Hello matlab community, I'm having trouble sorting out what is wrong with the following code. My code runs fine but when I convert my code to a executable file (.exe) and open the .exe file, it shows: 'Undefined function 'getWfdbClass' for inputs arguements of type 'char''. New 29K views 2 years ago Here's a quick video explaining the super common error 'unrecognized function or variable' in MATLAB. , I have this code and its gave me a solution of my proplem and the solution must satiesfied the condition of the sum( the condition of the sum is the sum of the number are linked together with this line must different for every time and we must have no repeated sum) like the photo below. No, there is no replacement for pixelLabelDatastore in earlier versions. do so, that documentation page will also tell you how you can. You need to define it first. Reload the page to see its updated state. (If It Is At All Possible). Ireland E-Books , I have this code and its gave me a solution of my proplem and the solution must satiesfied the condition of the sum( the condition of the sum is the sum of the number are linked together with this line must different for every time and we must have no repeated sum) like the photo below. error is in line 127 below. Completed 4 of 6 simulation runs. If you had those statements in order to prevent old variables from interfering with new uses, then you should probably be rewriting the code as a function. This is not an answer. But I get an error saying: "Unrecognized function or variable 'time'" (the same for speed1), and I don't understand what's wrong. Can anyone please help me? If you When you call the function using Theme Copy Simpson1 ( (9.8*67/12.5)* (1-exp (-12.5*x/67)),0,8,10) % ^ the variable x is not defined. Once you know which toolbox the function belongs to, use the ver function to see which Pic attached. On the MATLAB > General page, select Update Toolbox Path nargin<5, Q = rand(k); Q = Q ./ (sum(Q, 2)*ones(1, k)); nargin<6, g = rand(k, r); g = g ./ (sum(g, 2)*ones(1, r)); ((norm(oldQ(:)-Q(:), 1) + norm(oldg-g, 1) > tol) && (it