My commute to work is about 9 miles and usually takes about 40-50 minutes, but can easily be over an hour on a bad day. Some days when Im apartment hunting, Ill see listings like $1300/mo for a 500 sq ft studio apartment above a garage, no stove and its really demoralizing. etc. is not affordable at all. Ive decided that if I have to get a job any further away than about 30 mins, Im going to follow in his example and commute via motorcycle instead. Afternoon commute (between 3 and 6 pm) averages 55 minutes, and can go as long as 90. . (No kids, no plans for kids, just husband and dog and the enjoyment of my couch and tv. I live in LB. Ive been doing an hour-ish each way for a few years now and am so happy to be moving to an area of town where I can take the train, 40 min door to door. If I were able to walk straight onto each form of transport from the other then the 1.5 hour journey would have taken less than an hour (bus-train-tube). Lifes too short to spend it all in your car. Not only was it long and tiring, since it was public transportation, I was always stressed out about whether a leg of the trip was going to get messed up, thus throwing off the entire thing. Some people have the stomach for long commutes and some dont. Some of the people here choose to live in a faraway suburb, or even the next state over, and do 1 2+ hour commutes. I commute 50mins each way by bike but I feel cycling is somehow less frustrating / or tolerable than driving. The Commute with Carlson. However, I know not every long distance job has carpool buddies, so I understand that can be difficult. I commute a total of 4 hours a day to London from my home town. Public transportation is only a viable option if you work downtown. By car it still takes an average of 35-45 minutes. If I take a Lyft or drive I can get there in only half the time, but I dont currently have a car, so for now its bus/walk/occasionally bike. But 2 hours? Two hours is not normal and its decreasing not just your quality of life but your health. Im very open about the fact that I will not consider a commute that long (whether its by car or PT) ever again. Thats actually a huge thing for me on why I do not want to move. OP can do with that information what she will, but now she has the additional data point of, okay if 2 hours is normal here, will I be happy if I can just cut that down to 1.5 hours, however I can?. In my line of work, there are not many opportunities closer to my house and if there are, the pay would not be nearly what it is in the city. For instance, I could find a tiny box apartment close to work if I really wanted to have a short commute, but when Im at home, I want to cook in a nice kitchen, relax in a living room with a big TV, have space for a home gym, etc. My job is 6.2 miles away from home exactly a 10K. Its not the neighborhoods so much that are the problem (youre not usually spending much time in those neighborhoods) but the people riding the train. Anyway, I can relate to not liking long commutes. Until the position currently hold, I was lucky to have 20-30 minute commutes. (Yeah, I said it. If it's a good work opportunity you might as well give it a try. Any longer and I would start to really resent it cutting into my free time so much. Someone mentioned Santa Monica above you would be hard pressed to find a 1-bedroom apartment for under $2000 a month. Reading to North Oxford! IN the city would probably mean lower income, with a few exceptions. I took it as commiseration :). If the bus is right there, it is a little quicker. I do an hour drive to and from work every day and its fine so 2 hours once a week Im sure will be no bother. On weekdays, I have to deal with the traffic around the industrial complexes that have been built near where I work (and whoever planned the roads, *didnt* plan for the additional traffic!). My best friend had a 2-hour commute. My 11-mile drive commute into Boston takes about 25 minutes in the morning, usually about 35 minutes on the way home. Exactly. I would feel very differently about this if I were driving everyday into the district. OP, your commute is 100% driven by where you live and LA traffic patterns. It doesnt matter if its normal or not. My longest commute in the last 15 years was about 5 minutes. When I lived in SF, the 45-minute ride from my apartment into downtown was already pushing it for me. Luckily I am not picky about the industry (Im the beauty industry in a Cool Company rn and worked for a Cool Company in NYC) but I dont even care anymore. Since there are only so many routes, that is the main pinch point. If OP (or anyone else) doesnt feel comfortable taking it, its not really very cool to try and push her into doing it. Three times now Waze has decided to reroute me (traveling from south Orange County north to eastern LA County area) away from the 5 FWY and up through Santiago Canyon Roadat midnight so that I can shave 2 minutes off my drive. Say you didnt realize the reality of LA traffic and your current situation is not sustainable in the longterm, and what makes sense from here? In my last semester of college in Sacramento in the mid 1970s, I lived in San Francisco with my boyfriend and commuted the 90 miles each day. If theres absolutely no traffic, I can make it from home to work in about 12 minutes, but with traffic its usually about 25. I absolutely dont want to live where I work, not just bc of rent but also bc I am at the point in my life where I do not want to live that city struggle life new gig it is.I was in my last job for 5+ years so Im not worried about looking like a jumper or anything. Once or twice a week is fine. I used to live in Los Angeles. They say the key to happiness in LA is a short commuteits totally true. I would say 45 min-1 hr is normal. A common saying here is to live where you work and thats exactly what I did. My commute from my bed to my desk is 3 minutes. On a good day, our commute (we ride together/share a car) is an hour. The worst days weve encountered in 8 months were 2 separate days where it took me two hours- and that was literally when a water main break (and a gas pipe leak) caused multiple freeway shut downs that made everyone get stuck. My daughter is almost always the first at daycare, and last to leave. I know I couldnt do it. You must love those llamas. Maybe 30 minutes if I left before 7:10am. I live in the Denver metro, which is somewhat trafficky but nowhere near LA levels, and a 30 mile commute into/across downtown during rush hour will easily be 1-1.5 hours. Like some of the others have said, distance and actual commute time are not necessarily correlated around here (Im in LA, but not in Los Angeles proper) so if having a more reasonable commute is a serious priority for you, do your best to check things out ahead of time. Freeways everywhere, and theyre all jampacked. Never again. It surprises me a bit that you didnt encounter people with bad commutes in New York. I live in the suburbs and work in a mid-Atlantic city. I think its worse now. Absolutely, connections tend to be the issue with commutes on public transport. Uh, it totally depends on what your commute is the Bay Area too. The Northeast is pretty good, but the West was largely developed after the invention of cars and things are much more spread out / there has been less investment in public transportation. If you are going to stay in this job consider moving much closer to your workplace. Theres been a lot of research showing that travel times tend to go up exponentially with traffic volume, and that human drivers use roads very inefficiently. I dont think I would ever consider more than 45 minutes for any job. I usually commute by bike, which is about seven miles because of the path, and takes 45 minutes or so. So all that said, Allisons advice is really the best. Learned that lesson the hard way! Without him around, I had to quit my job to take care of the baby. We looked at rent in the bay area (my wife was thinking about applying for some companies there) and noped out. I can also catch-up on personal things. Youd think a book about traffic would be as boring as traffic is, but everyone Ive recommended it to has found it really interesting. I dont EVER want to own a house (unless I miraculously come into enough money to buy it outright and have lots left over for taxes, maintenance, insurance, etc and to hire someone to oversee it all!) One thing that really helped me (which might not be possible in your situation) was that I was able to work out one work from home day a week. Even if it is closer/more flexible. This is usually out of desperation or not grasping how the commute issues will effect you. Time is valuable, and spending it commuting sucks. (?). We are devastated in our office and yet, our site visitors from further south are like WTF, this isnt traffic. When my family drove to Colorado from San Antonio, we popped those in and it helped the drive a lot. Some people want to be able to afford a big 3-4 bedroom house, so theyre willing to come from farther away in order to live somewhere they can afford that. Ehhh, no, I think its valid for the boyfriend to point out that a 2-hour commute is often normal in LA and the surrounding areas. I have a 30-35 minute commute and that is plenty long enough. It is a great read (at least, if youre a data nerd!) Most people in LA dont have 2 hour commutes because most people arent driving 30 miles to work. And dont think that just because youve shaved 15 miles off the distance that youll have an easier commute. I know it sounds ridiculous but traffic doesnt clear up until like 7-8 pm so Id be home even later with the same-ish drive. I'd only have the radio or a small collection of CD's to help pass the time. The only thing about the train is it takes forever to get anywhere so, kind of like your 2-hour commute, but without you having to steer :). Now I commute 15 minutes to work but its a minimum of 90 minutes to get to a city of any size with anything interesting to do, even with no traffic. So, yes even in LA, a 2-hour one-way commute is on the extreme end of the bell curve of commute times, particularly for auto commute. I can also take work with me onto the subway and turn part of my commute into my workday, and I can telecommute a day or two a week. Could easily be an hour. Obviously youll have outliers, including the OP at the moment. My rent is 2x the price now but my quality of life is infinitely better. Short answer: No. Im so sorry, OP. Just dont make the mistake I did and listen to The Road and Beloved back to back driving on desolate roads in a bleak New England January. I agree with most people that having 1 hour of it be by train made it OK for the year I was doing it. Try it a few times (in summer, when the days are marginally longer, and you have more daylight). In that case, subway and bus! OMG I use to live in Vancouver, WA and would cross the I5 Bridge to work in Portland. IT may cost more to live closer to work, but what you get back in terms of sanity and the reduction of wear and tear/gas cost will make up for it. My current drive isnt bad at all, but it is certainly not as pleasant as riding the bus. I cannot figure out how the average in Alisons link was calculated 30-40 minutes seems nice but definitely rare in my office! Get horror and comedy with My Favorite Murder! I absolutely love the best of both worlds feel it gives me. Agreed, Anonymoose. Depending on where LW lives and works, its likely that there arent direct routes AND that even if there were, it could increase commuting time by an hour (easily). I live in the Houston area (suburb & commute to the loop) and my job is 20 miles from me which is anywhere from 45 minutes- 1hr 15 minutes an an average day. And you probably dont want to be driving since the parking costs downtown are redonk. My previous commute at my home base location was 20 minutes for 15 miles. It can be normal just off of congestion. Fire Pro > Blog > Blog > 2 hour commute twice a week. Coming from NYC, where I had to walk everywhere with all my stuff or take the subway with hundreds of other people, I have never minded being alone in my comfy car listening to my podcasts or music in peace. Most people who work in Burbank cant afford to live here anymore houses in my neighborhood start at over $800k for 1100 square feet. But I will say even when I worked 12 miles from my home, it was 40-45 minutes. Some traffic corridors move and some are parking lots (probably based on whether there are lots of viable alternate routes). Id really recommend giving it a shot, if you can. That would make OPs 2-hour car ride the equivalent of a 4+ hour bus ride. Seemed like the south-east end of the Bay was especially bad since transit there is not so good unless youre north along the BART, and of course housing just gets more expensive that way. Walking to work is the best. If it looked awful to go home, I just wouldnt. My last contract was about 40 miles away from my domicile and I drove. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I hope you find a great job that is closer. So theres even MORE traffic trying to get there at 8 AM from all the far flung sprawling areas. My aunt lives in Palos Verde. I have so much more time and am generally happier. Oh man, try working here in a developing nation in Asia like Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines and youll realize just how fortunate you guys are. The worst Ive had for a sustained period of time is 45 minutes. At 545AM, Amin Aljunied's alarm clock rings. Compensatory time off is not allowed in lieu of pay for holiday call-back. They also put out a book called the Book of the Year which was great. I decided to move to a location thats 20 minutes by bus from work. Freeways and surface streets werent designed for the volume of vehicles on the road. I put up with my commute because my previous local job was incredibly toxic and I feel incredibly grateful to have found a workplace where I and my role are respected and valued, and I have opportunities for progression and professional development. I can understand small town areas/tgecountryside jusr not having the infrastructure (I grew up in a market town with regular buses to one larger town but anywhere else you could forget it, and the station was about three miles away) but Im just really surprised a major city wouldnt have public transport facilities? Most of my colleagues travel at least an hour to an hour and a half, and mostly by mass transit. It has a lot of stops and is fairly well fleshed out (compared to the T in Boston, which Im used to). The lane changes are especially frustrating and bottlenecking, especially when youve got lots of trucks on the road (e.g., the I-5/110 junction). Lolol. But Im absolutely gobsmacked to see 26 minutesthats far outside the norm for anyone Ive ever even been friends with in the US. Living away would be much more expensive plus my cooking skills are pretty much non-existent. LA resident here, though Im a transplant from Chicago. Honestly . No, Id have to move or find another job! Of course you can always try to live closer to work, but the rental/real estate prices seemed to be much higher in areas that could shave off travel time. It helped the drive a lot even been friends with in the suburbs and in. A location thats 20 minutes by bus from work I know not every long job... 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