Ill keep an eye on it Ill take bio precautions with the rest of them just in case. Parasite infestation can be caused by The hair loss can also be caused by boredom, or if your rabbit shares an environment, fighting between rabbits. Here the picture I took of it this morning. Treat your rabbit for ear mites with Ivermectin, Selamectin, or Fluralaner. guinea pig hair loss Guinea Pig Discussion , our hedgie and piggy, seem to get along fairly well, even sleep in same house, the cage is about 4-5 ft long, and about 2-3 ft wide, we did notice some hair loss on the pig's butt tonight, kinda strange, any thoughts? Ok thanks, how do I treat it? Any trauma to eyes or an injury would also present similar symptoms. Do you know what is the most raccoon-ish characteristic of a poorly kept rabbit? Fur mites are non-borrowing mites and live on the surface of rabbits skin. Follow the correct dosages for your rabbits weight, or you could cause an overdose in your rabbit. Indoor bunnies often spend their lives on a hard surface which could create some issues. I see from other posts you have a pair of girls. You may also notice general hair loss throughout your rabbit's body. Check out this thread, this was on the babies, use the same method with saline and maybe tea bags on your doe. (ringworm). Rabbits and Albinism. This can can result in biting and hair pulling or other injuries. I've had this before. Get rid of old bedding every day. Watch the rabbit for lethargy, weakness, pale mucous membranes and depression. fleas, lice, mange lice, fur mites, mites causing ear canker, and fungus But parasitic infections are visible in some form or another. Pet rabbits are prone to a number of health issues caused by fungi. In nature, rabbits are usually found in soft soil. Change your rabbits bedding and treat all of the environment your rabbit has been around. If left untreated, it can sometimes cause severe damage and loss of vision. However, since there can be so many possible causes for alopecia, there are no exact and perfect recommendations. Rabbit Bald Patch Around Eye. Treatment suggestions for rabbit with hair loss around eye? if the eye really looks healthy, and the fur around the spot keeps clean and doesn't stick together due to dried tears I would keep an eye on it and see if it grows back at the next molting. You are using an out of date browser. Sarcoptic Mange is caused by burrowing scabie mites that irritate your rabbit, causing it to scratch. Dental problems are most common among dwarf and lion head rabbits. Snuffles can result in death. no fighting between the two as of yet. He has the strangest behavior. Your rabbit may have an eye infection or disease that is causing the eye to weep. Compare top pet insurance plans. If your rabbit experiences false pregnancy, then Primary means that the fur loss is common and will happen to the rabbit, such as molting or pregnancy. Look out for these symptoms. This is why it is so important to not self diagnose your rabbit. Letstake a look at other reasons for bunny hair loss. Life with our new bunny has been fascinating. Fur mites are also known as walking dandruff because you can see them with the naked eye. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Even after your rabbit recovers, it may still host the bacteria in the nasal cavities and have future flair-ups of snuffles. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Make sure to clean any grooming tools you may have used on an infected animal. This is usually caused by a scratch or a bite that got infected. Since genetics-induced hair loss causes no irritations to the pets in most cases, it's unnecessary to treat it. Carefully cut the discolored fur away from the area and treat with a topical antibiotic prescribed by your vet. Thanks! Your rabbit will start losing fur from its neck, followed by shedding down the neck, back, stomach, and tail. If your rabbits have dental problems, then molar Mites, parasites, dental issues, bullying, infections, and even pregnancy can cause your rabbit to have bald spots or rapid hair loss. As hair loss is likely pointing to an underlying condition, a trip to the veterinarian is in order. Eye discharge; Extra tissue around the eyes; Nasal discharge and upper respiratory infection or cold; Hair loss and crusting in the mucous membrane, especially around the eyes, nasal area and cheeks; Lethargy; Depression; Abnormal posture; Facial masses; Causes. The mite will cause itching and some inflammation and the animal will probably scratch a lot. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The veterinarian will conduct a full examination of your rabbit in order to determine what is causing his hair loss. Health My adult lop has always had a problem with watery eyes, she developed snuffles in the past so it will always be a problem. If the eye is getting watery I would continue the eye drops until you can see a vet, in case the original course of antibiotics was not sufficient. loss if he has wet bottom for more than a few days. In rabbits, it is thankfully not a permanent issue. But, if the bare skin is red, scratched, or looks irritated, there may be another reason your rabbit is losing hair besides molt. The soonest i will be able to get her to the vet will be after the weekend now.. any advice would be great to ease my mind! Privacy Policy | They can also live in your carpets and fabrics for 10 days, and the eggs are harder to kill. She hasn't have nose to nose contact with my other rabbits for 3 weeks now and neither of the others are showing any signs of it. Especially mites and ringworm sometimes occur in rabbits. You are using an out of date browser. She is herusual self, eating and drinking fine.. destorying her hutch andwhen ive brought her inside she runs around like a little bullet and binkys all over the place! It can pass from you handling multiple rabbits and not washing your hands in between. Nonfood Item Obstruction of the Digestive Tract, Small areas of their body where there is no hair, General hair loss over your rabbits body, Parasite infestation (fleas, lice, mange mites, fur mites, mites that cause ear canker, a fungus like ringworm); if your rabbit has a severe flea infestation he may itch so much that he scratches off his fur, Dental problems (fur loss will be seen under the chin, on the chest and/or on the dewlap), Urinary tract disorders (fur loss will be on your rabbits hindquarters), Excessive grooming by your rabbit or his companion rabbit, Crusty appearance on the skin where the fur was lost, Providing a stimulating, safe, secure and non-stressful environment for your rabbit that offers the space for exercise, Avoiding overcrowding in your rabbits environment, Providing, clean, fresh water in a bowl that is large enough for a full days worth of water, Regularly groom your rabbit and take him for a check-up by the veterinarian once a year, as well as anytime you notice anything unusual with him (changes in appetite, drinking, urination or activity, hair loss, or changes in hair coat. total bummer.. The weeping soaks the fur around the eyes and this irritates the rabbit's sensitive skin, causing a dermatitis. If your dog experiences hair loss in various spots, it's called canine alopecia. 3. Lets, Rabbits are very territorial, especially the does. you have the choice of topical or oral, once every 10 to 14 days for two to four treatments. Overgrown teeth make it hard for rabbits to self-groom. Dont have a vet? He constantly is gnawing at his fur and there read more. Common rabbit eye infection signs. Thank you for your question. If your rabbits ear is really crusty, you will have to seek a vet for the other medicines. eye issues are generally two things (unless it's a foreign body).. but weepiness is either tooth related or illness (such as pasteurella). Hair balls are very troublesome to a rabbit. Any help for diagnosis or treatment is helpful! Clean their enclosure and surrounding space. Depending on what your veterinarian has discovered, your veterinarian may request that you return for a follow up visit. This causes a disruption in the genetic happenings in your rabbit. What if your rabbit cant possibly be pregnant? I have battery operated clippers to keep the hair around her eyes trimmed short at all times and, if she'll let me do it, I also trim . Chronic ear infections. Pet Expert/Biologist. This will stop the dangerous behavior and allow you to see if the hair loss stops. Hairs at the border of the bald spot come out easily in clumps, usually with some coarse flakes of skin attached. Other health issues that can cause fur shedding include parasite infections, dental problems, UTIs or other health problems. You may also notice general hair loss throughout your rabbit's body. You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. Most of the time, the hair will regrow once the underlying cause has been treated. In the past my vet has told me putting vaseline around the eye could help protect the fur. Pasteurellosis often presents as a rhinitis (thus the common name for this illness, "snuffles"); aside from the nasal discharge, the front paws can be wet due to the rabbit wiping the exudate from the nose. A fatty diet will do the same although ironically a diet too low in fatty acids will also cause scabbing and hair loss. Its very effective but can cause some issues in pregnant rabbits, so talk to your vet if your rabbits could be pregnant. In many cases your rabbit will feel a lot of itching, leading to his discomfort. Another common cause could be an eye infection. Its very painful. ahhh she's a pretty girl. One such disease is called Pasteurella. Dec 22, 2022. SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. Dental problems cause eating complications and can contribute to bacterial infections and worsen parasites. Secondary is the loss of fur due to an infection or other disorder. This may be caused by irritation, or something trapped in the eye. Only use the vets prescription versions of these medicines for your rabbits safety. This can happen as a result of injury or just because it scratches its cornea while grooming itself. Infection may or may not be the cause of this. If your rabbit has not been vaccinated against myxomatosis, the chances of recovery . The hair loss may appear as small, bald spots on their body, or there may be larger areas of your rabbits coat that are missing hair. Home Pet Grooming Why is my Rabbit Losing Fur around his Eyes? Then there are immune system-related diseases that present similar symptoms. Hang in there. Signs include weakness, depression, incoordination, seizures and coma. thinking how to treat it. When your rabbit is going through a normal cycle of molting, it is very important that they have a free choice of foods. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Diseases in the initial phases are very easy to cure otherwise they can develop into fatal or chronic issues. Remember that getting rid of sarcoptic mites is a challenge and could take a while to get rid of an entire infestation. Bacterial or viral infections like bunny syphilis can also cause watery eyes. If they have dental problem, the easiest way to notice is by observing the fur loss location. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. JavaScript is disabled. Hair loss around the eye is normal for rabbits with eye infections. The hair loss commonly shows up around the eyes and on the face because that's what dogs typically use to greet others and with the contagious nature of the disease, it makes sense that the face would be the first place for it to show up. 2023 Animal Lova | If it does not, then it would be best to have him seen by a veterinarian as they can examine him and see what might be going on. Rabbits teeth grow continually. It can also happen because of high stress. BestFarmAnimals also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Nutritional deficits can cause hair loss all over their body, and one of the most common causes is mineral deficiency. Neutering or spaying your Any trauma to eyes or an injury would also present similar symptoms. If your rabbit has a false pregnancy, you can usually treat the problem by getting her sprayed. Youtube Halosehat, Adchoices | We have lots more on the site to show you. Surprisingly, this condition typically occurs as a result of dental problems such as overgrown teeth. Take care to keep medicines stored appropriately as heat can compromise their effectiveness. Lastly, while molting is perfectly normal be wary of medical concerns surrounding rabbit hair loss and learn to differentiate between these and normal molting. There are things you can do for your rabbit to help prevent the possibility of disease that can lead to hair loss. You must log in or register to reply here. What you can do to prevent alopecia due to secondary causes are to groom your rabbit, continue with the proper suggested diet and maintain a clean shelter for your rabbit. You may notice that a bump under your rabbit's eye just suddenly appears one day. The hair itself is composed very largely of protein, and rations designed to help in this way should, therefore, be adequately balanced. For sure! Its also referred to as a phantom pregnancy. Its very painful. Mites can cause extreme itching, chewing, rubbing, lesions, secondary skin/bacterial infections, weight loss, anemia, dry flaky skin, hair loss, crusty skin, and areas of complete baldness especially around the eyes and ears. There may also be hair loss on the eyelid's skin. Blocked tear ducts. Hair loss can also be experienced by other animals, such as guinea pigs and dogs. The fur loss can be extremely itchy and irritating for the rabbit. That means instead of underlying issues, cats of certain breeds have bald patches near the eyes because of their genes. However, there are some cases where a rabbit seems to be continuously shedding. A week or so ago she had watery sore eyes so i took her to the vet. Author Messages Dental problems may cause excessive drooling, which can bring it on. Here are some rabbit eye problems that your pet may encounter. Dogs that are only losing hair around the eyes can suffer from various conditions that might sound scary at first. Ivermectin is the most popular treatment. Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medicine and is the most well-known out of all these products. However, there are a lot of problems that can cause symptoms. possible problems. For more information, please see our Because Pasteurella multocida is super contagious, isolate all rabbits that show any signs of illness. The gums of your rabbit will fill with puss. Genetics. Hair loss in rabbits, also called alopecia, can be caused by a variety of possible problems. You can wash your rabbit carefully to clean most of the mites off of it. The vet may need to give IV fluids and corticosteroids. Eyes become red and inflamed, the rabbit may experience breathing problems, lethargy, and swelling around the face and genitals. But its a lot worse than a cold is for a person. Does living with a buck will often pull his hair to use for the nest. Depending on what is discovered during the physical examination, the veterinarian may order blood work or a urine analysis. I've been going back and forth with this kit- I thought female at first and then at around 2 weeks it looked like male. However, this morning we noticed that a small patch of fur is now missing near her tear duct, so the skin is exposed. BUNNY 911 If your rabbit hasnt eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! socialize. Fluralaner: Fluralaner is an oral treatment for ear mites. Although it may seem worrisome, the thinning of fur around your kitty's eyes is a normal part of the aging process. You recognize that a rabbit does plenty of self grooming. Concise Summary of the Rabbit's Condition: Hair around left eye is is getting matted down as if it were wet. Term of Use |, 11 Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Rabbits, Common Causes of Patchy Hair Loss in Horses, 8 Amazing Marines Animals Living Near Coral Reefs, 8 Most Popular yet Venomous Sea Creatures. also known as Revolution in the US or Stronghold in the UK, can be given to your rabbit once every three to four weeks for two to three treatments. However, Pasteurella is a treatable disease and if caught early, the prognosis is good. Rabbits should seldom be fed pellets as they are over-packed with calories for the amount of chewing the rabbit must do to eat it. If a rabbit is stressed, then he may start pulling his own fur out. It may flinch. Rabbits get four different types of mites, Sarcoptic, Mange, Fur Mites, and Ear Mites. If any of these are noticed, make a return trip to the vet as quickly as possible. Give your rabbits plenty of fiber, fruit, wood, and the best diet they can get to avoid most dental problems. Why is my Eyelash Extension Glue Not Drying. If we can see that a rabbit has dry skin, then we should be concerned that we can see their skin in the first place. OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS. Immediately isolate it from your other rabbits if your bunny shows signs of fur loss and skin irritation, redness, scratches, inflammation, lesions, or other concerning symptoms. Rabbits get crusty sleepy bugs in their eyes. I'm paranoiddentist gave me an infection. This is done so that they are smooth. called as barbering. Since I cannot see your pet, it would be best to have them seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them, see what might be causing this, and get treatment if needed. The habitat of your bunny is a very important factor and the most of neglected one too. Most vets would let you know about this issue in your routine checkups. If this skin is dry, flaky or red and swollen, we should take particular note. Ensure that your rabbit has a healthy diet. Due to this excessive tearing in rabbits, you may notice that the hair around the eye (s) is wet. If you can, grow echincea and feed it to help boost her immune system. The pattern and type of hair loss will be determined by your rabbits vet. This medicine is for dogs and cats, so please talk with your vet about administering it to your rabbit. It can pass through brushes, feces, and shared cages. And inflamed, the rabbit are THINGS you can usually treat the problem by getting sprayed... 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