The flow can be in the range of 5-15 kg dry solids per ton of pulp. This is your food ration for the 390 days you lie on your side. As LifeSiteNews now confirms, Wisconsin is the latest US state to legalize this practice, which is deceptively named water cremation. But it uses lye as the chemical ingredient that eats away human flesh, turning it into a slimy goo thats washed off the bones using city water. 2022 NewsWars Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by [] That, he says, is the biggest misconception about alkaline hydrolysis, a green alternative to cremation that involves liquefying human remains with potassium hydroxide and 300-degree heat. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or Also measure out your daily ration of about a pint of water and drink it on schedule. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, which just approved Senate Bill 228 that authorizes the practice. Just ask the citizens of Ohio and Missouri how they feel about signing away their states for truckloads of"gold" from their wealthy neighboring states. substantial levels of the chemicals in random samples of grocery store meats, dairy products, seafood and, If you want to destroy agriculture in Michigan, start talking about, Hey, it could be contaminated with PFAS, said Laura Campbell, agricultural ecology manager for the Michigan Farm Bureau. I hate to admit thisbut I was wrong. Ya'all. Washington state is on the verge of legalizing the "composting" of human remains, which advocates say will create a new source of "organic fertilizer" for food crops. S. aureus is commonly found in the lower human colon and tends to invade irritated or inflamed tissue.". It has not been passed or signed into law as of May 20, 2021. Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as liquid cremation, whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting flesh and bones into an organic fertilizer sludge. is a fact-based public education website published by Stop Eating Poison Features, LLC. A 2001 study published in The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases warned about the dangers of so-called "biosludge," revealing that this human waste "fertilizer" often contains harmful pathogens, toxic metals, and other "environmentally persistent chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins" that threaten human health. Eighteen states have already legalized alkaline hydrolysis. Washington Becomes First State to Allow 'Human Composting' as a Burial Method The accelerated decomposition method transforms remains into soil and uses just an eighth of the energy required. Just follow your nose. Now, states like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human flesh goo remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumpinghuman DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragmentsonto food crops, apparently oblivious to the trans-genetic process of transfection that may wreak havoc on the sustainability of future food crops and soil microbiomes. The bill is trying to make legal the use of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains. Jay Inslee signed legislation Tuesday making Washington the first state to approve composting as an alternative to burying or cremating human . Those solids are then treated physically and chemically to produce a semisolid, nutrient-rich product known as biosolids. And honestly, the farmers probably have no idea what's at stake here. Six days later, he was in a hospital emergency room, his fever climbing, doctors calling a helicopter to fly him 110 miles through the night to Pittsburgh. Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals. This "sludge" is the biosolid product leftover in wastewater treatment plants. But the damage had already been done. We make our donkey milk moisturizer once a month, to order, in small batches. 10-26-19 \ The state of Washington is the first in the union to start "composting" dead human bodies as crop "fertilizer," bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green.. Change the trajectory of our nation. According to reports, Washington's Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning human remains," which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the "natural organic reduction" of human remains. He is the Founder and President of American Faith and the Senior Pastor of Influence Church. The most recent CDC report on vaccine safety says that millions of vaccine doses have been injected with no detectable patterns that would indicate a safety problem: Other than rare reports of severe allergic reactions, analysis of VAERS reports has not detected any patterns that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines. One boy's life in exchange for a convenient sludge solution. "The concern is that certain PFAS chemicals, which studies have associated with increased risk of cancer and damage to organs such as the liver and thyroid, could be absorbed by crops grown in soils treated with polluted sludge and wind up in foods. Its true that traditional burial protocols arent necessarily environmentally-friendly, seeing as how embalming fluids and formaldehyde are made from toxic, synthetic chemicals. We can attempt to slow our decay (embalming), or we can preempt it with a destructive blaze (cremation). Or perhaps he was perfectly healthy, and these things happencollateral damage. : Lead Stories is working with the CoronaVirusFacts/DatosCoronaVirus Alliance, a coalition of more than 100 fact-checkers who are fighting misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Biosludge is a term that refers to the waste generated by the human body. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, whichjust approved Senate Bill 228that authorizes the practice. "Richard Esser, the manager of the largest wastewater treatment facility in Bonn, explains that the technology in Germany is some of the most advanced in the world. Let us know!. A 2020 bill by Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, D-Bell Gardens,. Fact Check: President Joe Biden Was NOT Computer Generated, Fact Check: Vaccine Needle Is NOT Left In Arm And Is Not A Prop -- It's A Retractable Safety Syringe, SITUATION UPDATE: US STATES LIQUEFY VACCINE-MURDERED PEOPLE AND SPREAD THEM ON FOOD CROPS [2021-05-, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. Its one more reason to eat organic, of course, since organic crops disallow the use of biosludge as fertilizer. Gloves off. The . This makes me want to cry. Why isn't making headline news? New Mexico . How about them PFApples? They'll lead you straight to the farms thatgot suckered into this new deal. Some of these farms arelocated overan aquifer so close to the surface that when you ask the farmers how far you have to dig to reach water, they say "Oh, about one shovel full and the hole fills up with water." The fight for our land, and our children, isn't over yet. Its real now., Many other supporters of the bill claim that legalizing human composting will be great for the environment, as its supposedly as close to the natural process of decomposition [as] youd assume a body would undergo before we had an industrialized society.. Join our group to fight this insanity:Oklahomans against Sewage Sludge. Just wondering. You can still claim ignorance when your children ask you why you didn't step up and stop the madness. Poor Mr. Stone didn't know better, and now his family dairy is ruined, and probably his life. Bryant told Lead Stories there was no evidence that other states where the alkaline hydrolysis cremation method is allowed have used the remains to fertilize crops, and she said Wisconsin law regulates cremation and burials. The biosludge, which includes ash-like bone fragments, is then collected from municipal treatment plants and used as fertilizer on factory farms. The terms 'biosolids' and 'sewage sludge' are often used interchangeably. They're partial to the soil, and the human body. Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories andan award-winning journalist who spent over a decade breaking hard news and celebrity scoop with RadarOnline and Us Weekly. Just ask your doc to run a PFAS panel next time you get your check up. This is why fact checkers wont touch this topic, becausethe facts are crystal clear. I feel bad for them, said Michael Wurts, superintendent of the waste treatment plant, who ruefully recalls promoting sludge as an agricultural soil additive to growers in the community. It begs the question: What will cities and states do with all the dead bodies as the spike protein bioweapon achieves the depopulation goals of Fauci and Gates? Watch out for the sludge tracks on the roads. In this paper, different properties of biosludge, the reasons of its low dewaterability, fundamentals of biosludge dewatering, and various conditioning methods for increasing of dewatering efficiency proposed by different investigators are discussed. A former senior-level research microbiologist at the EPAs Office of Research and Development named Dr. David Lewis was even fired for speaking out on the subject. To create water, the omniprocessor boils wet sewer sludge. Prefer a glass of milk laced with PFAS? These carcinogenic chemicals don't degrade inwell, forever. Bill Summary The act authorizes human remains to be converted to soil using a container that accelerates the process of biological decomposition, also known as "natural reduction". How about a slice of plasticized cake with that? Sludge begins as human waste, manufacturing chemicals, landfill runoffessentially, anything that flows down a drain, which makes knowing its contents nearly impossible. At first, you'll think there must be a rotting carcass somewhere near, but the strangely metallic, bloody, chemical laden odor and instant headache is beyond the scope of rotting flesh. Deep State foods Brighteon.TV, People are still routinely exposed to aluminum and its in more than just food, Cut down on processed food intake with these simple steps, Michigan town discovers the fluoride used in drinking water comes from China and contains questionable chemicals, Why is eating large amounts of processed meat bad for your health? But grown ups don't toilet paper their neighbors.they blog. I was sorely tempted to toilet paper their McMansions. How about some "grass fed" beef (raised on grass fertilized with sewage sludge.) From the EPA report on their website here. They are feeding us back to us. But what about all the bacteria Ive worked with so long in this body do I want to give them a chance to do what they do naturally? Hibernation is officially over. Now, states like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human "flesh goo" remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumping human DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragments onto food crops, apparently oblivious to the trans-genetic process of "transfection" that may wreak havoc on the sustainability of future food crops and soil microbiomes. They have a contract with Metro Nashville to haul, store and apply thousands of tons of waste, which has now ended up in Robertson County.". Biosludged uncovers the astonishing science fraud being carried out by the EPA to legalize the mass pollution of America's farm lands, school playgrounds and city parks with heavily contaminated industrial waste and human sewage. While the government promotes spraying dead bodies and sewage on crops and parks asgreen recycling combatting climate change, others are sounding the alarm about potential dangers. In Europe, they actually warn their citizens of the dangers. Top 5 toxins Americans are ingesting right now, leading to unnecessary suffering and early deaths, What do Covid-19 vaccines, canola oil and margarine have in common? Ive never contaminated myself with food like that. Burned? Biosludge can be found in every city across the globe and is a major problem for public health. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. Bake the muffins out in the open where everyone can see you, using dried human dung for fuel.GOD said, This is what the people of Israel are going to do: Among the pagan nations where I will drive them, they will eat foods that are strictly taboo to a holy people. I said, GOD, my Master! Releasing mercury, pharmaceuticals, and disease into the water supply. I believe in doing things as naturally as possible., Katrina Spade, the founder and CEO of a company known as Recompose that aspires to be the first natural organic reduction funeral home in the United States, is also excited about the bill, which she says fulfills a longtime hope of hers to create an urban, soil-based, ecologically friendly death-care option., Frankly, Im a little overwhelmed, shes quoted as saying by The Seattle Times. Six months later, I had convinced myself they had all learned from that noxious experiment and surely they wouldn't let the city sewage plant dump that crap (literally) on their fields again. People will see that and say, Oh, we cant trust them, well buy from elsewhere, even though, Approximately 25 percent of the individuals surveyed were infected, and, The 54 individuals surveyed lived near 10 land application sites, in Alabama, California, Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Texas. Turning humans into cannibals and that is wrong. Pollutants found in biosolids can include pharmaceuticals, steroids and flame retardants." From the EPA report on their website here. The bill will go into effect in May next year. Does it cost us more? Awww, he feels bad. According to reports, Washingtons Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, Concerning human remains, which was, Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as liquid cremation, whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting, flesh and bones into an organic fertilizer sludge.. Or perhaps he had an autoimmune diseaselike my little girl. Finally these methods are assessed for application at an industrial scale. Reading further might put your excuses at risk of sounding less like ignorance, and more like lies. Referred to Committee on Health. It's easy enough to see whosigned up for free sludge in Oklahoma. Oklahomansagainst Sewage Sludge. Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights, Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). We already know that this is part of the plan, as folks like McMahan are actually excited about the prospect of creating food forests with human compost so my grandchildren will know where food comes from, he contends. It should be. The timing of all this seems especially convenient, given that the vaccine death wave from Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) may only be another 5-6 months away. "For more than 20 years, the eastern Michigan town of Lapeer sent leftover sludge from its sewage treatment plant to area farms, supplying them with high-quality,(LOL) free fertilizer while avoiding the expense of disposal elsewhere. All content copyright 2018 by Stop Eating Poison Features, LLC. They just spend a little money on PR to convince us its nice fertilizer and fail to mention all the other things that are in it.. "In Maine, a dairy farm was forced to shut down after sludge spread on the land was linked to high levels of PFAS in the milk.". Surely not! Soon, if you eat non-organic product, you will be eating crops that are literally grown in human flesh goo. Wisconsin senators recently approved a bill that allows dead bodies to be dissolved in a chemical bath known as "alkaline hydrolysis" and disposed of in the sewer system. At 12:08 in the video Adams explains his interpretation of Wisconsin Bill 228: Did you know that Wisconsin has just legalized the dissolving, the liquifying of dead humans and flushing their liquified goo down the drain in the municipal sewage system. While the sludge offers farmers a cheap source of fertilizer,there long have been concerns about contaminants in the material and attention of late has turned to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. Abbott: Were going to defund Texas cities that defund police. Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau Under this bill, a person may use the process of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains only if the person is registered as a crematory authority by the Department of Safety and Professional Services. HUMAN remains can legally be used as compost - New California climate change law: 09/22/22: 5: Decomposing HUMAN remains can legally be used as compost from 2027 thanks to new California law aimed at tackling climate change: 09/21/22: 6: California Legalizes 'Human Composting' 09/25/22: 7: You are going to end up as HUMAN COMPOST. These laws were there to protect Gods people from doing something dumb that could cost them their health, their lives, and their future. Alexis crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others. Just ask the mother wholost her little boy to a staph infection after he rode his bicycle through sewage sludgehow safe sewage sludge really is. 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code we now have organic proponents signing up to be injected with the deadly covid vaccine, The Emperor Has No Gold Basel 3 Hits European Banks on 1-1-22 #5155, ROBERT LAMBOURNE: BIS CALLING IN SOME OF THEIR SWAPS, GRAPHIC WARNING: UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR RECALLS EXPERIMENTS ON CHILDREN, Funny story: the Chinese want NOTHING to do with mRNA Covid vaccines. Spotted something? Gov. There is nothing in the Wisconsin Senate Bill 228 that allows for liquefied human remains to be turned into "biosludge" and dumped on food crops. 09/22/22: 8 People will see that and say, Oh, we cant trust them, well buy from elsewhere, even though the problem is no worse in Michigan than it is anywhere else.. According to the findings of a 2001 study published in The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, biosludge without human compost is already a toxic stew of . Discover a new Situation Update podcast each day at, Tagged Under: Why? Wondering what to do??? That film is available to watch (for free) Save our children from mutant antibiotic resistant bacteria in their chocolate birthday cake. could be absorbed by crops grown in soils treated with polluted sludge and wind up in foods. The bill places the use of alkaline hydrolysis for cremating human remains under generally the same requirements that apply under current law to conventional cremation., In a letter to the Wisconsin Senate opposing the decision, executive director of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference Kim Vercauteren wrote, Catholic teaching is centered on the life and dignity of the human person because each person is created in the image and likeness of God., The heart, mind, flesh, and bones of a human person are all elements of a unique creation, down to the DNA, which must be honoured even after death, she continued. The list of ingredients for the three vaccines approved for use in the United States is easily found and available to the public on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Of course, Washington probably won't be dealing with the human sludge themselvesthe high population density states are already contracting out their sewage to the rest of us. Now, states like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human flesh goo remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumping human DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragments onto food crops, apparently oblivious to the trans-genetic process of transfection that may wreak havoc on the sustainability of future food crops and soil microbiomes. Orders over $75 ship free with coupon code SHIPFREE entered at checkout! Stream the full film for free on Next Post, ppjg It must be baised, right? States like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human "flesh goo" remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumping human DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragments onto food crops, apparently. May 22, 2019 11:54 AM EDT. I could go on Ready to join the fight yet? Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or That scientist, David Lewis, even wrote a book documenting all this called, Science For Sale. For attempting to blow the whistle on the EPA-approved practice of mass pollution of US crop soils with biosludge, David Lewis was threatened by government goons and stripped of all funding for his environmental research on toxic substances in soils. Order the vanilla for your next birthday party. Washington state is on the verge of legalizing the "composting" of human remains, which advocates say will create a new source of "organic fertilizer" for food crops. Nothing that lends itself to the kinds of things that are being said. Its been devastating. . ). His father, Lieutenant Colonel Harry A. Hotsenpiller, was a highly decorated officer in the U.S. Army and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery with Full Military Honors. Bill 5001, which flew through Washington's Senate and House of Representatives with bipartisan majorities, provisions that the remains of deceased humans can legally be turned into "liquid compost" through a dissolving process known as alkaline hydrolysis, and then applied to growing soils across the state. Plausible deniability. Dioxin, found in many samples of sewage sludge, gathers in meat, fats and milk and is a carcinogen and is known to cause birth defects. Be sure to check out to learn more about how human waste, and now the remains of dead human beings, is tainting the already highly-contaminated American food supply. Listen to my shocking Situation Update podcast to learn the full truth about this stunning revelation: And children are the best little lie detectors. If you thought the science behind the plandemic was insane, take a peek at the criminally insane science the EPA uses to justify the mass pollution of Americas soils. According to reports, Washington's Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning human remains," which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the "natural organic reduction" of human remains. California would be the second state to approve such a measure, touted as more environmentally sensitive than burial or cremation. Director: Mike Adams. After all, everybody's doing it. While the Wisconsin Senate bill was introduced in 2021,18 other states already allowed alkaline hydrolysis long before the COVID-19 outbreak. SGT Report is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. They're like Cousin Eddiethey come with that load of human sludge, and once they show up, they never leave. How about taking a cue from Germany and Switzerland and other countries that value their people's health and their land more than their pocket books? Right now, if a person dies in Washington, the body can only be cremated or. "There is nothing in the bill that allows that," Michelle Bryant, chief of staff to Wisconsin state Sen. Lena Taylor, one of the sponsors of the bill, told Lead Stories. Its one more reason to eat organic, of course, since organic crops disallow the use of biosludge as fertilizer. we now have organic proponents signing up to be injected with the deadly covid vaccine, Shocking investigation reveals top 5 pesticide companies in the world use Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHP) and concentrate these products in developing nations, Kelloggs commits to phase out use of wheat, oat products produced with glyphosate by 2025, US facing obesity problem as poor parents feed their children cheap, unhealthy foods. Doctors determined he was killed by a blood infection, the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus." They're blank. inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, which just approved Senate Bill 228 that authorizes the practice. Discover a new Situation Update podcast each day at SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote. We had no clue this was going on.. The nasty thing about PFAS (beyond causing cancer and all that jazz) is that they're stubborn suckers. Alkaline hydrolysis, sometimes referred to as "water cremation," liquifies the human body using a concoction of water, heat, and chemical mediums, leaving behind only . Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller is a theologian, cultural thought leader, and biblical prophecy expert. Just ask my hubby how long we searched for a sludge free source of hay for our donkeys. 2023 Dulcededonke This is like the Matrix. Never! And the EPAs inspector general reported last year that the agency was falling short in tracking hundreds of pollutants in sludge, including PFAS. According to reports, Washingtons Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, Concerning human remains, which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the natural organic reduction of human remains. And I'm not ok with that. Perhaps. (Oh, and before you tell me it's all genetic, tell that to the family with multiple adopted children, all with different genetics, and somehow they have PANDAS disease. Soon, if you eat non-organic product, you will be eating crops that are literally grown in human flesh goo. Spraying liquified corpses on crops is reminiscent of the 1973 cult classic film Soylent Green where people experiencing food shortages are fed the recycled remains of humans without their knowledge. Introduced by Senators TESTIN, L. TAYLOR, CARPENTER, KOOYENGA and RINGHAND, cosponsored by Representatives NOVAK, SWEARINGEN, ARMSTRONG, BOWEN, CALLAHAN, KITCHENS, KRUG, MOSES, L. MYERS, J. RODRIGUEZ, ROZAR, SKOWRONSKI and STUBBS. We are finding that there are elevated levels of different PFAS in biosolids. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. The bill is trying to make legal the use of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains. An effort to pass a new bill in 2013 that would have legalized the process again failed. We dont think the public will like the idea, a UK Water source explained. But Washington is way ahead of us on utilizing human flesh as fertilizer.The state of Washington is the first in the union to start composting dead human bodies as crop fertilizer, bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green. Wondering what to do????? The Wisconsin bill addresses the disposal of remains and does not mention COVID-19 deaths, vaccine deaths or allowing the remains to be dumped on crops: Section 8 . Human sewage sludge in compost is common and often marketed as "organic" despite chemicals sneaking into the mix.
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