Him. She was a widow living in Zarephath, a city in Zidon about where Lebanon is today. If only her husband were alive to squeeze a harvest from the fields. They had to be scared. Remember the LORD had commanded a widow woman to sustain Elijah. Reach US; Reach our Team; Locations; Join on Telegram; Alternate . The Widow of Zarephath. What was she expecting when she went to Elisha for help? God provides for him through a raven. There's a story about a widow of Zarephath. You might be living from hand to mouth but recognize that it is Gods hands to your mouth. He cried out to God and asked that the boys life return to Him. Instead, challenge yourself to get to that place where your faith triumphs over your fear. The Widow of Zarephaths story doesnt end there. This was a humbling activity. She was a Gentile, an outsider. He said: Please, bring me a little water in a cup so that I may drink. When she went to get him some water, Elijah added: Please, bring me a piece of bread. (1Kings 17:10,11) The widow was not worried about giving this stranger a drink, but giving him bread was a problem. alert("Please select at least one list. Life Story of Prophet W.M.B - Part 1; Mystery Of The Godhead Revealed? Chicago Style Citation: Not only were they worshiping false Gods, but Jezebel had also commanded all the prophets in the land to be killed. In 1898, an article in Zions Watch Tower taught this lesson: If the widow had faith and obeyed Elijah, she would receive Jehovahs help. Yes, in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.Acts 10:35. The reviving of the dead in this narrative serves the Rabbis as a model of the future Resurrection of the Dead, since whatever God will do in the World to Come He has already shown to humans in this world. This was the last place that you should expect to find faith. So glad you were encouraged. 2). Rabbah 2:5:3). But she wasnt prepared for his death. Jesus will be with you as you speak His words. The Rabbis also learned that giving food to someone else is a virtue that results in the resurrection of the dead before its time: because the widow from Zarephath gave food to Elijah, she merited the reviving of her son. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She is a leading authority on historical development of Christian churches and the practices and beliefs of world religions and cults. Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath Sure enough, the brook runs dry. Her planwithout Gods miraculous intervention, which she must have hoped forshe and her son will starve to death. After this, the womans son falls ill and dies (v. 17). Sometimes our blessing is bound up with our serviceWhen we share, no matter how small, we are enriched. Elijah asks her for a piece of bread, and the destitute widow invites him to her home where she uses her last bit of flour and oil to bake for him. As a woman who endured extreme difficulties, her story reveals God's power to provide what we need the mosta commodity of the heart called faith. Yet, what did Elijah say? (Matthew 25:34-40) It proves that God takes care of those who are faithful to him, even when they are enduring very difficult trials. She had failed in the most basic ways a mother could, unable to protect, nurture, and provide. The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah. Im sorry I didnt respond sooner. Provide for her and her children. The story of the woman with the issue of blood and many other stories show Jesus doing that ( ). Their clothing set them apart so they could receive help from their community. Zarephath rest inside the region of Sidon, the native country of Queen Jezebel, the woman who married the wicked King Ahab and required her god, Baal to be worshipped instead of God Almighty (1 King 21:25-26). These two boys were facing a terrible future unless God intervened. Her sorrow: To suffer extreme poverty, famine, and the loss of husband and son. return true; Her houseguest says: See, your son is alive.. Zarephath rest inside the region of Sidon, the native country of Queen Jezebel, the woman who married the wicked King Ahab . John 1:14 reassures us: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Once again in 1Thessalonians 2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.. Elijah had declared God's message of judgment on Israel and her wicked king, but the message fell on deaf ears. There is, after all, a drought in progress. He will watch over his word until it comes to pass. We learned she did not have but a handful of meal in her barrel, and a little oil in the curse she did not have a cake for Elijah. You are our Provider when we have nothing. We meet the Prophets Widow in 2 Kings chapter 4. If we have faith, it said, we will get the blessing; if we do not [have faith], we will lose it.. Then you can make something afterward for you and your son. Shes angry. I will not talk much about Naomi here as I have dedicated an entire, Continue reading Characteristics of Ruth in the Bible (and lessons from the story of Ruth and Boaz)Continue, The story of Rizpah in the Bible is one of the absolutely gory and heartbreaking sagas in all of Scripture. Elijah carried the boys limp body to the roof chamber and cried out: OJehovah my God, are you also bringing harm to the widow with whom I am staying by putting her son to death? It deeply upset Elijah to think that Jehovahs name would be dishonored if this kind and hospitable woman was allowed to suffer even more. We know a lot about the Widow of Zarephath even though we do not now her name. return false; Here is a young woman whos had a difficult life. 18), creates a causal relationship between them. When Elijah finds her, she was picking up sticks for firewood. 17) and Gods command to stop the drought (beginning of chap. The is a very powerful Sermon. Retrieved from,. 4). Look! The Rabbis derive from this that if someone opens his house to you, you are responsible for that person's well-being. The faith of the Widow of Zarephath turned out to lead to the provision for a tired, depressed, and hungry prophet on the run for his life. This Widow demonstrates Christs invitation of His followers to Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first and all other things shall be added to them (Matthew 6:33). When her son became sick and died the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he was revived. The people there worshiped Baal, the god of rain. It is very likely that many Baal worshippers lived in Zarephath. Ive been serving the Lord for sometime know,but I still have this fear in me,and Im also afraid of going to hell,because Jesus says in his word,deny me on earth and I deny you on the day of jugdment,this sermon give Im hope in putting faith before my fear Amen. Have you ever been in debt? Elijahs life is saved.Her blessings were full to the running over. Elijah was a human being, even as we are. Then we should follow Jehovahs direction, no matter how difficult it may be to accept. The city serves as part of her identification. How many people who live in your territory are like the widow of Zarephath? 11:1617]. It seems that God allowed the boy to die because He knew that this resurrection, the first one recorded in the Scriptures, would give hope to millions in the future. Rabbah 2:5:3). Have you come to remind me of my guilt and to put my son to death? (1Kings 17:17,18) What do those bitter words mean? She did what had to be done because she had faith in the LORD. It will likely take faith on your part. No matter how small or insignificant, we have something to give to someone else to help them. She thought it was a punishment because of her sins. Rabbah [ed. We ask today that you be with those women who are struggling financially, especially those who are widows or single moms. The widow could see that Elijah was an Israelite who served God. Even though she did not know much about Jehovah, she believed Elijah and did what he asked of her. When the brook dried up, God sent Elijah to Zarephath with instruction to look to a widow to sustain him. The Widow. Am shelmith from Kenya. He will provide for our needs on a daily basis. Think of a time God provided for your financial needs. Thank you for stopping by. At one point, Elijah thought he was the last living prophet (1 Kings 18:22). Gods purposes are so much higher and wider than what we imagine. She was obedient and faithful to the LORD. Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath. Are you open to hearing His voice when He speaks through others? Lessons from the Canaanite Woman and her Faith, Zarephath was a gentile country. We need to know about the time period she lived in and the events that led to her faithfulness to the LORD. Open job opportunities for her that will pay for her bills and help pay off her debts. Elijah prayed that God give him the key of the resurrection of the dead, but he was told from Heaven: Three keys were not entrusted to an agent [i.e., an agent responsible for them], but remained with God, namely: the key of the woman giving birth, the key of rain and the key of the resurrection of the dead. The widow then told Elijah: Now I know that you truly are a man of God and that Jehovahs word in your mouth is truth.1Kings 17:22-24. Lord God, these are difficult times for so many. The woman said to Elijah (v. 18): [] that you should come here to recall my sin and cause the death of my son? In the midrashic expansion, she tells him: Until you came here, God would weigh my actions in comparison with the local people, and I would be found worthy. This woman didnt know that the LORD is a loving LORD. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.. Their mutual love of hospitality is not rooted in their religious or ethnic understanding, instead it is rooted in their shared humanity and love of God. Would you like to read this article in %%? But in times of spiritual crisis, he prayed in faith and God answered. This is so insightful and inspiring. In this post I will list just a few characters and stories of faith you can study to uplift your, Continue reading Faith in Bible stories: 30+ inspirational examples and stories from ScriptureContinue, The daughters of Zelophehad in the Bible were no ordinary women. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.. In that moment she chose to trust God. 8 Then the word of the Lord came to him: 9 "Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. How hard it was to suffer her fears alone, to wake in the night with no one to warm her, no one to whisper sweet lies about tomorrow. But she showed faith, trusted in Jehovah, and fed Elijah first. I am blessed that you have been encouraged. And when she gave, something amazing happened. God did not abandon that poor widow. Shed fill it with oil from her original container. for(var i=0; i Snooks Rockefeller Now, Dog Limping 1 Year After Tplo Surgery, Tipton, Iowa Arrests, Articles T