This requires a bit of rearchitecting the internals of vscode, so let's be patient (or contribute). How else should developers get info on what user base wants? Move between open windows or when dragged to desktop will open a new window for that tab. As a simple workaround you can use the command Duplicate Workspace in New Window (since version 1.24) to open the current folder/workspace in a second VS code window that can be moved to a separate monitor. @bpasero @aeschli is this a feature that you'd like to get and review as a pull request? I often use WebStorm (which has such feature). This automatic injection can be disabled by setting terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled to false. Open the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P. Type - Select Default Shell. We are looking for the ability to pop out a window and move it where we want, basically like premire pro does with the different pallets sort of thing, Just my 2 cents Should be on the roadmap. @RoyTinker Perhaps we can discuss the merits of floating in-process versus separate instances? Have a question about this project? Please stop suggesting "Duplicate workspace". Request: Please close this issue for comments. rather fundamental (large) at this point. We figured it's covering the same as another one we already have. So yeah here's one more developer wishing I could detach tabs out of VSCode just like work with VS. The look of Visual Studio Code's terminal can be customized extensively. I totally agree with you. I do hope this feature can be given higher priority, especially given it has been open for over a year now. Only 150 more and it'll be in the top 3! Possible better focus IMO, fixing word pattern selection and renaming selection, adding drag & drop support into panels, etc Also, most of the OS don't support a proper tiling system for you windows so yeah have fun managing each ones @MangelMaxime You do realize that new windows would be optional? years. This is awsome app, and I recently move from Webstorm to vscode. How tabs are presented can be configured with the following settings: The text on each tab is determined by the following settings: By default, the title displays what the shell's detected process name. This thread was open 1 Year 6 Months and 4 Days ago . Edit: By bad, bpasero answered the thread a year ago, let's just hope the team will take this issue as the reference issue for the Explore UX for flexible workbench layout plan item on February 2018 iteration plan ! Vscode is awesome and it will be more awesome with this fonctionality! First thing i noticed missing when switching. Remove terminal instances by hovering a tab and selecting the Trash Can button, selecting a tab item and pressing Delete, using Terminal: Kill the Active Terminal Instance command, or via the right-click context menu. Nice to see others wanting the same. Hope it didn't come across that way. This is not a problem on big-size screens but it is definitely a big problem on small screens like laptops. If there is an option to float the terminal, then both editor view has more space and it could be good to examine logs on the terminal. The VSCode team is doing an amazing job and are continually delivering incredible value to an ever growing community of developers through one of the worlds best coding tools. I'm thinking on changing from Sublime Text to VSC and this limitation is the only thing which keeps me using both of them, I'll certainly be more inclined to VSC once you guys add this! The integrated terminal can use various shells installed on your machine, with the default being pulled from your system defaults. _however, hopes are getting lower and lower as time moves on_,,,,,,,,,,,,,, High DPI scaling for UI or settings for UI addition, Code Folding Oddity with Indented Subsequent Lines, Full uninstall does not remove installed extensions. So Vote for feature . Why vote it down just because you wouldn't use it? @vvavrychuk This isn't so much an electron issue as a fundamental limitation of web technology. I could envision having some way to track the windows once it's opened. Looking through these comments, it seems I am not alone in this view. I recently, started using JetBrains tools as an alternative. And some one who has a good ways to solve it? ;-). To everyone trying to excuse this due to technical limitations: Please remember that someone had the opportunity to evaluate a platform/language to build vscode on, and they decided on a framework that has a very obvious flaw. This is very important. @michaljaros84 The fact that VS Code isn't intended to be an IDE like Visual Studio doesn't at all preclude UX enhancements like floating in-process windows. Creating a File in VSCode using Terminal There are primarily two methods to create a file in VSCode using the terminal, you can use the "Code" keyword to create a file, or you can use the "echo" keyword to create a new file. I feel that Xcode does this really well if you're looking for inspiration. Back on track now Just my 2 cents Do you honestly think the vscode team would merge something that changes their product at such a fundamental level when they're not directing it? If not having this feature truly prevents you from using VS Code then you are free to contribute a pull request that implements at least some of the required changes to get this working. By that measure, VSCode is just an editor, despite built-in debugging/etc. Also from main workspace window we as developers could create a bridge service, that would listen from child duplicated workspaces events, and main workspace window could interact with that. It would be fantastic to have this ability. Everybody clap your hands for @mrmos and his solution. This would really be super useful for multi-monitor productivity. However, items (1) and (2) from @bpasero's list of challenges would remain. I was not aware of that yet and I am going to use this next week on a multi-monitor system to see how well that works. Terminal selection can be forced by holding the Alt key on Windows and Linux, this can also be done with the Option key on macOS but requires enabling the terminal.integrated.macOptionClickForcesSelection setting first. I can't find a menu option for that at all and I am guaranteed to forget the shortcut, but it does work! . The first thing to try is to disable GPU acceleration, trading off rendering speed for DOM-based rendering, which is more reliable: See the GPU acceleration section for more information. Thanks for the question! Save as a workspace You are receiving this because you commented. I typically would open e.g. That's quite a clever way of doing it. It is just limited by the current architecture. How is this not a feature yet, it's the only feature that stops me from using VS Code exclusively.. We are beyond _if_, rather at _when_ and _how_ this enhancement hits vscode. If this doesn't get added to the vscode roadmap soon, I think I'll find a new IDE. ", that IS a valid argument! Typically when there are rendering problems it's an issue of something in your hardware/OS/drivers not playing nicely with the GPU renderer. I can see no progress on this feature and few years past. Any plans when this will be added to a release-circle? Really hard to utilize two monitors when you can't breakout a tab. By "electron process" I meant more of a process tree, which would include a single web context accompanied by any number of Node.js processes and some background chromium processes. There is certainly ways of communicating between windows, even if they live in separate processes. But anyway, if the feature is well done that doesn't require extension developers to care anything more,,,,,,that would be gleit. To be helpful -- what would be useful to me is not just being able to open files on multiple screens, but being able to dock any kind of panel anywhere in the IDE (including popping them out to new windows which can be moved to new screens). laptop, as it manages real estate in brilliant way) and platforms other than Windows. @belst and others see this comment, given the current design it's quite difficult to implement this feature. "You can currently see 3 files, one vertical panel (debugger, git, search, explorer) and horizontal panel at the same time", nice try, but you know what I mean, I mean a maximized window with a CSS file in one monitor and a maximized window with HTML in another one that's far better than having a lot of uncomfortably panels in the same monitor. Toggle some bits and get an actual square. @Nepoxx You could always open a new issue with a title something like "Technical discussion for floating in-process windows" and link to this issue. See also our issue reporting guidelines. Terminal in the editor area, also known as terminal editors, can be created through the Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area and Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area to the Side commands or by dragging a terminal from the terminal view into the editor area. I just know about it, since that is one of the main reasons why React v16 portals are so useful.. Good news - this has moved up to #13 in feature requests sorted by upvotes. I'd say that's a personal preference, but hey, this thing has 237 upvotes vs 7 downvotes, so yeah. Basicaly, it creates base64 encoded string as URL for window: on load. But after using it for first 15 minutes I missed this function. It also means I don't have to babysit the window management as much as I don't have to remember which is the "real" project window. Additionally, adding socket communication to editor/panel tabs would take a lot of work -- if I'm not mistaken, many internal APIs would have to be updated to be async/promise-based instead of synchronous, which would be a sizable effort. Currently I'm developing a game where you can practice and apply your programming skills to automate all kinds of machinery in challenging environments. BTW using MacOS or Linux is not the only reason not to use VS, If you ever used VS, then you know how bloated it is. This is the most wanted feature ever :dancer: I'm working with 3 monitors, and I need to have this feature, because sometimes in the code I need to see what functions that I need to implement from one file, and I need to open this in a separate window to copy paste what I want instead of splitting the window inside one monitor that can limit the work space area. [EDIT: I'm not saying the new tab's window should duplicate the main window's UI. For people who suggest opening another window. Do peer-reviewers ignore details in complicated mathematical computations and theorems? Wouldn't it be possible to launch a new window, and do communication between the parent window and the child via the webContents API? I don't know any developer who only codes on one monitor, and having the ability to drag a tab to a new window for side-by-side use is just too useful of a feature to not have. @rozzzly Visual Studio, at least, has a large set of features that vscode doesnt have. This feature has been requested for years nowPlease implement it. Additionally one monitor is definitely cheaper than two. And thanks @D1no, now I want an Oculus Rift so I can have 17 virtual monitors :). Like others have said, opening in a new window isn't what were asking for or wanting. Links are keyboard accessible through several commands that open links based on the type of link. I'm sure this issue is on the team's radar (it is the number one requested feature). Thanks for the reply. This would not be movable outside of that WebView but at least you can freely position it within that. It's just a base, it requires designing the appropriate API for communication between windows and their management, and after then you have to build the rest on top of this. Sign in Privacy Policy. Navigate between terminals in a group by focusing the previous pane, (Windows, Linux Alt+Left), or the next pane, (Windows, Linux Alt+Right). I want it to work exactly like the Chrome browser. to your account. Problems Chiming in with what others have said -- Not being able to dock the various panels is a bit of a deal breaker for me as well. @bpasero - being lightweight for this feature is not that essential - it would be very helpful already if two vscode instances are synced and I can simply edit a file on the main screen and see the problems panel or terminals on the second screen update immediately. Any estimates when VS code could be capable to do this? Windows that aren't docked cause you want a mess covering up your code cnoor0171 For example, if you have two monitors, you can have two windows with the same workspace. Prevents people from focusing on other, more important food. How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code? I'm currently looking into similar editors to see if any support floating windows: Brackets, Atom, Sublime, JetBrains Also want to throw in my support for this feature. Isn't it an unnecessary overhead to have multiprocessing for each window for such framework as electron? The community is concerned because this is such an important feature and there has been little to no response from core contributors beyondessentially, "this is a difficult issue.". In neither case do I actually want a floating window such as in Visual Studio. Left screen: Closely thing to this right now is "zen mode".. but it's not nearly the same experience. I do know you do not speak for the VSC-Team. There's a lot to to love about VS Code, but the one significant missing feature for me is the lack of floating editor-tab-only windows (like I've gotten used to having in Visual Studio). _Probable solution: Open new instance of VSCode instead of implementation of frameless windows, but add a command line option to let it use first instance's shared extensions (Problem: Extension host can be shared or is tied to instance?)._. Floating tabs/editors is a must especially when working with dual monitor setup. I find myself quite often in the situation where you open and close the terminal all the time with cmd+j or have to close all split tabs because you want to diff changes side by side although I have a second screen where these could simply stay open. This would not be movable outside of that WebView but at least you can freely position it within that. to perform the same as Ctrl+C. As I've said before, the best way to get their attention is for a _lot_ of people to add their vote to the issue. Well occasionally send you account related emails. How to Open VS Code from the Terminal. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. That status update is enough for me. It would be ideal to have this for some text editing as well. Indeed, and I remember seeing someone talk about an idea for GitHub to implement an automatic "+1 to top-post convertion" system, and that would be great for those still in the mindset of +1'ing to add their vote. The worst case would be that all the old extensions should be rewrite to support floating. @Krzysztof-Cieslak There should be a option to disable comments on an issue and only allow reactions to the OP. Also I doubt that this has anything to do with Electron (Not an electron side restriction / issue). You can search for existing issues here. @hellboy81 @belst My bad, I thought you said VS Code. @bpasero by technical limitation do you say that it's a Electron limitation? I'm glad I'm not alone. This approach would be greatly appreciated in VS Code. : The Backlog-Link ( here in the right panel does not work?). I think 8 months are more than enough time to at least give us a hint on what to expect. I'd rather the Visual Studio (proper) team become better at supporting client-side application development/debugging. I will have to agree with the comments above. Configure your default profile by running the Terminal: Select Default Profile command, which is also accessible via the new terminal dropdown. The default visibility is designed to save horizontal space, but may not be desirable. @tavuntu @Krzysztof-Cieslak I keep one of my 22" monitors vertically oriented. @RoyTinker no it has no specific meaning, I just prefer to have issues that I care about assigned to no milestone unless work is starting. +1 for me. It really aids productivity and for that single reason I still use WS instead of VSC. It's possible to open additional BrowserWindow instance but it require HTML file on load. Multi monitor workspaces are not some relic of the 90s. Visual Studio Code provides Windows Powershell for the command line when the terminal is started. You've paid nothing for it. Imagine: You get in a taxi and tell the driver your destination. And this whole "workaround" is not even practical, we need a real floating window feature like it's implemented in other editors. Don't forget to accept my answer if it was helpful for you. Beeing a longtime user of Visual Studio, notepad++, working for years with 3 (21 - 25 inch) monitors it is actually the one single feature that after a few hours using Visual Studio Code stops me using it. "Ctrl + K then O" The terminal view can be maximized by clicking the maximize panel size button with the upwards chevron icon. This is useful to temporarily focus on a large amount of output. On a proper workstation I use Visual Studio. Only works with files; not on terminal windows. I hope that makes sense. I doubt it'll ever get implemented :(. This means that clicking and dragging will no longer create a selection. Look at what @RoyTinker mentioned. I will just leave my two bits here as well. I'm honestly tired of trying to get some communication from the vscode team. Quite often with the full Visual Studio I'd drag out a tab to my other monitor so that I could view two code files at once. Bump, this is the only thing holding me back from moving to VS Code completely. They say that we can not have multiple node.js instances in one process. I cannot, however, consider it a serious contender for professional development without multi-screen support. I've been doing some research on the floating windows problem (My knowledge with electron is almost non-existent) . instantiates/orchestrates these processes. Finding a relevant comment from a team member is difficult given the 363 comments above. I totally agree with you. Adding my request for this feature as well. #2686 deals with multiple windows with the same workspace. I have been watching this issue for year + and still no movement on this. Tearing the tab out is the behavior I want (the same way it works in Chrome browser). This feature request recently celebrated it's second birthday. to give an example: you start a debug session in one window but the other window shows the debug console, of course both windows need to talk to the same debug backend, allow multiple windows to point to the same project directory, add internal API option to open an "editor only" window (i.e. FYI: half of the 21st century VR movement is inspired by screen estate limitations for an infinite number of "windows/interfaces" . I keep putting off using it, because every time I try, this (and a few other missing features) slows me down immensely. I call this as Focusing Users' Creativity Killer cycle. How do I collapse sections of code in Visual Studio Code for Windows? You can learn more about configuring terminal shells in the terminal profiles article. +1. When I try to open the same workspace in Mac OSX it always just focuses the already open window. I use vscode to work on a large c# solution, specifically, 19644 c# files. The experience has been close to Visual Studio and the extension Python Tools for Visual Studio, but still missing some of the nice to haves. IMO, this is not what happens when you open two browsers and drag and drop tabs between them? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Or just thumbs up main post enough? @Hypernut Since the VSCode team hasn't given _any_ indication of their timeline or plans with regard to this feature, there's a real vacuum of information, which leaves folks very frustrated. Until VS Code has multiple display support I do not see moving to this editor as my default. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. or mute the thread It's not the cleanest way of supporting multiple monitors/windows, however you can do the following: Now drag a tab in your already existing Visual Studio Code window into the new window you just opened. :) Just giving my opinion after seems like most of the people already have they given with some +1 :). This feature is on the backlog, but it's ranked #14 when sorting feature requests by number of upvotes: "Ctrl + K then O" @jayarjo I've been doing something similar by opening a new vscode window and dragging my tab in there. @inarius Sure, although that has been discussed above already (see my "20% effort/80% benefit" comment). The terminal can have problems with GPU accelerated rendering in some environments. 2 years since it was requested. Sure you can disable those tools and stuff, but when working in a large team, it always happens someone commits vscode settings folder (even if it's gitignored - don't ask me how this happens). +1 a panel on a second screen and have this screen setup just sitting open for hours. One way of opening your terminal is hitting the command button and the spacebar at the same time. One of the reason i still use Eclipse over VS code. @mlewand this is no area where we expect a PR due to technical limitations. How else should developers get info on what user base wants? @jez9999 Yes I understand that, as I understand also that it's not a simple feature to add and maintain in the future. ++ @Hypernut I thought the same. 2017 2:38 a.m. schreef Luc Shelton @laserbeak I think the complications arise from having to handle window management across several operating systems. @tavuntu The problem with commenting simply with +1 makes useless clutter and spams people who watches this issue with a useless notification. Coming in and stating my own experience: I've successfully used VScode in the past to compile and debug a game engine project I contribute to, but since I can't do detached windows with VScode, i'm unfortunately sticking with CLion, which is slowly but surely taking on Visual Studio at large. 87 7. It's essentially a new instance of VSCode in same workspace. I don't see a value to dramatically increase complexity if the same functionality can be achieved by spawning a new process. @pantonis Please click the "thumbs up" icon at the bottom of the first comment. Please add this feature. The lack of this feature is a huge issue for those with multiple monitors (basically everyone who works with code). it seems so obvious as a feature, even in the most minimalistic editor. Windows: Copy and drop selection if there is a selection, otherwise paste. (you'll also have to close the tab you dragged from). I guess I can understand that. Not really. Anyway, I'm out. I'd like the floating/dock-able windows and the positions saved for the next load. They will get back to us when there is a further update. I have 2 monitors, an old PC s754 8GiB DDR2 and this lightweight engineering wouldnt benefit much my setup, neither newer more powerful machines. The world isn't perfect, make the best of what we have and get the job done. How to make chocolate safe for Keidran? This is free software. for issues would be great! In child Workspace terminal tab I can start yarn test --watch, But I see this just a loading a child session of Visual Studio Code but not fully loaded vscode, but a simplified and lighter variant of load Hope this should not take much resources, Also modules on the VSCode should communicate through some middleware, that can easily connect many instances between each other, so in child Workspace window we can see problem from ESLint for example, Maybe this "brainstorm" will be helpful for someone, hope so :). I recently, started using JetBrains tools as an alternative. If your goal is to be able to freely resize and move around e.g. I must see only code. This way you may also find smaller size monitors more appealing, because of their compact size and cheaper price. 'No estimates' is also an answer. IDEs included. This approach means multiple monitors are easily supported. That doesnt help AT ALL with the actual problem of being unable to have stuff like debug inspector or terminal/output and so on on a second screen. I also would very much like to be able to open the same directory in multiple windows. By default, the shell integration script should automatically activate on supported shells launched from VS Code. Perhaps bade it upon that? Please guys, do it! The VSCode team is doing an amazing job and are continually delivering incredible value to an ever growing community of developers through one of the worlds best coding tools. vscode --extended-window --socket-id Like others who mentioned it in this thread, multi-monitor coding kinda requires detachables. That said, this is ONE of the big reasons I can't use VSCode for debugging. I think all it would need is a tab bar (for multiple code editor tabs) and the tab content.]. . The default icon and its color, which will be used if not defined in a profile, can be configured with the terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultIcon and terminal.integrated.tabs.defaultColor settings. Hopefully this feature gets prioritized soon, It would be really nice if we could tear of tabs to show the file/tab it in a separate window . Sorry for the bad English, btw. To continue innovating, and make VSCode a modern full-featured editor, this is a necessity. Only solution would be to move electron to work on some other framework entirely. @bpasero @aeschli is this a feature that you'd like to get and review as a pull request? However, I still don't see in this whole thread one link to the research, study, paper showing productivity gain of using multiple screens for text editing. It's expensive, it will make application maintenance harder, it will prevent users focusing code. Proper IDE's are quite expensive tools. This can be disabled with terminal.integrated.enableBell and the duration can be configured with terminal.integrated.bellDuration. All windows where you can navigate your project or edit code are equal. Do you have a reference that says it is supposed to be implemented in 1.11? Multi Monitor support is by far not the only reason for wanting this feature. This is important when referencing code, but also for things like Markdown Preview. I don't think the VSCode API allows something like this. What about ?? to the drag-target. The VSCode Team has taken knowledge of the demand for this feature, and the problem will be easier to handle when some other features will be implemented, so in order to prevent a 500m scrolling of explanations / discussions, they rather not say anything at all. Hey VS team, PLEASE implement this feature. Shells are detected and presented in the terminal profiles dropdown. At least it would be a start. We continue to use VS 2017 - even with all of it's obvious fagility. Before that, nobody wanted or even knew about floating windows. I think it is high time, at least for a definitive statement: @Hypernut Actually the votes for this issue only really started to take off around December last year. Some statuses involve animation. Right-clicking the context menu and selecting the. +1 OK, glad to hear that. I'd say that undocking tabs (editors more specifically) is a must have rather than eventually type of task. Alternatively you can take your zero dollars and spend it elsewhere. Duplicating a workspace has a really big disadvantage in memory and storage drive usage. if you open the output panel it should focus the window where the output panel was opened in), probably the biggest challenge: all our services that currently live within one window (and that includes all extensions and the extension host) need to move out of the window into a shared backend that each window can talk to. To me it seems as though it should be a base feature of any modern IDE. The "app" is an OS-specific container that Because a new windows, probably mean VSCode provider need to support it because the context isn't as simple with one window etc. Some comments seem to assume MS owes us something here not true. DOM renderer - A fallback renderer that's much slower but has great compatibility. The community cannot contribute until such a plan is openly discussed. Yehya Abouelnaga schrieb am Fr., 8. I'm not sure why this feature never gets progressed as it has massive support and given code is electron app it's perfectly doable and degradable if you ever ran outside of electron. ) and platforms other than windows the terminal can have 17 virtual monitors: ) 4! Are keyboard accessible through several commands that open links based on the team radar... Leave my two bits here as well, 19644 c # solution specifically! 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Feature, even if they live in separate processes my 22 '' monitors vertically oriented vscode a full-featured. From a team member is difficult given the 363 comments above recently, using.
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