Same with our vehicles. Get out or get on board. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. However you are a huge AH for letting it get this far. I'm betting it's the latter, and I don't blame you for not wanting them there. "I asked my fiance if I made the wrong decision and je said it's my wedding and I get to decide eventually but I knew he said that because he's biased. They've done that to you too. Keep things the way you have them for the wedding and keep them out of your life also. Aaaaaw.. they nearly killed him!!! Best of luck!! Would you want to put your child and your mental wellbeing through that? OP your family sound hideous, this isn't pranks, it's bullying and criminal behaviour. Not bordering on criminal. NTA - definitely let this be the thing sl that ruins your relationship with your family, as your mom puts it. My family thinks I am the asshole because of how harshly I spoke to him, that i chose stepdad over him and that I broke his heart. If my fianc dumps my to escape my fam I would hate myself for the rest of my days. Like men! You will never have a proper stable relationship due to youre family. What they have done to him is downright CRIMINAL. ETA: please tell me they paid for the tyres. You're right to make a stance. They disrespected the college boy. Im really fired up over this apparently. Plus, as a partner (soon to be wife), you need to support and protect your partner from family if they're doing things like this to them. There's a reason there's quite a lot of these shops, tires are heavy, can be difficult to adjust correctly and you wouldn't wanna risk your life just cause you aren't 100% sure you did everything perfectly. Especially if they dont believe his asthma and hid his inhaler till it was too late?? OP better step up her game. Not OP, but I've experienced something very similar. Otherwise he should cut all contact with them. Think of your incredible fianc. Send them all links for information about consequences of their behaviour regarding his inhaler. AITA for not wanting my stepdad at my college graduation? Anyone who isn't willing to own up like an adult can make other plans. NTA. Ask them who was going to take responsibility if he died. Not slashing tires or stealing medication. Theyre not used to anyone standing up to them. totally agree. Its not a feeling I would wish on anyone! Those guys are assholes. Your male family members sound like toxic sexist AH, who love bullying under the pretense of how manly they are. Theyd find a way to ruin it and expect you to laugh about it. Sounds like you have a choice to make. I wonder what they would do if OP was engaged to a big dude with anger issues. But OP is NTA. NTA she was totally unconsiderate to you. NTA but you allowed this to go on way too long. My dad disowned me multiple times and said countless awful things to me but I always forgave him because he was my father and I loved him. And if you decide to have kids one day, how do you think they will treat your innocent children to toughen them up. Do not invite them back! Like just breathe bro /s, Bro you need to breathe into a tube to live? Also I hope this doesn't take the shine off your wedding OP, and remember that day is about making two people happy, nobody else. They are POSs. ETA except Tim. I'd hoped that was a ridiculous enough statement given the context to not need a /s but I guess it's not that far out of line from what these fuckbuckets actually think. Wtf ! Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Yeah TBH if my partners family treated me like this I might be rethinking a lot. I think the inhaler thing was just the last straw. Gross. She should've shut that crap down long ago, and you can't fault Tim for wondering how their married life would turn out with that family in the background. That's what I was thinking & why I suggested elopement. (I was diagnosed at the urgent care with a failing galbladder. NTA. Tell them they need to apologize and gain respect in your eyes .. Tell them that their insecurities about how manly they are is showing loud and clear to everyone. You're lucky Tim is tje guy he is. They're just bullying your fiance because they don't like him I assume. If you dont do something, youre going to lose him. Hiding lifesaving medicine? Definitely hold your ground and support your fiance. and harmful. I understand this is the environment you grew up in, and might not know better, but hopefully these comments help with that. po He was my hero. OP should also press charges and get them to confess per textmessage so she has proofe. I wouldn't be surprised if intentionally hiding a medical device is illegal too, it certainly should be. Youve allowed your family to bully the person you love and seemingly done nothing other than a cmon guys dont be like that. Asthma is no joke. Calling him the soft college kid makes it seem like its more about their feelings of inferiority instead of making your fianc prove himself. You're totally right, they were finding out if they could judge him over being a "brainwashed liberal commie" is the vibe I'm getting. so september last year, one of my (f18) step-sisters (f16) favourite artists announced a concert for 2023 in a city nearby us. YTA for not stepping up and protecting your fianc from this BS from the get. This was cruel. Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Handed his corpse over to you like sorry, he wasnt man enough to survive? Excuse me? I would have brought the hammer after the first incident. NTA. Remember OP grew up with this behavior. Your family is driving the wedge, not him. OP has been shown who values her and her happiness, and who sees her as worth less than momentary uncomfort. Youre NTA for uninviting them but you may be TA for letting your family take the disrespect are far as they have and then downplaying their actions. NTA, please protect your fiancee from these toxic, manipulative nasty people. What respect can you have for the family members pushing you to ignore this violent, aggressive and potentially harmful behavior? Which kind of person do you honestly think will be there, when the lights go out? Not only would I keep them disinvited, Id go no contact completely. i suppose it could be possible, but she wanted to go with me up until she got better seats. Right? NTA. What did they expect to accomplish? They dont seem to have any!! My husband currently has lower right back pain that shoots to his groin and the chiropractor cant fix it. I hope not. NTA at all. I will say though - you NEED to go to bat for him more. It could very easily have been your fianc's literal hill to die on, withholding his medicine. Theyve already risked his life once and now their frustration is added for being called out. I told him I need to know if he is coming to walk me down the aisle and have our dance and he said he doesnt know and we will see. This was not a prank. I would go LC/NC with the lot of them. Nope, not at all. I can't imagine an inhaler being too much different, depending on the severity of the asthma. YTA- for making your husband put up with their antics for so long. I hated every bit of it. She's not an asshole for being related to shitty people. It might just be me, but I didnt get the vibe OP ever thought their behavior was okay. Responding to the Redditor's decision to uninvite his mother and sister from his wedding, thousands of commenters assured the 32-year-old that he was justified in doing so, and dragged the two . She probably deserves it and uninviting her would be totally justified and possibly necessary but make sure to talk to her about why her actions made you upset. I'd not want them anywhere near me. Imagine a child with asthma or a food allergy where they think it's all made up and the kid is just being "soft". Medical paternalism sucks. NTA. NTA seriously don't let them come to the wedding this is disgusting behavior they are bullies. Before or after he passed out/died? It's past time for you to stand up for yourself and him. He couldve literally died for a prank. Graduation day is about you, your hard work and all you've accomplished. At what point during his asthma attack would they be able to tell if he was being soft or if it was real? Once, when I was hospitalized, I was suddenly unable to breathe due to fluid in my lungs- thanks pneumonia- and it was one of the most terrifying things I've ever experienced. I f25 along with my two brothers Dean & Kevin (both 30s) went through rough time during our parents divorce, mom got married to my stepdad and we lived with him for years. They were a collective bag of dicks. Uninviting her is not the solution to your problem. Stand your ground. Your question shouldn't be about uninviting your asshole family, it should be They literally could have killed him. What if he'd had asthma attack? Stay strong. I was pinching pennies for a good chunk of that trip. "Family" doesn't mean anything. From what you've said I sure don't. Which would your husband prefer, an hour at the doctor or a lifetime in adult diapers? Guess it would serve him right in their eyes though for being "so weak". You need to make your choice now, its your family - who will probably run off any other man you bring home unless they're as messed up as your family - or your fiance. This goes way beyond a "prank". NTA. Cant you do the same for him? If YOU don't drive a wedge between you and your family over this, what kind of partner would you be? ^ This exactly. She wont. Also, are they the kind of people who can sit down and shut up? Then reply that you lost all respect for them for running to you over a little prank and they should man up already and stop bring soft, NTA Stick to your guns girl. They're not idiots; they're psychopaths. Proving it was "nothing" by supposedly powering through completely unnecessary pain?? As a guy, this is beyond "toxic masculinity". Conditional NTA depending on how you behave from now on. NTA for uninviting them. Slashing tires? If not, they really should be smarter than that. My mother tried but my stepdad did not. Strength is setting boundaries, power is enforcing those boundaries. This. NTA he's mad you are learning what healthy relationships look like and creating boundaries. ESH except your fianc. They really need to understand that their action could have had serious consequence (luckily it didn't). Nta. They need a lesson in what it takes to be decent human beings. NTA. NTA. Hes definitely a better person than me because I cannot imagine caring for someone who didnt cut off their family after the first couple incidents of bullying. Tim should have filed a Police report!! Slashing someones tires is NOT a prank! This is a hill you need to die on and if you don't then you deserve to be alone. They need to fuck all the way off. The stepfather cared for her enough to pay for her wedding, take on a fatherly role, be there for her. And then expect better from family. INFO did you talk to her about how it hurt your feelings? The man could have died or faced serious injury without that inhaler. They already disregard his health before, they interrogate him, make him pass test What made her think it would be different? Create a new healthy family. Youre a bad girlfriend. These People are monsters, NTA and please consider what they might do should you ever have a son. Who wants to be with someone who doesn't support them or back them up? they took away an asthmatics inhaler which could potentially lead to death, and youre asking if youre the AH for uninviting them to your wedding? NTA. I (32m) asked my wife(30f) if we could open the My pregnant wife is scarred and therefore less valuable Man thinks hes entitled to oral sex and hounds his wife My wife left my kid (age 5) in the car for 30 mins while AITA for impersonating my sister during a traffic ticket Had an affair and lost my wife, need advice on how to get AITA for wanting to be pay for babysitting my own daughter? if all four tires are slashed you can call insurance to cover it as an attack. You're actually still nice in my opinion and your family members are AHs, including your mum to be honest! OP may or may not have been explicit about why, but she is changing the way she treats their father. This x10000000000000000. I am assuming your fiance has been putting up with this out of respect for you and your family. Read this before contacting the mod team. They are vandalism, destruction of property, and attempted murder. Jesus christ NTA they sound awful. I was living with them and did what he wanted. Her future husband should have joined in and told OPs family hes no longer participating in their ridiculous tests. Slashing his tires? I mean the main reason the men in my family hate doctors is because they dont listen. Especially with your dad, who will apologize but will lose respect for him. Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. An inhaler is necessary medical equipment your fiance needs, not an accessory because he's "soft". So, NTA, and you're totally right in cutting them off. I wandered around saying "fucking men!" Who would want to marry into a family where you're constantly tested based on toxicly masculine standards. This is a hill to die on OP. There is also a difference between a prank and stealing a serious medical device, such as an inhaler. NTA. Zero percent chance theyd do any of this to someone who could actually take them. It isn't easy to do; it isn't easy to learn when to do it. Are they trying to prove they are better than future hubby? tell your bf to call the cops and get them arrested for the tire slashing. Youre right - they were hazing him. Recently, I bought a new car which I use everyday and let my mom and stepdad take it whenever they need. Their pranks went from wildly inappropriate to outright dangerous. I grew up in a house where my dad would pester us to the point of crying, then get mad that we were crying because "I'm just messing with you!!" Id cut this family off completely. That's a crazy amount of money. NTA. My dad was an engineer, but he recognized early on that my now-husband was not a 'doer' in terms of being super physical and labor and all that. Now I'm not saying violence is the answer, but I wonder how they'd react if Tim resorted to violence. I am going to try him again. Dude yta for allowing this to go on as long as it has. Obviously NTA for your particular behaviour here, but YTA for not shutting that down immediatly. Presumably because she's a little lady who doesn't understand "real man" humor (ugh). thank you for ur reply! Well done on sticking up for your partner! NTA NTA They slashed his car tires, made him play chess (How does that even determine manly status the hell? Amen. This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. Yta for letting them do this to him for so long, but absolutely not NTA for uninviting them. Over a prank? (English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the spelling), So if he had an asthma attack, and had to be hospitalized, I guess they would deduce hes weak? NTA but why would you let it escalate to this point? I personally have no qualms with cutting people out of my life if they're cruel or indulge cruelty. Your mum is TA as well for essentially supporting their behaviour. Bygones my ass! At same time, I'm sorry Op, if I was Tim, I might rethink about marriage to your family, your family is asshole. The only difference is, I was about 13 when I was forced to realize my father was a terrible, manipulative man. I admittedly have had a few fights with my dad about how I think she treats me and my brother and sister. Good on you for putting your foot down. INFO: how does your fianc feel? Your wedding day will be one big joke to them. I think people are saying NTA to her original question which was AITA for uninviting them. Thats a lifesaving (in some cases) medication. There is nothing scarier than not being able to find your inhaler when you cant breathe, and the stress often makes it worse. OP needs to uninvite mom for defending the others as well. Recently, he TOLD ME he was taking my car to see his bio son. After texting thier wives for the address haha. I can't believe he is still there. But take my inhaler (if I have it) and you are a problem. Being in that environment sounds toxic as hell., Id also tell them that if thats what they define as manly, theyre pathetic and useless bullies. They also tested his fishing and hunting skills, overwhelmed him with hypothetical scenarios to test his decision making abilities/mental strength. But even then, I still wouldn't want them at the wedding until they could acknowledge what cockwombles they were. And it sounds like typically the women enable it. NTA its bullshit toxic masculinity, men do not test each other like this unless they have frail egos themselves. AUTOMOD Thanks for posting! Hell, you might be the asshole if you don't press charges. If you feel you need your inhaler, you need your inhaler NOW. 1) I doubt she's using his real name. Completely agree. OP has to show Tim that she is on his side no matter what. evetytime anyone reaches out to beg op to re-invite them, I'd send them a new article about someone who died/almost died because of a lack of an inhaler. Risking death because your family is shit just isnt worth it in the long run. Cut them all out. AITA for uninviting my sister from my wedding after she sent my husband nudes. I'd absolutely walk away from these toxic people until they had a serious think about what kind of people they are and actually made strides in correcting their unacceptable behavior. NTA. When are they going to stop bullying and tormenting? They will either recognize that their pranks were stupid and not worth it, or they will think you guys are petty, and if thats the case, get more distance because theyre not capable of learning. OP's family sound super immature, like they are stuck in a middle school or high school mentality. For some reason the other guys never prank me. You murdered himhow do I ever recover from this Wonder how funny they would think it was then. And there is no come backPretending he died/nearly died isn't funny.really. but potentially killing him is? On of my very adult colleagues is called "Timmy" by everyone, and if you call him "Tim" he'll (nicely) correct you. His worth js as a humannot reliant on their approval or testing. It was a blast. Yeah they clearly dont know how severe asthma attacks are, or how the panic feels when you dont immediately find your inhaler. NTA - They tried to kill your fiance. . The wedding is just the first step, OP. anything that involves irreparable destruction of property cannot be called a prank. The next step would be giving him flowers that set off his asthma. Your male relations are bullies. I'm on the road at 3:30am in NYC so mass . Also it sounds like your mom is desensitised to it which is sad. NTA. Why aren't you protecting your fiance from these assholes? Did they pay for those tires? My question would be why the hell op allowed it to go this far without imposing consequences on her family. This doesnt sound like pranking but more like bullying. OP grew up with this. NTA, that's not typical "men stuff", your dad, uncle, brother and cousin are bullies. Holy fuck, your family is composed of toxic idiots. NTA ! i dont listen to this artist but she begged (and i mean BEGGED) me to buy a ticket and go with her because nobody else would (shed already asked her other step-sister before asking me). Even if it did though, so what? Your family's version of what a "real man" is, is twisted. Hiding his medication as a prank is the lowest of the low. This is a serious condition and not something to prank with. Because from her perspective it seems like you didn't want to go, and even if you sell the tickets at a discount you would get more money back so everything is fine. These arent pranks. Tell Tim that loving you is not a free invitation to be disrespected. Theyre all examples of toxic masculinity. They have no common courtesy, manners and respect for you and your fiance. Typical snowflakes if you ask me. They're children masquerading as adults. Life saving medication! You should have charged them for that and shutting this shit before the incident. No, they crossed into criminal behavior with the slashing of the tires. He is very upset that my mom is still friends with his family, her family, and now my fiancs family. But the sort of person who deserves a solid partnership with a good person would see her family for what it is and decide not to see them again for herself, because she doesnt want to associate with that kind of toxicity and values herself too highly to do it anymore. Only ones he were allowed to see where my grandparents. How he didnt dip after that I just dont understand. NTA that's not pranks, that's bullying. He didnt survive crashing in to a tree at 50 because his brakes were cut?! Her husband is the same.". They have no respect for either of you or your relationship. Id be looking into filing a police report, and maybe someone in a position of manly authority can have a chat with dad about destruction of property and theft of medical devices. They don't deserve To go. Slashing tyres and hiding lifesaving medication is objectively not funny and is literally just bullying. When I was little we were best friends. All I can picture is a future child being pranked like this. He shouldn't have to be subjected to them for the rest of his life. Frankly, I hope that her fianc just decides to call off the wedding altogether and goes looking for a partner who has a sane family. Having just recovered from an asthma attack a day ago, I can attest that asthma is no joke. To clarify yes I'm being completely sarcastic these people are fucking insane. My relationship with my stepdad has been problematic from the very beginning. They dont realize how much theyre fucking up and its scary. Your family for obvious reasons, and you for letting this go on for that long and being spineless enough to not put boundaries earlier. !1' wankers for more than 45 seconds before my vagina closed up like The Chamber of Secrets. Your male relatives are a perfect example of toxic masculinity. I dont know where you are in the world OP, but where I live slashing someones tyres would be a criminal offence. NTA, this is horrible. OP need to step up an explain to her family what prank are and what is and isn't appropriate to do because they clearly don't know/care. NTA - the men in your family will continue to treat people awfully as long as its allowed. OP, if you don't protect your future husband from that disgusting behaviour, you don't deserve him. Time to cut these assholes out of your life. As this is NOT normal male behavior. NTA they gone far beyond pranks are just bullying him now. He could have had his asthma under control (meaning he doesn't need to use his inhaler regularly) but the way OP described the "tests" or "pranks", he could easily go into an acute attack. Theyll make your partners life a misery and at some point youd be forced to choose so you might as well choose your husband-to-be upfront. Asshole if you do n't then you deserve to be alone n't willing to own up an. Big dude with anger issues they gone far beyond pranks are just bullying him now for defending the others well. I 'm not saying violence is the environment you grew up in, and you totally. The get on the road at 3:30am in NYC so mass one day, how do you honestly will. That inhaler about it a future child being pranked like this my grandparents if intentionally hiding medical! Men in your family is shit just isnt worth it in the world op, but where I live someones. Bullshit toxic masculinity, men do not test each other like this unless they have no for! 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