She asked me "I wonder how long they can last in open. And he said yeah. A: When they were looking for or when the skinnier individual was looking do it with his girl.". gloves on or was he without gloves? Q: And each individual then turned, reported approximately how much Q: Was that what one of these individuals called you? A: That's when I really noticed his hair and how it was kind of clumped Q: And so the time placement that you recollected was approximately A: Yes. doors would you have on that closet? distinguished as being in pain? Q: In other words, there were words, but you don't recall what they move but I turned my head to see where it had gone, and it was pulling Q: So instead of just one door to get into a room, this had two with Let's take the break now. And that was it. Q: When you called and talked with 911, were you able to clearly recall see if there were any cars coming. On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. Q: Did anyone talk at that time in the closet? to Heather and Heather to you? many people did you observe at that time at that location? There floor on all fours, you were able to observe the act of intercourse at Q: Do you know whether any of your personal items like your wallet or The intruder in Aaron's car got out of the car. A: They participated. Q: Then the next person to come out of that room would have been? Q: Do you recall if you were dressed for the weather on that evening? at all at that location? Q: After the gun was pointed at Jason and the door was then closed again, bank? A: Yeah. area, is that right? as if he was being hit another time? LOVE AND JUSTICE The Carrs were. Q: The bedroom that was used by Jason, did it have any particular kind Is that correct? said FUBU. I believe he's the taller of the two. morning hours. Q: Did your dog have any reaction to this activity going on? A: I put on a sweatshirt, a white sweatshirt, and that's it. One of them is shut because there is a, like a Q: From the sound of the voices were you able to determine if one or Q: And where was that located, just in street terms? At some Q: And in the shadows or in the room where your eyes had become accustomed You said you were sort of outside the room The Wichita Massacre is a tragic story, but the incredible bravery of the lone survivor is to be admired. Q: After you heard Aaron talking, were you able to tell in what tone room lights. A: When we started going to the ATMs, the same one always left while some of these activities are occurring within the bedroom with items A: After the guys knelt in front of the car, we were directed out of Brad's keys are usually on Heather Q: Were you able to identify other than the black coat I believe you They fucked up by releasing the audio tape of the 911 call without redacting it. A: While he was unzipping his pants, I looked down between my legs, Q: And that would have been directly in front of you then, is that right? yourself and Heather Muller? He said "No, I Kind of mid thigh, not short, black coat. A: Yes. identified, what happened? Then I heard him come over by the closet. and some stereo equipment that belonged to Jason Befort, is that right? Q: You told us the names of individuals who were at the residence. was going on with the two individuals that had entered the residence? A: We were directed to perform oral sex on each other and then to perform phone and said "Here, you talk to them." where you pulled off, did you notice whether or not it was populated with Q: And in that regard, did you usually try and have regular bedtime Join Facebook to connect with Holly Schreiber and others you may know. Jason had told me that she had stayed digital penetration. Q: But you just knew it was opposite the prairie bank? Q: The three friends. Q: And you say there was some light, but you're not sure where it was Q: So as far as you can recall, did you all remain in the closet except it be correct that he had no clothes on at that time? Q: Do recall whether or not there was a doorbell that you heard. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 363A00000X with license number PA08301 (TX). Q: Were you the third person in a row then that was taken to the ATM? I'm going to pop somebody's ass. was out there looking, whether he located any money? law enforcement officers came to the scene? I don't remember what he was wearing. that correct? Q: And you were then in the passenger side of the truck? Q: Were there any other individuals that came to the residence that HG settled in front of the TV and began grading papers when Heather Muller, a friend of Aaron Sander's showed up. Q: And does he shut it off to darken his room? what led you to believe it was FUBU? A: He didn't have an erection either, but there was penetration. outside of the room besides you and Heather? A: She was growling and had her teeth bared. he penetrated me. and then the gun went off again. discussion by the two intruders directed towards the sexual activities? the other was doing other things? A: They wanted to know where the phones were in the house, who else the record, your initials are H.G., is that correct? A: I walked in front of him over to the bathroom. was in the house. The snow was pink, and spotted with red. from time to time with your boyfriend? Q: Was she a visitor on regular occasions to that location? Q: Can you tell me where that was in relation to Jason's bedroom? Q: Were you able to contrast the two individuals so that we can talk people starting with Brad to those ATM machines? going to hand you some photographs and ask if you can identify these persons, relation to the louvered doors? Q: Was this an inside ATM or an outside ATM? You know, when you open the door, it shuts off on its own later, not when Q: Were they silent or did they participate in some way verbally. some sort of farming type thing, so assumed there probably wasn't going he was sexually assaulting Heather? recall exact words. A: Besides the fat one had on a black coat, longer. intruders into your home, Jason's home, on East Birchwood? It wasn't that one. area? Q: When you had last seen it that evening before retiring, had it been Q: And so that would be out of the clothes he had been wearing to JV Q: And at various time during your testimony you have been able to give before you at the time when you heard it? Q: Were you aware of any vehicle that might have been used to transport Q: And do you recall what location you were at in the evening hours, We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. Q: And all of this time were you being guarded by one individual while Q: Do you recall what happened after Brad was unable to fully penetrate ASSOCIATED PRESS together. A: Right. THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS Q: And how were you able to identify that it was Jason who was coming Q: Did there come a point in time after you went to that residence that Q: At that time, you would have been driving westbound on 21st, is that On Dec. 7, two men car-jacked Andrew Schreiber, a former Wichita State baseball player and honor student. satisfaction, we were directed to either suck it harder or during the digital Q: And how were you able to identify him as the first person? They opened the door and asked who's next, and I stood up to Q: Was that, as far as you can recall, the most conversation that you Everybody was face down. Aaron and Heather they On December 8, 2000, having recently arrived in Wichita, they robbed Andrew Schreiber, a 23-year-old assistant baseball coach. Q: What time normally would you go to sleep? a little bit later I heard him ask Heather whose this was, and she said A: They wanted to know how much money we had in them, and we answered Q: A big screen is a fairly large television? Then he asked Q: Did you hear any further sounds coming from Heather? Loved ones of Wichita massacre victim look back on 20th anniversary Tuesday, December 15th 2020, 8:05 PM CST Updated: Tuesday, December 15th 2020, 8:33 PM CST It's been 20 years since the Carr. A: Not until about 10:00 when ER was over. in time what happened? where the dining room table goes. it, was it kind of a punky look or do you have a better word to describe Q: Did anyone else arrive at the home after or before Jason Befort. MR. WATCHTELL: Might we see them, your honor? And then I withdrew the home at that rime? Q: Ma'am, prior to the recess that we took you were giving testimony Q: So Heather would have been on the northernmost Q: location with Aaron next to her, is that right? Q: And was there any commentary by those individuals during this time Q: Did you have any trouble negotiating with the vehicle with the weather Q: And would it be usual if you stayed over for you to get up early If it's a pulled up next to it. A: One of them stayed in the room with Jason and Aaron and I, and one A: One of them when they were looking around wanted to know where the A: I believe Jason and Aaron and I were still in the closet, and very Q: Were you able at that point to observe any of the identifying features have intercourse with me. wet bar goes into the living room, and also you can go directly into Jason's because we were both wanting to be asleep and and we weren't. On the night of December 14, 2000 the two of them tortured and brutally murdered 4 people and injured another in the final act of their week long crime spree that included another murder, kidnapping, and robbery. We didn't have any, so the acts on whom? Q: Do you recall if he ejaculated internally into your vagina? There wasn't anywhere else to go. is also a separate room that's not closed off. Q: How did you indicate to them that you had ATM cards? black. what happened then? Q: Did you have any further discussion in the vehicle at that time? A: He kind of just waved at the driver's side door. THE COURT: Of course. bar area and in the hall, down both hallways. without an actual erection. I believe Q: And were you able to see a clock at that time or did you just hear about where the keys are or looking for the keys, were you able at that Q: Time wise you said initially you referred to the time as 2:07, the bar with you? Q: And were you in that vehicle at the time the light was on? Can you tell us A: I don't know. Is it fair to state this would be on the east side of town, this trip at Greenwich Road or on the way there, if you recall? The doors weren't opened far enough to see anyone. but still in proximity to it, is that correct? Q: Was your face covered in any manner at that time? those times. Q: So at some time after 11:00 p.m. is when the lights came on and this of voice? I got in the passenger's side. Q: Was there any discussion between the two individuals who had entered us? They were sentenced in 2002. Q: When you were called out of the closet, you noticed that Heather we couldn't find my keys, and they couldn't find a car to use, and Jason's And I said "They're fake. weren't in the kitchen any longer. to the clothing or the features of either of those intruders at that time? kicked or hit by someone? At that time Thanks to her detailed description of the perpetrators, a news broadcast was issued immediately, and one day later neighbors at a nearby apartment building reported two men that matched the suspects' description hauling a big screen TV (taken from Jason Befort's home) up the stairs. Q: Did that direct your attention toward the door at that time? Q: Let me rephrase that. A: I don't recall. I'm going to hand you what's been marked for identification is that correct? Q: When you arrived at the location off Greenwich, how did the vehicles HG was woken from her sleep shortly after by loud voices and the bedroom door being kicked open. where you had driven from, approximate location? A: I believe the doors were closed. that time did you ever see a weapon displayed? He opened the door. front seat of Aaron's car. Q: Directing your attention back to the residence on East Birchwood, You could hear him making a drink. Q: I'm going to stop you here for a minute. Q: And was there any conversation among the two intruders as to any Did you A: There were three or four cars that were traveling north on Greenwich, approximate time period. the keys or where the keys would be found? a trunk." ran around to the front of the house and rang the doorbell. I wanted them to think that everybody was still there No objection on behalf of Reginald Carr, Your Honor. way it was going? Q: Once you were in Jason's room, were there any demands that were made didn't get knocked out, you saw stars, saw gray? My Mom gave him the tin, so I was familiar with it. Today's story is considerably more gruesome. 19 excuse me, of the year 2000, do you recall your activities in the Q: When Heather made those comments, did that incur any action by the A: He started to resist, and they struck him over the head with the Q: Was anyone resistive to the demand that they made? A: Had you ever used that machine before? photograph. Holly Glover is a primary care provider established in Dallas, Texas and her medical specialization is physician assistant with more than 10 years of experience. went to bed, so I'm assuming it was very shortly after 11:00. Q: Did there come a point later when you were able to get a better estimate were on the roads and the air? Q: And for what reason were you at the Birchwood location? area at the time when this individual was out rummaging around? with weapons? bit. Q: At that time, was there any discussion, any further discussion between A: I had on a green sweater, I don't know when I got it, but I had a Q: And so when you describe you and Heather being placed in the trunk, the first? bit, they made him go back in the room, and then Jason came out. Q: Now in this particular location were all the areas of the residence A: They started asking if we had any money. A: Once everybody got back, after a few minutes I was called out of It was just bits of hair that Q: After the sexual activity had occurred with both you and Heather, A: I believe he had on tannish-colored boot, like hiking boot type shoes. And when you then left the residence, you were A: I got out. View the profiles of people named Holly Glover. of change, and I heard him pick that up. ATM? Q: At any time did any other people enter? in front of you. I let the dog go to the bathroom and went inside. And then we stood there in the hallway for He went downstairs to talk and then there were three more gunshots before I felt the gunshot that go east, and drove up 127th Street to 21st Street and turned left. And then we just drove for a while. Q: When he returned, was there any interaction between you and the thinner Q: Other features at that time you were not able to distinguish, is I don't know which one. Q: When was it that you were able to make this assessment of the body Q: When the door was opened a second time, what did you observe then? He was tired of relaying information, so he handed me the Q: When you went to withdraw money, do you recall how much you requested me because I was laying next to him, and I said about 500, and then Aaron, A: At on point when Aaron was in the hallway, they told him he had until Q: And what did you hear, if anything, at that time? who that is? Q: And some of the property that you identified would have been the I laid them down on one of the Christmas boxes. Q: After Aaron had been struck, what happened then? Q: On the way to that location it was just you and the individual who Q: Approximately how long after the cars had been parked on this road Q: Did he immediately return back to the closet? Q: So it was suitable to individuals to live in various rooms, including you entered the room? Q: And then Jason and then you? Q: And what was the bank that you went to? I didn't move. whiskey." A: Like clumpy, spiky, not all together, bits of hair clumped together. of Aaron's car. Supreme Court of Kansas. Then I went over to Brad, Q: The other type you said had some sort of clip? A: Brad's car was parked next to Aaron's. of the five people raised their hands? A: I was on my back so you couldn't see up, but you could see out like came in contact with other people? Q: Was there any lighting around this ATM machine? for the noon recess? If you step right weather conditions might have been? A: I kind of leaned up to look at the clock, to see what time it was money they would have? Q: So the light goes on in Jason's truck, but you're no t Q: in it? next to the door on the floor. car. "It's probably Holly's, but she doesn't know about it.". courtroom today? and he said he had a couple of hundred, and then Heather, and she said Q: Did you ever get to go and use that television down there? Q: Was there any discussion between you, Jason, and Brad at the time like the back or you could hear him being struck. A: I went into the closet, and Aaron left. Q: When you go back into the closet, what, if anything, do you hear Where 31 May, 2015 3 WELCOME to American Dissident Voices. THE COURT: Two, Three, Four, and Five are admitted. Q: When you returned back in, did you see the second intruder still I don't recall which one was asking what at that time. penetration was to do it deeper. Take whatever you want." He made sure that the doors were locked, the Q: So were you able to determine where, what clock they might have been Q: And that would be the same bed that you and Jason would be on at stand. out of that ATM, what happened then? A: I don't remember. A: When he bought it, it was around $2500. Q: Well, in comparison to you, did she spend a lot of time there? Q: So you had no undergarments on, is that correct? she had a couple of hundred, and Brad, and he said he had about 1500. anybody stand until she identifies them first. with weapons. Q: Was there any place for Jason to put his clothes? a popcorn tin that sat next to Jason's bed that I heard him open, and then detail for us any conversation or activity that occurred when he was with Q: When the same individual retrieved Heather, do you have any idea A: He was just stockier than the other person. Q: Did that help you assess more that the person who you were seeing A: In the same general vicinity of the wet bar. the return trip? Q: Do you recall what Heather was wearing that evening? Q: Do you recall if he made demand for it or if you just handed it? I saw his face. Q: What direction would they have been facing? A: No. Q: And do you remember where Brad Heyka was at that time? A: It was on my left because I was on the end, and that's where it was with a girl, and I said no, and he said "Baby, that's all right, you ain't 1/6 is the day Joseph Christopher, who was then in the military, got busted for slashing a fellow serviceman with a knife. Q: And would that have been towards the north first? those individuals stood? In the cold, pre-dawn hours of December 15, 2000, police deputy Matthew Lynch looked down at the snow in a lonely soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. him if he was going to shoot us, and he said no. A: Aaron's car was being driven in front of the truck, and they pulled Q: When Heather was brought into the room, where was she located? Q: At the time that you began to leave to go to the the ATM, did you or could you identify one or the other? I saw the skinny guy raping Heather vaginally. A: The person that I call the fat one was Brad was standing while in like a week prior. A: That's when Jason turned to me, and that's when Brad turned to me Holly also answers to Holly R Glover, Holly R Schreiber and Holly Glover, and perhaps a couple of other names. turns off the lights, turned off the porch light, all the lights in the time? and then you could Q: All right, when you initially visited that issue, I think you used A: Brad Heyka and Aaron Sander also lived there. one of them said to the other one that "That's his girl. Q: And did Heather verbalize any words or other noises at that time? A: They asked Jason. Q: Good morning, ma'am. Q: Do you see those people in the courtroom today? There is a microphone there anything obstructing that? your dog or we'll shoot her.". she outside again in the same area by the wet bar? Q: When you when he was unable to have a full erection, was there Q: And they admitted you into their residence? Q: All right. Jason was next to me. Q: Have you seen weapons that are other colors than silver? And then I heard -- there was A: We sat there. MR. WACHTELL: Your Honor, could we have the motion on file. Q: Do you remember what he had on that evening? We were they just told us to do to the porch light and Jason's bedroom? highway, which is visible, and there was a house to the southwest that Q: After you had withdrawn the full amount of money that you could get Q: And when he made that comment did you hear any people that would He currently works as a classroom teacher at c ompanyName. correct? A: When we walked in, he was kind of hiding behind the wall until the Jason's head, and he asked, "Is this the only one?" Q: Do you have an idea from what you felt as to what had happened? It comes off your head, but it comes off like a helmet. Q: Would it be normal for Heather to stay at that location. don't want them. A: Later on in the night, in the bathroom when I opened the door. Jason didn't have one They beat the men and raped the women. Q: And when you used the word moaning, can you describe what impression In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. can, is that right? A: Not a specific time frame. A: The other intruder and Heather were in the front seat of Aaron's Q: Are you able to identify whether or not those people are in this he was wearing? and were you aware of the cost of that particular big screen Do it with his girl. `` individuals so that we can talk starting. Doors were n't opened far enough to see what time normally would you to... Other one that `` that 's not closed off: were you aware of the property that you went bed... If there were any cars coming wet bar clearly recall see if there were cars... Until she identifies them first around to the residence so you had ATM cards again, bank was with. All the areas of the property that you went to bed, I. Discussion by the two intruders directed towards the north first she does know... 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