The tobacco surcharge is limited to 15% in Colorado, 20% in Arkansas, and 40% in Kentucky. This decision of the ACA lawmakers turned out to be controversial, as some people believed that it is fair to charge higher premiums from tobacco users considering the adverse effect caused by the tobacco to a persons health and the additional cost incurred upon tobacco-related health problems. Setting up a tobacco surcharge may seem straight forward but for it to be effective, you need to be strategic. Nineteen of those states set the tobacco age restriction to 21 before the federal law took effect, while the other 19 did so after the federal law took effect. [7][8] The tobacco age restriction remained at 19 until federal law raised it to 21 in December 2019. 5 In August 2017, the United States Department of Labor (DOL), which enforces compliance with ERISA, sued Macys, Inc. as well as its third-party administrators for its self-insured health plan: Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company and Cigna. In states that allow tobacco surcharges, tobacco users pay substantially higher premiums for nongroup health insurance than nonusers. For example, tobacco surcharges could lead to less employer coverage as a result of higher premiums for tobacco users in the small group market or if large employers were more likely to charge surcharges in states that allowed them in small group and nongroup markets. The plaintiffs state that the law requires the full reward be available upon completion of the reasonable alternative standard, which means the plaintiffs would be entitled to a refund of the $50/month penalty that they had already paid during that plan year. Premium rating rules for nongroup insurance and small group plans (generally plans provided by employers with fewer than 50 employees) are similar. The tobacco surcharge only applies to UAB employees. 3 Michael F. Pesko, Georgia State University. 8 All models used CPSASEC weights, and standard errors are clustered at the state level. A few years back it was discovered by a Health Affairs analysis that more than 16% of the small employers were using tobacco surcharge, and about half of them were not offering a tobacco cessation program. State agency staff should ensure employees are aware of the tobacco cessation programs available to them. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Among the uninsured, respondents were asked to provide the main reason why they did not enroll in a marketplace plan from a list of options and then asked to check all reasons they did not enroll[Color figure can be viewed at. 2022 Mar;41(3):398-405. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2021.01313. Evidence Suggests That The ACA's Tobacco Surcharges Reduced Insurance Take-Up And Did Not Increase Smoking Cessation. romantic things to do in dubuque, iowa. Since 2014, all nongroup health insurance plans, including those sold on the individual marketplaces, can only rate premiums based on four characteristics: age, family size, geographic region, and tobacco use. We limited the sample to individuals in states with tobacco surcharges, comparing the impact of the size of the average tobacco surcharge on differences in insurance coverage between smokers and nonsmokers. Before See this image and copyright information in PMC. Theoretically, tobacco surcharges could lead to lower premiums for nonusers, which could potentially lead to higher enrollment among that group. Jun 28, 2013. However, since theoretically tobacco surcharges should primarily affect the decision to purchase nongroup insurance, our preferred specification excluded individuals who had insurance either through an employer or a public program such as Medicare, Medicaid, or Military insurance. I'm at work right now, but here is a quick rundown of what we have going on here. The California Complementary Legislation (or "directory law"), Revenue and Taxation Code section 30165.1, requires the Attorney General to publish a directory of tobacco product manufacturers and brand families of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco that are lawful for sale in California. We are experimenting with display styles that make it easier to read articles in PMC. An employee must be able to avoid the surcharge by completing the alternative, even if the employee fails to quit smoking. We also used geographic variation in tobacco surcharges to examine how the size of the surcharge affects insurance coverage, again comparing smokers to nonsmokers. For plan or policy years beginning in 2014, the annual limitation on out-of-pocket costs in effect under Affordable Care Act section 1302 (c) (1) is $6,350 for self-only coverage and $12,700 for coverage other than self . US. Finally, we examined the impact of the size of tobacco surcharges on enrollment using a linear probability model with a differenceindifference specification to predict the likelihood of any insurance coverage as well as the probability of nongroup coverage among those without insurance through an employer or public program. , You may notice problems with By 1920, 46 states had implemented an age limit for tobacco sales, of which 14 set the limit at 21. FPL=Federal Poverty Level. and state law. States Vary on Higher Premiums Paid by Tobacco Users Under the ACA Kansas insurers applying up to 44 percent surcharge for tobacco users in 2015 11 Min Read Sep 09, 2015 By Linda J. Sheppard, J.D. John Lehman. Finally, all models adjusted for year of survey (2015 or 2019). [5][6] Over 54% of the country's population lived in states that had signed legislation setting 21 as the tobacco restriction age at the time the federal law set the nationwide tobacco age restriction. States that did not sign legislation had their age restriction raised to 21 by federal law in December 2019. The program may include a tobacco surcharge to help motivate employees. Albeit, the use of tobacco for religious or ceremonial purposes are excluded from the rule. When it recently extended Indiana's Medicaid waiver for three years, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) let the state raise monthly premiums for Medicaid enrollees who smoke. Consent for marketing calls Reasons for not enrolling in marketplace coverage. In November 2021, the Ohio District Court ruled that the DOLs case can move forward with the alleged tobacco surcharge violations for plan years 2011-2013. Albeit if a person with an average premium is subjected to a 50% tobacco surcharge, then their monthly premium would increase to $864 per month, and their premium subsidy would not change. Under a law signed by Gov. Column 1 shows the likelihood of having any insurance in our full sample; column 2 shows the likelihood of having nongroup insurance among a sample of individuals with either nongroup insurance or no insurance; column 3 repeats the same model as column 2 for the sample above 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL); columns 4 and 5 show the likelihood of having marketplace (or nonmarketplace) nongroup insurance among those who reported either having nongroup insurance or being uninsured for 2019 only. Over the last few years, adult tobacco use in the state has steadily declined. Plan members need to attest to their tobacco status in their Virgin Pulse portal by May 31, 2022. Though the Affordable Care Act has included a provision to allow insurers to charge higher premiums from tobacco users but has not specified what constitutes tobacco use. Marketplace Premiums Rise Faster For Tobacco Users Because Of Subsidy Design. 2014 Aug;33(8):1466-73. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2013.1338. Minors are prohibited from buying alternative nicotine products, including e-cigarettes.6 Establishments are required to post signs stating that sales to minors are prohibited.6 Local tobacco laws However, if banning surcharges is not feasible, policy makers might consider limiting surcharges to below the 50% federal cap. Impact of state surcharge size enrollment in a health insurance planresults from differenceindifference linear probability model. Although evidence suggests that tobacco taxes and other policies that increase the cost of smoking have a direct impact on smoking, This allowed us to examine the impact of surcharges on each type of insurance coverage without worrying about endogenous sample selection that could cause bias in the linear probability models where the sample is limited to individuals with nongroup plans and those who are uninsured. As additional robustness checks, we also examined subsamples including individuals with incomes between 138% FPL and 400% FPL, who are most likely to qualify for subsidies and those older than 25 who no longer qualify for dependent coverage. Our final sample used pooled data from CPSASEC in 2015 and 2019 and included 106711 nonelderly adults. 20 Among those who reported being uninsured, we asked respondents to provide the main reason they did not either visit a marketplace website or enroll in a marketplace plan from a list of options. Thursday, Feb 7 2013 Assembly Bill Would Block ACA Tobacco Surcharge Last week, Assembly member Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) introduced a bill ( AB 1X2) that would block an Affordable Care Act provision that allows insurers to charge smokers with an individual policy up to 50% more in premiums from being implemented in California. At incomes over 138% FPL, insurance eligibility is substantively similar across states. Providing adequate notice about the reasonable alternative standard is also mandatory. Conclusions: Federal government rules let employers charge smokers up to 50 percent of the cost of their health insurance benefits. 10.1111/1475-6773.13577 This table presents estimates from a differenceindifference linear probability model, examining the likelihood of the outcome of interest for smokers in surcharge states. This provides some evidence that tobacco users are less likely to enroll in nongroup plans, and the following analysis examines whether that is due at least in part to state tobacco surcharges. Accessibility 3 The plaintiffs in this case allege that the employer failed to notify employees of a reasonable alternative standard. Though insurance companies no longer base health insurance premium depending upon applicants medical history and they are not even allowed to reject an application based on their pre-existing conditions or based on their health history, but ACA allows health insurance companies to base premiums depending on factors like age, family size, geographic location, as well as tobacco use. Table TableA3:A3: AppendixS1 also presents results splitting the sample by whether family income was above or below 400% FPL, since that is the cutoff for subsidy eligibility and over 90% of marketplace enrollees had incomes less than 400% FPL. The state Legislature included the surcharge requirement in the state budget signed into law on June 30, 2013. Like the Macys case, this case is still pending. Employees hired on or after January 1, 2019 who participate in the City 's medical insurance program and use tobacco will be charged a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) per month surcharge. So the actual amount you'll pay will depend on the health insurance company you chooseand there may not be a surcharge at all. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. The ACA's individual mandate in retrospect: what did it do, and where do we go from here? 11 State government tax collections by source, State spending by function as a percent of total expenditures, Financial regulation in the United States, Education statistics in the United States. Los Angeles Share & Print Documents & Downloads Issue Brief - States Vary on Higher Premiums Paid by Tobacco Users Under the ACA Related Tags Affordable Care Act Geographic Location The costs of health insurance premiums are not the same in every zip code, and vary from one area to another. It was then decreased from 21 to 19 in 1963. In some of the circumstances, there may not be any surcharge for tobacco users. The lawsuits also teach us that wellness programs must not only offer a reasonable alternative standard but must make sure that anyone who completes that reasonable alternative standard qualifies for the entire reward for that plan year. One important limitation of our study is that although we compare enrollment rates by smoking status, smoking status is not experimentally varied across groups. Tobacco attestation is the section of the enrollment process for the State Health Plan that asks a question about tobacco use. There has been a flurry of activity lately involving employer wellness programs that impose a tobacco surcharge on health insurance. More specifically, our results show that tobacco surcharges have a large negative impact on enrollment in nongroup plans sold on the ACA marketplaces among those without insurance through an employer or public program. The 2019 ASEC included variables that specifically identify marketplace coverage, so we examined whether the effect is driven by those with marketplace plans using the 2019 data only. And in states like California, Rhode Island, Vermont, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey are not allowed to charge higher premiums from tobacco users. Most states, however, follow the federal law and allow insurers to impose tobacco surcharges of up to 50% but employer wellness programs must follow certain rules for those surcharges to be legal. You may switch to Article in classic view. State of Montana Health Care & Benefits Division 100 North Park Ave ., Suite 320 P.O. 23 Best steps for trap avoidance: offer a reasonable alternative and notify employees of its availability. Here are key things you need to know about tobacco surcharges and recent activity with lawsuits. Standard errors, clustered at the state level are shown in parentheses. 8600 Rockville Pike Help expand Ballotpedia's elections coverage - volunteer with us. Now is a good time to review whether your wellness program is compliant with ERISA and other wellness program laws, including HIPAA, ADA, and GINA. Premium rating rules for nongroup insurance and small group plans (generally plans provided by employers with fewer than 50 employees) are similar. On the other hand, tobacco surcharges could lead to higher enrollment in employer coverage if surcharges make small employers more likely to offer insurance or if surcharges in nongroup marketplaces discourage smokers from becoming selfemployed (ie, there is more job lock). All columns are derived from a single multinomial logit regression, and each column presents the relative risk ratios (RRR), comparing the risk of being in the insurance type of interest and being uninsured. Column 1 shows the likelihood of having any insurance in our full sample; column 2 shows the likelihood of having nongroup insurance among a sample of individuals with either nongroup insurance or no insurance; columns 3 and 4 show the likelihood of having marketplace insurance among those reporting having nongroup insurance or being uninsured. Table TableA3:A3: AppendixS1 presents results excluding individuals under 26 and classifying tobacco use as the use of any tobacco product rather than cigarettes only. 1 prevent or reduce tobacco use) of the cost of employee-only coverage under the plan. Impact of allowing a state surcharge on enrollment in a health insurance planresults from differenceindifference linear probability model, Relative risk ratios from multinomial logit regression on type of health insurance plan. Second, we separately estimated the effect of both the existence and the size of the tobacco surcharge, that is, whether allowing a tobacco surcharge influences insurance enrollment, and how the size of the surcharge implemented by insurers effects enrollment. University of Southern California, The survey included tobacco users age 1864 with incomes above 138% FPL who reported being uninsured or insured through a marketplace plan. , In this paper, we examined how differences in state tobacco surcharge policy influenced health insurance enrollment choices among smokers. The ACA requires that all health insurance plans provide tobacco cessation and lung cancer screening with no outofpocket costs. Additionally, our identification strategy relies on the assumption that states that do not have tobacco surcharges do not have other unobservable characteristics that may differentially impact enrollment for tobacco users and nonusers that are not accounted for in our model. Notably, tobacco users can be charged up to 50% higher premiums than nonusers for the same plan. Last updated January 6, 2022 By clicking "Submit", you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Policy. Benefits Insight. 7 Data collection: phone or text message using an automatic telephone dialing system. States Charging Below 50%:6 Arkansas - 20% Colorado - 15% Kentucky - 40% States Charging the Maximum 50%:7 States Which Prohibit Tobacco Rating Completely:6 California Massachusetts New Jersey New York Rhode Island Vermont Washington D.C. Subsidies and Tobacco Surcharges affordable care act, enrollment, health insurance, marketplace, premiums, smoking, tobacco surcharge, Reasons for not enrolling in marketplace coverage. It was increased from 18 to 21 in 1911. Our work extends and builds upon this prior work in the following important ways. Because the State Plan program does not use medical tests to detect nicotine usage, the amount of the tobacco surcharge can be as much as 50% of the total cost of employee-only health coverage. , and transmitted securely. As of January 1, 2021, 32 states and the District of Columbia set the minimum sales age at 21 years old; Mississippi set the minimum sales age at 21 for some tobacco products and 18 for others; two states set the minimum sales age at 19 years old and 15 states set the minimum sales age at 18 years old. Youth access to tobacco law-RCW 70.155: Prohibits the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors. In these years, adult members of households included in the basic monthly CPS were surveyed in June of the first year (2014 and 2018) and January and May of the second year (2015 and 2019). Massachusetts has many laws that govern tobacco: Tobacco excise taxes. Health Aff (Millwood). The American Lung Association calls for the following actions to be taken by Idaho's elected officials to reduce tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke: Treat electronic nicotine delivery devices consistent with traditional tobacco products in all areas under state law; Allowing tobacco surcharges at all and having larger tobacco surcharges were each associated with lower takeup of insurance. New Jersey law states: A PERSON WHO SELLS OR OFFERS A TOBACCO PRODUCT TO A PERSON UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE SHALL PAY A PENALTY OF UP TO $1,000 AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO A LICENSE SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. Third, we used data from the two most recent waves of tobacco use data from the Current Population Survey2015 and 2019, providing perspective on how the impact of the policy has evolved over time. Department of Economics, First, we used data that link detailed health insurance information including plan type with tobacco use data, which allowed us to examine the impact of tobacco surcharges on enrollment decisions for each market segment, rather than just the likelihood of being insured in any health insurance plan. PMC The DOL alleged that this refusal to refund or credit participants for the tobacco surcharge even if they met a reasonable alternative standard violated the ERISA requirement that the full reward be available to all similarly situated individuals of a wellness program. The Affordable Care Act brought dramatic changes to the individual and small group health insurance premiums still, the use of tobacco by a person can affect the price one pays for the health coverage. We compared insurance enrollment in states that did and did not allow tobacco surcharges, using a difference-in-difference approach to compare the policy effects among smokers and nonsmokers. In addition, there is large variation in tobacco surcharges even within states that allow surcharges since most insurers do not charge the maximum allowable surcharge. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in Georgia and is a modifiable risk factor for many chronic diseases, which costs the state more than 11,700 lives per year and nearly $3.2 billion in direct healthcare and indirect costs, such as lost wages. With no outofpocket costs plan members need to know about tobacco surcharges, tobacco users pay substantially higher premiums nonusers. Ceremonial purposes are excluded from the rule January 6, 2022 premium rating rules for nongroup insurance! Best steps for trap avoidance: offer a reasonable alternative and notify employees of availability. Law in December 2019 the tobacco cessation programs available to them case this... Plan members need to attest to their tobacco status in their Virgin Pulse portal by may,... 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