"I love this country too much to settle for the lies written in our history books. The direct quote there is: "Dissent from public policy can be the highest form of patriotism," she said in an interview in 1965. For King, dissent did not mean disloyaltyin fact, dissent was a high form of patriotism. The quote was attributed to Thomas Jefferson. And in so doing, we need to reconsider and reeducate others on what the term "peaceably" meant to our founders and should also mean to us. Nor is the misinformation targeted by the Biden administration confined to speech about vaccines. This is impossible without the right of looking to men. Shatha Almutawa | May 1, 2015. According to the Jefferson Library: There are a number of quotes that we do not find in Thomas Jeffersons correspondence or other writings; in such cases, Jefferson should not be cited as the source. Variations of the quote date back to the early 1900s, according to research by etymologist Barry Popik. It is my privilege to congratulate you on becoming United States citizens. According to former Witnesses James Penton and Heather and Gary Botting, internal dissatisfaction with official doctrines continued to grow, leading to a series of secret investigations and judicial hearings . An image shared on Facebook claims that founding father Thomas Jefferson once said, Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.. Indeed, intelligent, responsible dissent can represent the highest form of patriotism. Over the last few years, both those on the left and right have protested in big ways. What we need like never before are leaders at the state and federal level like those decades ago who knew how to agree to disagree agreeably, confronted tough challenges together and advanced our nation forward with American exceptionalism despite their differences. Protest alone is no more patriotic than, say, the general act of fighting in a war is. Were members of the German American Bund, who protested the U.S.s anti-Nazi policies in the 1930s and 40s, enacting the highest form of patriotism? Id like to think the question answers itself. Gone are the days when strong leaders and politically differing personalities like 1980s Speaker Tip ONeill and President Ronald Reagan were friends and reached across the aisle in order to lead our country. They may be paid a substandard wages by unscrupulous employers. The Left has already achieved that goal. In a 1969 speech at Columbia University, New York City Mayor John Lindsay said, "The fact is that this dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Jefferson may not have literally said, Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, but I think its fair to say that he and the other founders believed it was indeed a high form of patriotism. "DISSENT IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF PATRIOTISM" . Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech; a thing terrible to public traitors. Google Books Im not talking about the boisterous, flag waving America-first kind of patriotism on display in many places around the country today, the kind of patriotism which Sam Adams called the last refuge of scoundrels. Dissent from public policy can be the highest form of patriotism, she said in an interview in 1965. Our patriotic holidays, like the 4th of July, get me thinking about the impact of this common sentiment on our society. My name is John Halstead. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Get 'The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament' now. They are afraid to hear any opinion or idea that goes against their mindset. By. The world seems to be topsy-turvy these days. They want you censored, whether youre an insane conspiracy theorist or just a person asking basic questions that run too close to exposing a reality theyd rather the people not see. Per the link, it gained popularity in 1969 when NYC Mayor John Lindsay uttered the phrase during a speech at Columbia University. It is also highly hypocritical. And so there has been and will continue to be dissent which, when made responsibly, may well be the highest form of patriotism in a democracy. According to historian Barton again, that resistance event was 100% peaceful with no looting, rioting, injury, or destruction of person or private property. (The same can basically be said of patriot resistance in 1765 against the Stamp Act and in 1767 against the Townshend Acts.). The question still stands. The goal of ReligiousFreedomDay.com is to promote and protect students religious expression rights by informing educators, parents and students about these liberties. This most basic form of moral reasoning is newly relevant today, as supporters of NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem have spurred a new, hip slogan: Protest is patriotic. None other than George Takei, who somehow parlayed a small role from a low-rated, quickly canceled 1960s television show into widespread Internet fame, tweeted as much this week, garnering legions of likes and retweets: Protest is patriotic. Out of town activists and professional agitators have poured into metropolitan centers and led rioters to destroy businesses, housing units, and even churches.. We live in an age where accusation is en vogue. We point fingers in judgment without any conviction of decency, civility or love. I mean patriotism in the sense of being willing to stand up, not just for yourself or your family, but for the stranger, for the alien, for the person who may not look or talk like you. You can stand up for protect those who are least able to protect themselves. According to a Gallup poll, pride in our nation has declined, especially among young adults. But it should be legal. They have also justified their legal and illegal actions, from peaceful protests to breaking into and seizing buildings, destroying private property and even causing physical harm. Entry in progressB.P. In 1980, dissent arose among members of the Governing Body regarding the significance of 1914 in Jehovah's Witnesses' doctrines. The earliest usage of the . It may indeed be the very highest form of patriotism. Google News Archive For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [emailprotected]. No, we cannot agree to that. His latest book is entitled, E-book now available for Joseph Farah's acclaimed new Bible book. There are winning over the ahidjo regime was bad luck for every media, national review and be arguing about the highest form of dissent the patriotism is. Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal (CCPS), Vol. What hypocrisy within the Democratic ranks as we now hear . Hot take: Flyers should've benched 'ignorant, obnoxious, and homophobic' Provorov over pride jersey, Try Not to Laugh at DOJ's Excuse for Not Sending FBI to Raid Biden's Homes for Classified Docs, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Patriotism is the highest form of patriotism. If what your country is doing seems to you practically and morally wrong, is dissent the highest form of patriotism? Now that you are American citizens, you are a part of that history and can engage in this time-honored institution. It is intellectual snobbery devoid of intellect. "Peaceful protests" shouldn't morph into pandemonium protests. Even some letters by respected conservatives in newspapers fail to do so and pussyfoot away from placing blame on the Left. We know why she didn't. Whatever the people's historian Howard Zinn says, Democrats aren't patriots. We join the majority of Americans across our land in praying for a better and more united way forward for all of us. As Ethan Epstein wrote in The Weekly Standard, Few if any Americans are associated with more apocryphal quotes than Thomas Jefferson, but the false notion that he said, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" is among the easiest to dispel. Your email address will not be published. (*The sticker read, "Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism." Which Jefferson never . But unfortunately, there are many, many other Erin Chings out there who think the same way. google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; Our Fall Fundraiser is in full swing and we need ONE HUNDRED readers to pitch in a little each month to make a big difference. Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash. The goal of ReligiousFreedomDay.com is to promote and protect students' religious expression rights by informing educators, parents and students about these liberties. 7 Jan 2023 at 6:39 pm. America needs to resurrect the real First Amendment, as I did in my New York Times bestseller Black Belt Patriotism. And in so doing, we need to reconsider and reeducate others on what the term peaceably meant to our founders and should also mean to us. In dark times, therefore (as Jefferson never said), eating dessert is the best thing one can do -- along with taking a stand for what's true and good and right when you can. The media and college administrators are todays brown shirts with neck ties, tailored suits and man-buns. Which is why, when President Kamala Harris is in office in a few years, we can expect that protest will go from being patriotic to something more akin to literal Nazism.. Thomas Jefferson (13 April 1743 4 July 1826) was the third president of the United States (18011809), author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), a political philosopher, and one of the most influential founders of the United States. You can exercise your Constitutional rights to assemble and to speakbecause if we dont exercise them, we lose them. A quick Google search reveals that this quotation appears in that list Monticello investigated it more than a decade ago, finding the words nowhere in Jeffersons collected works. The fact is that this dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Contrary to the accusations of those who slander immigrants, both documented and undocumented immigrants are among the most law abiding people in this country. All Rights Reserved. While some immigrants come here to join family, others have had to leave family behind or have been separated from their families. 16 September 1939, Dunkirk (NY) Evening Observer, Fullest Debate Needed, pg. (Writing this on the certificate in your own handwriting can be your first act of dissent.). Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism Thursday, June 16, 2011 History Rhymes In 1971, President Nixon declared the "war on drugs." History doesn't repeat itself it rhymes, and forty years later another policy of prohibition has been a colossal waste of taxpayer money. Instead of loving people and using things, we love things and use people. F ew if any Americans are associated with more apocryphal quotes than Thomas Jefferson, but the false notion that he said, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" is among the easiest. Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. ", Washington would have concurred that freedom of speech included dissent even against "the king" or president, as long as it didn't lead to his demise. The necessity for dissent, for the free clash of ideas in a free society, is stated by Sen. J. William Fullbright in the November issue of Redbook. Google Maps. 369: google_ad_type = "text_image"; Jefferson may not have literally said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism," but I think it's fair to say that he and the other founders believed it was indeed a high form of. Immigrants, whether documented or not, are 5 times less likely to commit crime than those who were born here. But the circumstances are suggestive. This past weekend, hundreds of thousands of Americans gathered in cities and towns around the country to protest the treatment by our government of families who have come to this country looking for shelter and freedom. CNN Finally Reports on Biden Family Corruption, and Everyone Should Be Asking Why, Greta Thunberg Gets Wrecked Over 'Staged' Detention in Germany, Conservative Journalists Uncover Horrifying Story of LGBTQ Adoption and Pedophile Ring, Netflix's 'Wednesday' Is a Show That Shouldn't Work but Does, The FBI Pulls Out the Hillary Clinton Playbook in Dealing With Joe Biden's Classified Documents Scandal. I am here today on behalf of the lawyers of the state of Indiana and the Indiana Bar Association. The Use of Force in International Affairs Perhaps when drafting these policies on college campuses, or even in legislatures, one should think ahead a little and say, What if the shoe was on the other foot? What can be more fascist than colleges and universities and media outlets mimicking true fascism by ruining the careers of dissenters, penalizing dissenting students, not hiring dissenting voices, rescinding speaking invitations to dissenters, shouting down dissenting voices, etc.? (For more great perspectives on patriotism and our founders, I would encourage you listen daily to Wallbuilders Live broadcasts with Rick Green and David & Tim Barton, especially last week's broadcast on "What Happened at the Capitol." But even then, we feel, there is little excuse for the extremes of suppression. Weve abandoned loving our neighbors for being indifferent. The Left is big on diversity when it comes to race, creed, color, national origin, or sex- even creating whole new classifications of sex based upon identity. Yet when it comes to diversity of thought which trumps race, creed, color, national origin and sex, there are no brakes on the suppression of that diversity. We will likely see hundreds of thousands of people protesting Donald Trump's presidency and his proposed policies in cities across the country. We must retrain our younger generations on the freedoms in the First Amendment and how to agree to disagree agreeably. Many attribute the following statement to Thomas Jefferson: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." Sayings are so often misattributed to Jefferson that his estate at Monticello keeps a running list of spurious quotations. (RELATED: Did Thomas Jefferson Say, When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty?). 1952 Opposition to an administrative policy must never be branded as a lack of patriotism. If it be not allowed, it excludes the privilege of canvassing men, and our rulers. Howard Zinn said: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." and: " If the gods had intended for people to vote, they would have given us candidates ". //--> "I don't think democracy can survive without it, even though you may be crucified by it at times." According to the professor's research, the misattribution was popularized in the 1990's by ACLU president Nadine Strossen. After all, if all protest is patriotic than those white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month were the greatest patriots of all. But our founders did not condone or endorse violent or destructive dissent, until of course they realized that separation and war with the Crown was the only way forward and inevitable a sentiment Thomas Jefferson even echoed for the preservation of our own republic in latter half of the Declaration of Independence. His full statement was: "The fact is that this dissent is the highest form of patriotism. "Declaration and Resolves" (Oct. 14, 1774), latter half of the Declaration of Independence, New York Times bestseller "Black Belt Patriotism. Speakbecause if we dont exercise them, we lose them created by Biden! Founding father Thomas Jefferson once said, dissent did not mean disloyaltyin fact, dissent did not disloyaltyin. 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