Sexism comes into play with phrases like "women are not as good as man at " or "men are all violent" and similar phrases you wrote. Yes, women are more loving and caring people than men, but only because of their maternal instincts. The present patriarchal system doesn't do that. You're just guessing and speculating. Then the answer is simple, allow women to rule our world instead. I've also been a slightly detached and external observer of human behavior. Please don't stone me - the poor human - for translating what my alien-from-outer-space friend said to me. They're more likely than men to practice selective neglect, where they are capable of caring for all their children, but purposely neglect a disfavored child. This is why the gap between rich and poor is growing all the time. There is no sense of justice or fairness in this, it is always, the winner takes it all. Most men are not violent. And when she shared in the spoils he'd taken, it had nothing to do with her. Mothers commit higher rates of physical abuse than fathers. "But if we had women rule the world, they would want to train men from the time they are children, to be loving and caring human beings.". Daniel Defoe, Edgar Alan Poe was educated there. There has been found evidence that contridict all of these firmly held beliefs, that women of those times not only brought forth children but also hunted both small and big game, and were also gatherers and inventors, that sculpted figurines and did cave paintings. A contemporary news and media magazine that brings the latest in art, culture, lifestyle, food, fashion, entertainment and the most interesting stories from the people of Pakistan. But patriarchal propaganda doesn't like to acknowledge this. If you think women are less competitive then I suggest you take a look backstage of a ballet school or beauty pageant. War is totally insanity. Yes, men do have good intentions, many men, do want to make our world a better place, but cannot overcome their aggressive and competitive instincts to do this. Do people do nothing once the truth comes out? There is a interesting web-site on female inventors. Was it worth Global warming, Global dimming, Fossil fuels, Sea level rise, Greenhouse gas, Ocean acidification, Species extinction, Pollinator decline, Coral bleaching, Holocene extinction, Invasive species, Poaching, Endangered species, Eutrophication, Habitat destruction, Invasive species, Air quality, Asthma, Environmental impact of the coal industry, Electromagnetic fields, Electromagnetic radiation and health, Indoor air quality, Lead poisoning, Sick Building Syndrome, Genetic pollution, Genetically modified food controversies, Burial, Water crisis, Overpopulation in companion animals, Tragedy of the commons, Gender Imbalance in Developing Countries, Sub-replacement fertility levels in developed countries. As for saying I don't like men. This is because men are by nature aggressive and competitive.. Of course men and women are different but any two people are different. Flexibility & Scalability; Regulatory Compliance. You cannot blame women for wars, because women do not rule our world. In other words, all the resources provided by nature are for exploitation. The fact is that when men rule our world, we have a world of violence, war and injustice. In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property. I have no problem with a matriarchy or women ruling the world. 121. The gap between rich and poor is growing all the time, we still have wars, and even democracy is failing because our elected politicians are so easy corrupted. I would certainly agree that men are generally better at science, engineering and mechanic than women, and I dont see any problem with this. I completely agree with this article, thank you for your insight. William Bond (author) from England on June 19, 2012: I agree that in our present patriarchal world, the way to be successful is to be ruthless and extremely competitive. Yes, individual women can be cruel and violent but compared with the violence committed by men every day, it is just like comparing an ant with an elephant. It is crazy to say men and women are the same. This is what terrifies me about people like you. Some advantages of a nuclear family are financial stability, strong support systems for children, and providing consistency in raising children. You have no idea the number of news stories I read where a woman who murders her own children doesn't even serve a day in prison, because we externalize her bad act and blame it on anyone but her. And we are going to have a very unfair world as the rich will compete against the poor for more wealth and power. Yes, men are very, very good at blaming women for their violence and not taking personal responsibility for what they do. It's not like she stripped that gold from the bodies of the slain. War and genocide has been commonplace in patriarchal history. It is nearly always men, and this is to do with the male competitive instinct.". Most Popular Podcasts From Pakistan That are Must-Listen. He has a hard time just being and enjoying. At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. Perhaps your grim view of men is self fulfilling in your case. Youre forgetting that women are not all one monolith speaking in unison. Repeating the same fallacy over and over again does not make it any more convincing. It is very true what you say about the differences in the sexes - how males are naturally more aggressive - im not saying all males but in general males are. Here's a quote from Dr. Are you saying that it would be political correct to say, "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". In Matriarchy, children will take the name of their mother. In other words, women who try to get ahead in any patriarchal institution, has to act and behave like competitive and ruthless men, because if she was to show her caring and maternal nature, she would be condemned as being weak and sentimental. We live in a world of fear and hatred which can boil over into warfare at any time. Bureaucracies slow things - decision-making, communication, action - and the company becomes a . Males often die to protect their offspring. It is crazy to say men and women are the same when it is so clear that they are not the same. So are you saying that materiality is perfection? General Risks. Men have been ruling our world for the last five thousand years, and have successfully kept women away from all form of political and financial power. From penicillin to the MRI. One thing I don't know if you realize is that women are equally violent in their personal relationships as men. For men, it is youth and beauty, for women it is power, status and material wealth. In the case of Countess Bathory, all of the men who obeyed her orders were executed, and she was given house arrest. Don't you even feel a little bit silly that you're a man yourself when you say these things? In 1980 Ethnogrpahic Atlas listed total of 1,231 societies where 588 were found polygyny, 453 . And you forgot to mention that men are also responsible for most of what's good in the world. They have somehow made democracy work but even this is getting undermined all the time. Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. You continue on by staying "And again, you seem to blame men for all the bad things that have ever happened, without once realizing that the competitive push of men is what carried us from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post industrial. This was a extreme case of blatant sexism against female scientists. What made the Spartans unique was that unlike the Greeks they treated their women with more respect, and raised their women to be strong, and own land, and have the freedom that Athenian women lacked in those times! It goes like this: Judge: "Ma'am, you maliciously lied to the police and had your husband forcibly removed from his home and excluded from his children's lives. When women believe there is little to no risk of getting hit back harder,they can and will be as violent as men. We base our judgment of a man on his behavior. Women cannot compete against men when they use violence. This statement comes from a grave misconception of what causes wars. More relevant . Anyone who has an understanding of statistics will know that correlation does not imply causation. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. How strong and cohesive is that community? By Silvia Azaa Gutirrez B.Sc., M.Sc. It is true for both men and women, that if you brutalise them they become violent. Government is able to interfere with the free market because it is currently 100X bigger than it was before women's suffrage. Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. Moreover, most men who seek to invent or innovate are not "given" the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. As I have discovered, the achievements of women have been mostly written out of history. It has to live in its pristine form. Again you can have a small minority of women who are violent but they are far outnumbered by men. Females do not have the same pressures in that regard, because men's criteria for a sexual partner have always been different, and over human history, women evolved to express those traits, and men to express others. You seem to see them as a monolithic object/victim class. What is sexism however, and what I pointed out, is to claim that men are less capable of ruling the world because theyre men. William Bond (author) from England on June 27, 2012: So is your position that it is sexism to say, "men do a really terrible job in ruling our world". Then compare that ratio with how often male rules started wars and there's a good start. The fact is that men are totally useless at ruling our world. To obtain clear images, patient must remain still. It was she who done all the research into DNA, but then one of her male assistants, secretly gave her data, to Crick and Watson who published it before she did. Animals do have a family like humans. It is said if all men stood up for their rights, who would stop us? Monopoly companies enjoy a supernormal profit. So women are not driven to want to fight and compete with other people in the same way men are. 1. A matriarchal government will not have the same interest in competition for wealth and power as their main focus of attention will be on the children of the countries they rule. Women can indeed invent things. William Bond (author) from England on July 03, 2012: Hi Lucy, yes, clearly I must be dogmatic, because I don't share your beliefs. So how is it possible for women to rule the world? As long as you don't see what's wrong with that, then there's not point in discussing it. For the ladies Mary Wolstonecroft, Ada Lovelace and Edith Girraurd. I don't think saying that patriarchy is not so bad because we are still alive, is not exactly a vote confidence in male rule. I worked within the black community for many years. You seem to feel that women have existed in a bubble through all of human history. Men can continue to be scientists, engineers and mechanics in a matriarchal society. The animals reproduce by mating and reproducing a new generation. You can see this happening today in Syria. William Bond (author) from England on May 19, 2012: Off course the differences between men and women are biological. Just like with warfare (which drove many of those accomplishments by the way), women have achieved less, mostly because they didn't need to and not because they couldn't or wouldn't. 18 Transgender Attended Class in Gulgasht Colony, Could This be a Great Dance of Hunger: Transgenders in Pakistan. It actually makes me throw up in my mouth a little. The point about matriarchy based on women's matneral and nurturing instincts, we have a chance of getting caring and loving people into positions of power. Men do not like the way they rule our world and do attempt to do better. Price Stability Due To Competitiveness. Burden of work. See my response above. Men are leaders; each time more than 3 of us get together, we practice posturing and determining who's in charge, who's the best leader. Patriarchy and matriarchal societies both have male heads of state or religious leaders. As for using violence as a calculated strategic method, psychopathic leader like Hitler or Stalin or just your local gang leader do use violence to achieve results. Men have a competitive instinct and women have a maternal instinct and these instincts make a big difference in the way men and women behave. "As for the reason why there is no matriarchies in recorded history the reasons is warfare. It might interest you to know that acid attacks in places like Cambodia are mostly perpetrated by women, out of jealousy? Better reaction to plug interest. It is a system which benefits PATRIARCHS. We are suppose to be an intellegent animal. Really? Those men were certainly capable of organized fighting, if they were capable of taking down a muskox. Speak your mind all you wish, but stop speaking other peoples minds. And this is the reason why women lose out, simply because the average women is less aggressive and competitive than the average man. matriarchy: [noun] a family, group, or state governed by a matriarch. How badly does it have to get, before women like you wake up to the fact that men are doing a really terrible job in ruling our world. There's nothing involved in it that women cannot do as well. When a woman does the same, we do not hold her accountable in the same way. This is not popular type and is uncivilized in many societies of the world. It is too bad that like pedophiles these monsters are freed to walk among us! " The technology that any intelligent life chooses to create is a reflection of the way they perceive the world, so if man believe's that he must conquor and subdue nature in order to meet his needs of self-interest, he is going to create technology that does exactly that. The societal issues of the human race are far too complex and fundamental to be anyone's "fault". Why would any women want to get pregnant, carry a baby in their belly for nine mouths, go through all the difficulty and pain of childbirth, and then have to look after the child she gave birth until it is an adult? It is developing into a yes it is, no its not argument. These men have taken all the wealth of the land to themselves and shared them out only to those who will support their rule. Yes, patriarchy is very, very good at justifying wars and poverty. Unfortunately Rosalind Franklin died of cancer not long after her she finished her work on DNA. Motherhood is a damn proud thing for every living creature on this earth, not every mother protects her offspring in the same way and not every male protects and defends, or is even there for his. So things could be a lot worse. You cannot allow someone else to rule the world without the person doing the allowing being in power. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to anthropology and feminism differ in some respects. You just declare your judgement with total certainty and that's it. The idea of an all female government is ridiculous. It make sense for our world to be rule by nuturing and maternal people and not the most competitive people like we have throughout our history. I agree that women are, in general, less interested in warfare. Another advantage is that it reduces the number of disputes in society and family. And yes, boys and men clearly are NOT free to express themselves; if they were, they would be able to wear skirts and dresses in public without shame, and wear slightly revealing clothes and Speedoes without being tainted with the gay label. Anyone who thinks women are inherently dovish should read up on Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi and Elisabeth Bathory. William Bond (author) from England on July 18, 2012: The story of Rosalind Elsie Franklin was revealed in a science BBC TV show some years ago, here in Britain, and revealed Crick and Watson for the crooks they were. This gives rise to the question why. In the 50s, veterinary medicine was virtually 100% male. That's not what we were talking about. Absolutely nothing, and how come you claim to not be interested in speaking with others who do not agree with you when by reading Wabond's article above this should have been obvious and you should have avoided this in advance? Get over yourselves and realize that it takes both parties to make a functioning government and society. Women will never be as competitive and aggressive as men. As for the rest, I agree that this is starting to go around in circles but that is because you ignored my points and just responded by repeating your initial statements. Believe it or not, that is a PATRIARCHAL image of women you're painting. Hi girlwriteswhat, You are obviously ignoring the evidence that men have been ruling the world for the last five thousand years, through force and violence. They started limiting them to stay at home and nurture the young ones. What when you get arrested because you're deemed "potentially violent" because you're a man? And i certainly cannot see patrairchy ever solving problems like warfare and poverty. "the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in". Advantages (Pros / Positives / Benefits) of Monopoly Market. Women are as capable of invention and innovation as what men are. Hope, the Advantages & Disadvantages of MS Access listed above helps you choose the right version of MS Access.
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